This is a Japanese mercenary

This is a Japanese mercenary


I wonder what her boots smell like after a long days mercenareing!

>green turtleneck
>exposed midriff
Is this Falcom's Yuffie?

>cute short hair
>white hair
Is this perfection?

This is an American mercenary.

Why does she have Konata eyes?

She reminds me of a Japanese Jack the Ripper

she was clearly british, did you hear the accent?

American born, raised in Britain.

cute! CUTE!

she's south african you fucking morons


Yes, well, not literally a mercenary. She's a "mercenary". Like your mom and big sister.

>play CS2
>play SMT4 Apocalypse right after
>same VA in both games
>best girl in both games
>and she's actually a good VA

what did he mean by this

a very cute one at that

Calvard when?

>tfw fie is best girl and want to post in this thread but don't want to get spoiled on CS II

then play it, fag

I'm confused.

Why doesn't she just use a rifle with a bayonet?

b-but i just beat the first game 2 days ago and I'm burnt out, I didn't expect a 140 hour game, just an 80 hour one.

I would hire this mercenary!

>can't even finish 1

Oh that's fine then, the end of CS1 already spelled out all the major twists so there's nothing to worry about; 2 just sort of expands on them

Because Falcom was saving that one for their next game, and didn't want to be called out for reusing it so quickly