It's time to VOTE! The voting will last for 2 weeks total. Use the voting links in latest replies.
For each category, drag the available candidates to the right hand list and rank them in the order of preference. After finishing click SUBMIT at the bottom. It's not important to rank every candidate, you can choose to rank only the most liked.
Coded hourly links are used to distinguish between Sup Forums votes and outside votes. As you can guess outside votes are filtered.
James Hall
Also please note that if your code expires while you are voting, submit your answers, and follow the new code link. Submit them again to be sure, but everything should save properly.
Henry Gonzalez
I'll keep that in mind.
Carson Sanders
so what if someone just links to the thread?
Wyatt Cook
We have other means of filtering enabled as well. I'm not a backend web coder though, so I don't really know how it works myself.
Brandon Ross
when does the voting close? I wanna put it off to the last second as with everything I do.
Brody Watson
12 days left as of right now, but in case you ever need a live update, the logo at the top has a countdown next to it.
Nathaniel Flores
>Wrench didnt make it to best Character list
Aaron Ward
>Sup Forums >Ever praising any Watch Dogs game
Leo Murphy
Yes, Watch Dogs 2 was Dogshit.
But Wrench was the only reason I played it through. I sure never touch it again but I loved that 1 character and nothing else in the whole game.
Christian Smith
>All these games I've never played Only just now realizing how few games I played last year.
Adrian Green
That's why we added the /vr/ award. Just to remind you of how amazing modern games are. :^)
Juan Miller
>The last Guardian >FFXV >poor games
How about you kill yourself?
Hunter Myers
Daily reminder that every game in the awards was nominated by Sup Forums over the last two weeks.
Luke Bennett
>Digimon is actually nominated for something
You fucks better vote for it
Caleb Perry
>Please refer to: /vr/ award Pokemon Red/Green flavor text
I was the one who wrote that one up. :^)
Caleb Nelson
The little "?" block?
nobody actually reads those.
Michael Brown
The site looks really nice Very sad to not see Homeworld in RTS nominations and Shadow Tactics in game only you played nomination
Carter Myers
>All that pokemon wankery
dropped. Where are the REAL Sup ForumsGA?
Camden Anderson
>death stranding >2017
Connor Wood
>Sup Forums does not nintendo faggotry
PFfft. where's the REAL user? You can't be here for more than a month if you don't know nintendo has its cock sucked by pokefags.
Ian Evans
Shadow Tactics is also in best strategy.
Matthew Mitchell
That's because you can't click them on mobile
Daniel Morgan
We can only hope, user.
Gavin Brown
I just checked and it was also in best new IP.
Leo Evans
Why would Shadow Tactics be in game only you played? It was nominated for 2 other awards.
William Johnson
>every catagory Valhalla is in, Let It Die is there too
Sorry, Sukeban
Dylan Lee
Not in best writing.
Connor Russell
Don't look at me, I didn't decide the nominations.
Aaron Lewis
let me predict: >best nominees awards will go to: Overwatch >worst nominees awards will go to: No Man's Sky
Jayden Johnson
Nah, from what I've seen, all the nominees in the 'only you played" award aren't nominated for anything else. So, with that logic, Shadow Tactics wouldn't be in Only you played because it's already nominated for other stuff.
Jaxson Long
Only you played doesn't necessarily mean the game is automatically disqualified from other categories. Even if a game was only played by a few people, as long as it did what it did well, it should be allowed in other categories. If it's really that much of an issue, it'll be reflected in the votes most likely. Just remember that vote order counts from top to bottom, so put Shadow Tactics towards the bottom if that's how you feel.
And representation of women. These thumbnails got me laughing but i have no idea what this catagory is judged on. Valhalla and pokemon have good female characters but do i want to fuck them more than Shante or nep nep
Joseph Bailey
Do what your heart or dick feels right.
Luis Hill
Just listen to you heart (dick)
Aiden Robinson
>import only award Are Sukeban from Argentina or some Central American country?
Liam Ortiz
Owen Bell
I hope they make it out before the wall goes up
Easton Wright
>cyberpunk 2077 and death stranding made it into best timeline despite neither having a release date >yakuza 0 and 6 are nowhere to be seen
Jacob Harris
>Activision isn't up for Literally Hitler Award
Jeremiah Evans
>le Nintendo censorship xd You're acting as if this is a totally new thing Nintendo just starting doing.
God I wish I could just fucking purge the underage from this board.
James Phillips
I was pressing buttons guys, the "don't forget to hit submit" shouldn't be vertically.
Logan Martinez
Activision seems to have been largely forgotten about in favour of much less deserving targets as of late. They're still pulling the same shit it's just no one cares anymore. You should see how they described the DLC model of Guitar Hero Live, it is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard in relation to video games. It was just utterly contemptuous for the audience.
Jace Kelly
They only count western releases. Same reason why Persona 5 isn't in the run this year.
I think Sup Forums doesn't care anymore because they are completely focusing on the casual market now, save for blizzard.
Aaron Murphy
>Kept all the underaged children in Call of Duty instead of your favorite FPS >Warned us about Tim Scheiffer
Was he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
It was the biggest offender of 2016, that's why the flavor text is up there. They're still in Literally Hitler, so you can hold them accountable for all their crimes there.
Jacob Long
My skit went 30 seconds over the length limit. Am I fugged?
