Isaac Afterbirth +

>copy-paste enemies
>new final boss is literally a .jpg boss rush
>just fucking compare it to all of this from Antibirth

>the last level "Void" is literally just a copy-paste selection of other levels, including normal enemies, AND it is locked behind Hush, so good luck doing speedruns every time you want to go there
>mandatory achievment that permanently makes soul hearts into half soul hearts if you reset too much
>bullshit enemies
>bullet sponges
>shit items
>challenges are either easy as shit or impossible

>shit everything

Other urls found in this thread:

>The new 1001% was to get the AB+ 1001% on all 3 save files, and only THEN do you get the real new 1001%

>The modding tools are a mess; at the time of writing, the purposes of virtually every lua function in the API's "documentation" aren't documented at all.
>The archive unpacker is broken. The Nicalis-created "mod examples" are broken, and have to be manually fixed by modders... which defeats the purpose of them being example mods.
>All the dedicated modding tools (character animator, room editor, etc.) are Windows-exclusive, despite Rebirth being a Win/OSX/Linux game.
>There's no easy API access to menus, map data, level generation, key events, user input, unlockables, or existing assets. The modding API is looking to be more confined and limiting than anyone had anticipated.



IS there a cracked version or torrent now?

yfw you didn't buy the steak

Delirium looks a lot like those floating skeleton things from undertale, and not really like something from Isaac.

Also for those who don't know about the Steak meme

>inb4 Reddit



Edmun fucked up big time,
I'll never buy any game he or his team makes
I'll pirate them insted :^)

refunded after 1 hour

You wouldn't pirate a steak

Wow slow the fuck down, the steak is still too hot to be eaten,

How Delirium was made

Real talk here: I really want to like AB+ and I must admit it does have it's perks over Antibirth in some regards but the more I play the more I miss Antibirth. Antibirth and AB+ won't combine for a while and I know Antibirth is better but it's just hard to completely abandon the expansion I waited 15 months for.

I thought people were exaggerating when they said it didn't have any animations, and they weren't fucking kidding.

Say what you will about the rest of the content, Edmund is a fucking joke for allowing THE FINAL BOSS to be missing something so crucial.

>refunding $6
How poor do you have to be? Just uninstall it.

t. totally not Edmund
This is what you're looking for. We call him Steakmund because he got mad about the game being cracked and datamined within the same hour as the puzzle for the Lost was being solved, calling it "like swallowing a hundred dollar steak in one bite"



wew lads, this past threads have been reaching the limits since yesterday night, if you keep going you will burn the hate in one go and you won't be able to shitpost anymore, the steak analogy could be used here

The true hero

not that bad tbqfh


why the fuck haven't you fags moved to a general on /vg/ yet?

Trips makes it true

>Maggy now holds a pill!
Worth the wait.



Was expecting loss.png

>The new 1001% was to get the AB+ 1001% on all 3 save files, and only THEN do you get the real new 1001%
the death of northernlion right here


I would if I could.

There is one.
Also add /Afterbirth/i to your Comment filter list if you're getting spammed with threads.


Assuming Mod Tools would have been free otherwise,
>We waited a year and paid $6.69 for pic related and a pile of terrible garbage not worth mentioning

Who's the other four-eyed behind Ed?

>new game discussion on Sup Forums



cause its his 4 bucks then


>The price error still hasn't been rectified
>Edmund hasn't said shit about it

Wait, if you reset so much, you get an achivement that makes all soul hears half a heart?
So instead of making shit viable, they shit on the steak and tell you to eat it?

who here donating $6.66 to Antibirth devs instead of buying this garbage?

inb4 shill

kys shill

>price error
What do you mean? It's $6 USD right now, isn't that what he said it would be?

>make a game
>everybody loves it, want more
>make a DLC
>they love it, want more quickly
>make another DLC
>still want more, FUCKING NOW
>make yet another DLC
>people suddenly start bitching how its unfinished and doesnt have any content, suddenly hate me and the whole game

You "fans" are pathetic. It's called afterbirth+ because its not a full-fledged DLC, even the price is halved. What the hell did you expect? It's a solid expansion for the price. Is nothing better?

You people start hating on the guy and entire game because you dont like 1 of several DLCs? When you loved every one before it? Pathetic.

you're even dumber than retards who actually buy their games

Both are wastes of money
It's free for a reason

Not until they fix all the bugs, and all of the crashes, and The Siren spawns in the mausoleum for me, fuckin keep getting Visage.

You shill.

Doesn't make all soul hearts half, but adds them to the pool. It's like Sticky Nickels in that not all nickels are sticky.


wait why is nicalis's twitter profile picture quote
cave story 2 soon? please? devoped by amaya and not the hacks at Nicalis?

Guys stop shitposting for a moment. Is this new floor and boss better or worse than Hush and Ultra Greed?

Keep in mind that I heard similar things about them when afterbirth was released, but they ended up being really fun and unique bosses when I played them. I understand not everyone likes bullet hell shit.

