Why do people still buy consoles?

>inb4 I like to sit my fat ass on a couch which you can do with PC anyway

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I still get nintendo systems to play nintendo games (especially for local play), but I really don't understand why people are buying PS4s and Xbones these days.

Why do people still make these threads?
>inb4 I need to justify my purchases and reassure myself that I actually like what I bought


I buy consoles for exclusives.
That's pretty much it.
If I could get those exclusives on PC, I wouldn't buy consoles.

this basically. ps4 and xbone were shit the moment they released whcih is why their is already an 'upgraded' version out and for what kek

This desu

The pc needs to secure more exclusives

I am not a PCuck

I don't get the hype behind these games, is it the same reason people hype GTA or what?
the red dead series is okay, but you make it sound like some kind of masterpiece of vidya.

RDR was pretty good, but personally I don't hype games up on principle.
I learned my lesson with Brink.

>I learned my lesson with Brink.
Please don't make me remember

People mostly buy them as they don't really know where to begin when building a gaming PC (or they don't feel like learning how to), their friends game on a specific platform, or they buy them for the exclusives.

I use to game on consoles, up until the release of the Xbone and PS4.
Neither platform had any exclusives that really made me want to buy their system.
Planning on building my first gaming PC sometime this year whenever I save up enough cash for parts.

I need to justify my purchases and reassure myself that I actually like what I bought

Sorry user, that's never going away.
Keep that wound fresh next time you think about pre-ordering a game because you loved the developer's previous work.
The fact that the guys behind RTCW's MP could make such a turd is baffling.

You don't see many games set in the Old West and RDR was easily one of the best games of last gen

>The pc needs to secure actually worthwhile exclusives

Seriously, when I look at upcoming PC exclusive games, I see literally one game I am interested in. The rest of it is MMO, MOBA, RTS and indie trash which I really don't want to play.
Untill PC has most of games I want to play, I won't even bother with it.

because PC with i don't tend to get most of my japanese titles

To be fair, most of the upcoming console exclusives also look like shit.
There's a reason you don't see people hyping that shitty SK watersplash game aside from the most pathetic of weebs.

Most upcoming games in general look like shit.
That's just the nature of the market.

Seeing as nobody else has said it.
>Because there will always be peasants.

PC won't get any big exclusives, a least from the big devs. You might see some indie games but that's it.

Look at XCOM 2, it was originally a "PC exclusive" and it was launched for consoles too

One or more of these reasons:

Playing games on a couch with friends over
Picking out PC parts too daunting
Convenient and cost effective, despite inferior performance
Gimmicks and trinkets that are appealing to some (i.e. Amiibo)

>PC won't get any big exclusives, a least from the big devs.
What you really mean is "PC won't get any big exclusives that I like."
Big pubs and devs like Sega, Valve, 2K, etc., still make PC exclusive games.

You objectively get the most with PC though.

You get basically everything that's on Xbone on top of PCs stuff

I enjoy playing Halo scplitscreen with my friends. I will always love Halo and the simplicity of consoles. Also I'm a shitter and aim assist makes me feel good

>Big pubs and devs like Sega, Valve, 2K, etc., still make PC exclusive games.


You do know that Sega publishes the entire Total War series, right?
Also Company of Heroes.
2K publishes the Civilization series.

>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

Mmm 2 or 3 exclusives, ok?

>Why aren't people haviny kind of fun?

Why are most pcucks insecure faggots? Us console cucks may be dumb, but at least we usually don't care how you are playing your video games. Console wars mentality should have died 15 years ago

>Why do people still buy consoles?

Because no one cares about PC.


kek, they haven't released any single exclusive for PC so far and they have been porting their games to consoles

Entire exclusive series.
Let's not forget Blizzard, Tencent, Epic Games, Bethesda (Quake Champions), etc. etc.
It's okay if you don't like those games, but pretending that they don't exist and that people don't care about them just makes you look like a pathetic platform warrior.

Because I want a controller with symmetrical analogue sticks.

Objectively sure, but subjectively hell no. During current gen PC got like 1 or 2 exclusives I wanted to play. Thats it.

Those are pretty much all niche. They're also really not that numerous.

>Why do people still buy consoles?

They don't. Mommy and daddy buy it for them.

Because PC cucks must rationalize that they haven't made a bad investment

Just think about it

Spending like 2 or 3k dollars on machine that only plays indie garbage or mobas

>Blizzard, Tencent, Epic Games, Bethesda (Quake Champions), etc. etc.

Blizzard only has World of Warcraft and that's it, they released Diablo, Overwatch for consoles too

Tencent, lol garbage.

Epic Games, when was the last time they released something good?

>Quake Champions

I'm fairly sure it will be released for consoles too.

Because Persona 5 exists.

>Those are pretty much all niche.
Blizzard and Tencent are niche?
What the fuck are you smoking?
Tencent is arguably the largest developer on the planet.

People don't buy gaming PCs, government autism bucks buy it for them

I have a well-paying job and I haven't upgraded my PC in like 6 years.
The last PC game I played was Witcher 3 and that wasn't even PC exclusive.

