S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Chernobyl mod just beat Enderal for mod of the year according to ModDB

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Chernobyl mod just beat Enderal for mod of the year according to ModDB



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I don't care much for STALKER, but Endereal was overhyped garbage.

Where is the mod at now?
Do we have underground yet?

What does the mod do?

Is it for Call of pripyat? Because that's the only Stalker game I got.

unloacks all stalker game maps into CoP's engine and links them all together for great sandbox + extra mods

It takes the maps from SoC, CS and CoP and stitches them all together into a big sandbox, lets you create your own character from any faction and go around exploring shit, adds shelters and merchants and other things.

Oh shit. Sounds pretty neat. Link? Name for mod?

Gunslinger integration when?

>name of mod


>can't stop using Arsenal Overhaul

Why do I like eating shit and what do I do to stop?

>Name for mod?

kys my man

If only it was in the Op...

Unironically kill yourself.

I assume it's Call of chernobyl then since you faggots acted like butthurt cunts.

nah mate, it's called Complete mod for Call of Pripyat. dont let these guys sidetrack you.

enjoy :)

>Do we have underground yet?

No you fucking retard, it's S.M.R.T.E.R.

End yourself.

Enderal was really bad anyway.

I legit feel sorry for everyone involved with that except the writers, it could've been interesting but felt like I was playing some 12 year old's fanfiction

Congratz to TeamEPIC, Enderal is incredibly overrated.

>Link? Name for mod?

Are there artifact/alife spawns in the underground locations like the labs, or is it still a barren maze?

Last I played before I stopped months ago I did a good sweep of the surface, but there was always the promise of real hard/spooky stuff coming to the underground sections of the map coming

i legit feel like the only reason it got votes was because the skyrim fanbase are so starved for good mods that they had to pretend that the only big mod for skyrim released that year was good. it's pretty poor and didn't really fix anything that was bad about skyrim.

>Underground labs have been populated with all sorts of creatures. Now mutants can only be found during specific times of the day depending on their behavior type. Night predators like Chimeras, cats and snorks can now only be seen at night. Day time mutants like boar and flesh can only be seen during the day. However, these mutants can always be found in underground labs or during tasks regardless of time of day. Offline A-Life is now much more active and more willing to travel to far off levels. A new game options allows the player to control the population of the Zone, by reducing or increase stalker or mutant spawns based on a multiplier. Online exclusion radius is a feature added to gameplay options that blocks A-Life spawning in the player's immediate area and can be adjusted or disabled.

>Last I played before I stopped months ago

Months ago 1.4 was released, which brought populated undergrounds with artifacts and mutants.

Fucking Christ you really have been under a rock.

Yes, spawns have been added to the underground. They are now similar to the vanilla games with some extra fun thrown in.

if only the engine wasn't so crap

Because more guns is best guns.

So there's no clear goal for the game, you just run around and stalkan?

gun packs for CoC

you're welcome stalkerbros

Because no gunslinger

No, there's a story mode which you do the same things like SoC, deactivating the Brain Scorcher and going to the center of the Zone (and yes, you can wish something to the Monolith).

Also, there's addons.

You are crap but X-ray is also crap, therefore: you are both crap.

there is story mode which is generic to stalker but can only be played with loner faction.

there are other modes that compliment freeplay mode tho.
Ironman(delete save on death),
Azazel mode (on death spawns you into the body of a random stalker that exists in engine, f you have any companions when you die you will spawn as one of them instead)

what are some good Pripryat mods? It seems like Chernobyl gets all the love.

>coc sandbox with nothing to do
>mod of the year
Just monolith my shit up mužik

MIsery 2.2 when?

How wild is it compared to Shoc with AMK?

I've always loved AMK because the gunplay feels fucking tight and the AI is fuckloads unpredictable.

Hell that's always been my problem with CoP, never enough shit going on.

This is also running on a branch of OpenXray right? I wonder when those people working on a co-op mod are gonna be able to merge with this project.


Call of Chernobyl is a Call of Pripyat mod tho.

No, you can play the story with every faction except Monolith and maybe Military.

>tfw gunslinger will NEVER EVER come out

Sorta; you have the choice of doing a story mode for a majority of the factions (ones friendly to loners) but in other ones stalkin is the only option. Even then the story mode is hunting for information about the mysteries of the zone and follows the beats of SoC.

Are you imp,young I am an X-ray or possibly an additional crappy you?

>Call of Chernobyl
you right, I was just thinking of the STALKER Complete mod.

What did he mean by this?

Misery 2.0

Got few question about CoC.
Can you get companion other way than giving medkit to one laying down or tasks?
If I got task to kill someone neutral/friendly to me, will whole faction gonna be enemy, or part of it? Can you do it without anyone noticing it?
I would love to do these target killing missions, but I don't want to be gundown by every stalker on every map.

>Is it for Call of pripyat? Because that's the only Stalker game I got.
you should play the games in release order, starting with SoC. And without giant overhaul mods at first.

you really have not lurked Stalker generals in the past 10 years, have you?

Also, Complete mods are the most casual, obsolete piece of shit you should avoid at all costs.

how about no

I did take a look at this but it's almost too much for me. I just want some of the visual enhancements, ease of use and AI improvements with the vanilla gameplay.

as a bandit I could just walk up to bandit bros and tell them to follow me. then them and thier followers tag along with me at once. fucking amazing.