Now is it actually bad, or is this yet another Sup Forums hatewagon?

I'll only donate when they fix the laggy invisible bullshit in downpour.

Our new character, Apollyon, is the greek translation of Abaddon and literally represents chaos and destruction.

Oh cool, so he's gonna have like a bunch of devastating unlocks and items that just fuck shit up?

Nah, he's gonna have a bunch of fly trinkets

I hate sticky nickles so much.

New floor is a bit better

The new boss is way worse

it's the same shit except it's not animated


They're just added to the item pool, they don't actually affect the spawn of Full Soul Hearts

Threadly reminder that the Antibirth developers are retarded niggers and their mod is fucking shit.

Ultra greed and hush are just as bad, but they have animations.

the new floor is just rooms from every other floor with like 7 boss rooms
the new final boss is a glorified boss rush that can teleport directly on you
and outside of his taking on other bosses he has no animations even though they are in the games files
its shit

>release an expansion for a game with a huge playerbase
>don't hide the data for a secret properly
>it gets mined
They sound like such pathetic fucking children. They seriously expected anything but instant datamining?

please stop copy pasting this

It's not very good frogfriend, the item pool that was added is lackluster, containing items that are just reskins of Breakfast, the supposed ultimate final boss contains no unique animations and is on a floor that uses skins of the other floors and Hard Ultra Greed just respawns himself once and replaces the greed mobs with gold Brimstone lasers

No. It's $6.69.
The promised price was $6.66
>Inb4 "3 cents"
It's the principle that counts.

I wonder what LeatherIceCream thinks about Afterbirth+


this is the greatest loss edit ever made.

Antibirth devs riding high on their now inflated egos huh

You people are disgustingly pathetic.

isn't he the one who drew the thing in the OP

For one thing, their secret was fucking retarded. It wasn't like Ash Lake in Dark Souls or something, the way you originally got The Lost was fucking impossible to find on your own, it NEVER would have happened.

Nah, that's NYS

I'm so fucking frustrated that the mod tools are garbage

I just wanted to make simple, fun mods for you fags

and now I can't fucking do anything because everything they released is fucking dogshit

why exactly?
are people not allowed to be upset at video games that suck?

>new final boss
>it's just another fucking face

the antibirth devs may be smug cunts but then again, so are edmund and tyrone

so your choices for Isaac content are buy a pile of shit money grab from smug cunts or download a pretty noice expansion for free from smug cunts

To me the choice is clear

fuck off shill

>afterbirth+ because its not a full-fledged DLC
then why is it the same price?

Correct, and while they'll say to the cameras they got over their anger of the Lost's datamine the obvious timegated items for Afterbirth and added an item called "Datamine" that does nothing but turn your screen 90 degrees with references to the time it took to figure out the Lost's puzzle (109 hours)

Yeah they are so full of themselves now.

But the mod is really good so they have bragging rights anyway

Can you report to Steam that the Workshop lets you boot .exe files? I'm sure they would love to hear about that.

reminder that edmund cocksuckers are here to convince you antibirth is bad so you'll buy afterbirth+

reminder that antibirth is free and literally non profit in every way so if you think they hired people to market for them you're fucking retarded

I'm sorry.

Is that why I get half soul hearts with Gimpy? Fuck off Steakmund

adding them to the pull is literally changing the the spawns around
your argument doesnt make sense

Nobody is saying Antibirth is bad
They're saying that people are blowing shit way way out of proportion for 6 fucking dollars just because a mod happened to come out around the same time

I still don't get why he didn't bundle the mod tools with afterbirth,
noone would have been mad about for shitty items,
and if the mod tools sucked ass he could have simply said they he is new to the whole modding thing
but hey, eat your steak slowly!

a mod that is both free and twice the content, which is fucking baffling

Why did they even put leathericecream in the credits? Literally just an ideas guy

You can put whatever the fuck you want on Workshop, that's how it works. Are you gonna report Steam Workshop to Steam, retard?


nicalis could certainly use a room designer

actually a lot of people are saying its bad
and the reason people like the mod so much is because of how much better it is then antibirth
as of now AB+ has FAR more cons then pros to the point where I'm not sure if anyone really has anything positive to say about it as oppose to antibirth that focused on making the game more fun instead of trying to shit on its fanbase

>Be a drooling scrub who just finished Peggle Nights and Plants vs zombies
>purchase Afterbirth+ with daddy's stolen credit card
>can't get past the second room because there are spooky portals in it
>refresh 10 times and get the soul heart achievement
>refund and shitpost on Sup Forums because videogames are just too gosh darn hard
>can't wait until Bioware's mariokartasy 15 comes out on wii3 to hold my hand

I don't get why people are so butthurt abiut this. They have better modding tools for rebirth and porting to AB+ would mean an extra half year of work to just port existing content, plus a month to rip and fix edmund shit.
I would do the same

He had good ideas I guess

And judging by the artsyle of the new ending, I think he also made that