Luis Carter
It'll be put in the preshow, but still aired. We're still deciding if preshow skits are elligable for the contest, however.
Please understand.
Oliver Ross
>Best Sup Forums musical How about you self-congratulatory faggots just fuck off already? No one likes this shit. No one cares about this shit. If you think you're so talented get into the business then. Oh wait, that's too hard?
Musicals are literally the lowest forms of entertainment and expression and you should feel ashamed for enjoying them and contributing to their popularity.
Ethan Robinson
I just checked to confirm, and yes preshow is still eligible. Just remember, however, preshow gets less viewers than the actual awards themselves.
Wyatt Bell
Yakuza is trash
Oliver Edwards
Was your mother raped by a west side story dancing crew?
Did they keep snapping their fingers while molesting her?
Anthony Gomez
not that guy but a lot of people think Sup Forums musical isnt funny but is rather obnoxious I'm sorry that there are people out there who dont have the same opinion as you but considering this thread is about voting for your opinions its not surprising that you'd get so angry about the subject
James Campbell
You know Sup Forums is dead when every post isn't shutting down this thread.
Jack Peterson
I have heard less than five entertaining songs from them in total. I can appreciate the effort but its clear that most of these people just arent that good.
Julian Nguyen
Xavier Evans
I'm not angry, I just had to use this chance to get the west side story reference in an insult.
The idea of a group of molesters snapping their fingers rhythmically while fucking someone is kind of hilarious to me.
I don't care about the Sup Forums musical, but his hate towards it is hilarious to me.
This isn't because of any stupid nonsense like "censorship". It's because it's a genuinely awful experience from beginning to end.
Grayson Morales
>60 posts >21 uniqe posters
It looks more like most people aren't giving them the attention they so desperately crave desu If only the mods would actually do something about the threads like the soccer cup bullshit then it would be gone entirely
Bentley Garcia
The Sup Forums the Musical award was introduced due to demand in the threads. It passed the voting preliminaries with enough positive feedback to make it into the show.
Don't forget to vote during nominations to say which categories you do and don't want to see in the awards.
If I started voting at half 9 and finished at half 10, would the second half of my votes count?
Wyatt Carter
Do I need to stop voting via this code and use a newer one when it's available?
Adrian Bell
I'm not judging since you're trying to get a pure Sup Forums result, but you're going to get about five voters using this strict hourly system, just for the record.
I'm sure it's too late to do so, but what you SHOULD do is put up a graph besides the results showing results by outsider links.
Connor Wood
Votes made shortly after code expiration should still count, but just in case open the new code and re-submit your votes anyway.
Joseph Garcia
>Robobot not on Least Worst Shit awards
Blake Green
Outside referrals are taken into account along with hourly codes. The hourly codes are just to prevent people from grabbing unique Sup Forums URL's and submitting them to other sites as the valid results. It's complicated and annoying, but it's necessary unfortunately. With the way Reddit works, nobody would see an hourly link until long after it expires.
Cooper Price
Why not just check if a person is logged into reddit? That sorta shit is fairly easy to find.
Jaxson Gray
Nothing really preventing them from logging out of their account, or voting in incognito then.
If you're voting with the old code still, save your votes and use this code to resubmit just in case.
Luis Lee
How do I know if my votes went through? Whenever I click any link it opens up a page where my votes from yesterday have been saved.
Landon Morgan
They should work as is, but if you're paranoid, just make a quick adjustment to your votes, then undo it and save again.
Jayden Hernandez
too busy voting to shitpost you should give it a try
Blake Barnes
The only awards I don't really like are best artstyle on a shit game and best Sup Forums song.
The former's just in an awkward place and the latter I'm not sure if many people watched, frankly. I won't complain about the latter being there.
Cameron Gutierrez
We had a number of other awards as well, but they were cut either due to lack of submission, or low user feedback. Best VR Game, for example, got cut simply because there was like ten votes in the entire category.
Easton Long
>vr >game sure will be fun watching companies go bankrupt making point and click in 3d
Dominic Collins
I actually think this is a good idea, obviously only look at the valid votes for the winners but I would be interested in seeing the outsider votes too for reference.
Ok, thanks user.
Jose Reed
Were they all for Onwards? I'm betting they were all for Onwards.
Give us the award right now lads best VR game
Matthew Flores
Why is FFXV on every fucking award? Why is there no waifu of the year award?
Daniel Martin
>I actually think this is a good idea, obviously only look at the valid votes for the winners but I would be interested in seeing the outsider votes too for reference. We already release the results of other website's votes at the end of the show. We don't do so during voting, however, to ensure people vote a certain way simply because "Reddit voted in favor of X, so I'm gonna vote for Y."
I don't have it on hand at the moment, but we'll gather the cut award info and post some next thread, user.
Parker Ross
>Why is FFXV on every fucking award? Because people kept nominating it >Why is there no waifu of the year award? It either wasnt suggested as a category or didnt get through the category voting
Sebastian Perez
It was not even suggested. I think people were satisfied with best character and representation of women to push their waifus.
Asher Howard
>Valve not on worst developer
c'mon senpais EA hasn't even been that naughty this year while valve is shanghaiing the consumer at every turn
Kevin Taylor
You voted for BT 7274, right user?
Jacob Wood
valve has done some stupid shit but honestly how has it been AT EVERY TURN