You are 1.6 times meme boy. This is equivalent to 1600 rads of meme infection, AKA you're done being the rad boy, go die being ebin. Your Strelok card is revoked, get out of here, stalker.

original or complete are your options

awesome. Will get this.

how about you kill yourself



How about fucking YES?
SoC is not only the best game in the trilogy, but also the only game to even TRY to teach newbies the basics. Best missions, maps and atmosphere, and some of the best mods.

See: Starter Pack is the thing you need. But I will repeat: play SoC first. Why start with the ENDING of a trilogy??

Muh original call of duty experience

>the russian rape babies learned how to vote... for slav shit


I've played with Misery for quite a while but I switched to vanilla later. How far have I gotten into the game if I've gotten to Pripyat and need to assasinate some dudes who has some sort of laser rifle?


I just got into it this winter sale. Skipped straight to Pripryat, so admittedly I'm a complete noob. Why are they so bad?


you first

Girls please, you can brush eachothers hair later.


In my 11+ years of being on steam I've learned to not fall for the bundle meme. The majority of the time I'll never play most of the games included, so I just got the newest one. I'm fucked now because I'm not buying shit till another sale.

Can you combine them?
Like say arsenal overhaul and weapongulash?

>How far have I gotten into the game if I've gotten to Pripyat and need to assasinate some dudes who has some sort of laser rifle?
Literally last fifth.

>I'm a complete noob. Why are they so bad?
Didn't bother to read the image?
Jesus christ, Sup Forums and later on /vg/ have warned you people of Complete for a full decade soon!

This is an insult to hairless stalkers.

>In my 11+ years of being on steam I've learned to not fall for the bundle meme.
Dude, there's 0 reason to BUY the STALKER games anymore. Hasn't been since 2012. The original developers are gone, and won't get a single cent out of your purchases. And no, the nu-GSC is NOT the original team.

Yes, if you have the dialogue option to ask to party up they'll join you. You can do it to random friendlies.

Normally only people in the immediate area will try to kill you, but your reputation plummets hard if you take out everyone. Fucking off for a bit makes the people deaggro works most of the time. There is an addon that dynamically changes alliances of the different factions depending on who you kill, but it doesn't happen outside of that addon.

>not being a hairless stalker
>not being as the legends like Strielok and Merc
>being a faggot

nah "kys"

Krauts make better games than cockeyed Ruskies.
Prove me wrong

See, I don't know any of this. And that's very unfortunate because I've enjoyed my short time with Pripryat, a new STALKER would be great.

Got one more question, can you see on map who gave you quest? I got one that always crash my game, but can't cancel it.


>See, I don't know any of this.
As a true old-fag that's been into literally hundreds of Stalker generals on this site (fuck, there's at least one every day, even these days), I find it just mindboggling that you'd have managed to avoid getting all the basic info yet.

Oh yeah, we can't forget about Police Simulator, and Farm Simulator, and Firefighter Simulator, and Office Simulator.

No, just the objective.

never been into open world FPS games with survival elements.

once again the underdog winning big time.
fuck skyshit and all the game fans.

>quest marker
So this is a game for casuals?

I blame you faggots for rocking the vote
How can what amounts to a fucking patch compare to a total conversion?

I wish Stillbirth didn't kill the franchise.

I've had CoP for years now and I've never been able to get into it, what am I doing wrong? I always end up wandering around for a while, going to the wrecked ship, going to help that dude with the bloodsuckers, then wandering around with nothing to do until I die or get bored and quit. I've tried vanilla, Misery, and a couple other mods but nothing has managed to drag me into it, which is weird because everything I've heard about this game makes it seem right up my alley.

>So this is a game for casuals?
On the contrary. It's the ultimate casual filter, together with Witcher 1.
Tons of kids have already gotten their ass blasted by the very first mission alone.

STALKER is the "original" one, and the only one worth a damn.

Is SHoC supposed to have such an easy economy? I had 30k slavbucks by the time I hit the bar.

Playing the starter pack from /sg/.

It is if you find plenty of artifacts to sell.

pic reminds me of this

Yeah I can see why they changed the mechanics for getting artifacts in CoP. Yeah I played CoP first sorry lads.

I've never played a STALKER game before, what's the difference between the two final forms? One hulking deathman and the other sneaky dick?

>hear about enderal and how it's the big new skyrim thing
>cool ill try it out
>go into the main quest a bit
>its literally mass effect but FANTASY
i stopped playing and uninstalled later to continue with sex mods

I'm glad it won, I had a lot of fun playing it.

Still waiting on STALKER co-op.

>loved the Zone of Alienation mag management mechanic
>can't play Zone of Alienation because it crashes in Agroprom Dungeons even with a fix
What mod for SoC should I play instead
inb4: Solyanka

>STALKER is the "original" one, and the only one worth a damn.
mostly because it recognized that people don't fucking care about the miles of nothing interesting between the places where the shootbang happens.

>tfw it runs like shit on my computer

When becoming King of the Zone, people seem to have a predilection to either be stealth-is-optional-for-this-mission armed and armored to the teeth, or sneeki breeki who is merely armed to the teeth and is crazy enough to run in and flank or switch cover when in a fire fight.

Call of Chernobyl is boring as hell. SoC + AMK 1.4 is still the best combination out there.

is there basebuilding in this game? and crafting?