PC gaming has taken a back-seat. Even several big games and poorly optimized for PC because the focus lies on making sure they run well on console first and foremost.

I wanted a good gaming rig and set my budget way too high. I couldn't afford the dream rig and for some reason wouldn't budge on the price. After 2 years of not doing anything about it, I broke down and got a ps4. for some reason, that was easier to justify in my mind. it isn't the best reason, but that's my reason.

Who cares though?
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

I like the Sony and Nintendo exclusive games.
I like many 1st party Nintendo games, and many great Japanese devs only make games on Sony platforms.

I don't really care about indie titles too much.
And I hate MOBAs.
The pc market is generally either AAA Ubisoft/ Activision / EA games or dime a dozen indie platformers.

Consoles generally have a better market for middle budget games, which generally are more obscure/weird/niche.
which I love.

What do consoles have exactly?

>like 1 good exclusive each
>maybe the PS4 will have like 3 good ones by 2020, 7 years after it was released

Exclusives are pretty much the single things consoles have going for them and you can't even win that fight properly

No one is denying that, but you are only saying that MMO are only good on PC and that's it.

>japanese games
>multiplayer games without dead populations (titanfall2, every fighting game)
>Vita and PS3 games, since I don't own either of those
>neat demos

I think that's it. PS4 is comfy AF, very glad with it

t. idort with a 1500€ PC and 3K monitor

>>like 1 good exclusive each
>>maybe the PS4 will have like 3 good ones by 2020, 7 years after it was released

Nice strawman

>because the focus lies on making sure they run well on console first and foremost.
This is my favorite meme, 95% of games released run like trash on consoles and consolefags try to brag about this.
It's especially funny because these games don't even run at decent settings on consoles.

>Blizzard and Tencent are niche?

Well they just make bad games.
Or are you telling me SC2, Heroes of the Storm, LoL, etc. are genuinelly great games?

Also you're cherrypicking now. It's obvious I was talking about things like Total War and shit.

>Tencent is arguably the largest developer on the planet.

They're not devs, retard.

Bloodborne I guess?
I don't get the hype behind a lot of these Jap games though, most of them look like shit.
People talk about RTS being niche, but who actually still gives a fuck about JRPGs?


You forgot 1 game

Oh look, a game i can play on my PS4.

>It's obvious I was talking about things like Total War and shit.
Total War isn't niche either, Total War Warhammer has already sold over a million copies.
By that logic, every game that's not CoD is niche.

Persona 5 and Nioh

Meanwhile my PC is gathering dust unless I get on it to shitpost on Sup Forums.

Honestly if you only have a gaming PC you are just plain fucking stupid,

Because I don't want to play with chinese, russians, and brazilians when I play online

So why is that several big AAA games ran (and still run) like absolute garbage on PC?

They obviously made sure to focus on the games being well-optimized for PC first and foremost, right?

How about you wake up and start living in the real world.

same here

Aww shit, is it time to dump some shit?
If that's what you want user, just for you.
Here's a game from the same series.

>Those are pretty much all niche

Why does it matter?

Total War offers something I basically can't get anywhere else.

Uncharted is not that different from every other AAA TPS like the Tomb Raider games that are multiplats.
Killzone shadow fall is not that different from the thousands of multiplat shooters out there
Driveclub does not offer anything that you can't get from a million multiplat racing games of varying degrees of specialisation

The best exclusive on PS4 is literally just a spin off of an existing series.


>tfw can't play on PC cause I have a life


>Total War isn't niche either, Total War Warhammer has already sold over a million copies.

No the series is pretty niche. Total Warhammer sold more because it featured a setting people actually give a fuck about.

The only truly big PC exclusives are MMOs and MOBAs, but those games are played by autists that only play those games and most of them tend to be asian.


>someone makes the 'bad PC ports' argument
>people point out that the issues that make it bad like crashing fps are also on console but its just considered normal there
>entire argument turns out to just be Arkham Knight


Meanwhile, when Space Hulk Deathwing came out with performance problems, people fucking slammed it

I like having physical copies.

So you resorted to deflection and logical fallacies instead? Oh well, stay close-minded and keep living in that echo chamber then.

>Total Warhammer sold more because it featured a setting people actually give a fuck about.
Total Warhammer is actually the lowest selling game in the series aside from Attila.
Rome 2, Shogun, Shogun 2, etc., they've all sold better.
Sorry user, let's be honest, consoles are on their way out, replaced by phones and set-top boxes.
That's what happens when you only aim for the lowest common denominator, eventually, there will be something more convenient, cheaper, and often times better that will replace it.

>"big" exclusives
Why exactly does a game's marketing budget matter again?

>Not having a high-end gaming PC with multiple monitors and a PS4 slim for exclusives

>implying people would give a shit if games would be ported to pc within the first week

>Post facts

Know how I know you're a woman?

Well then you end up with stream greenlight tier games meanwhile consoles get games like Persona 5.

not that guy btw

>weeb games
nigga please

There is no Tekken on the Computer

>>people point out that the issues that make it bad like crashing fps are also on console but its just considered normal there

Dude, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

>>entire argument turns out to just be Arkham Knight

That's the only one I can remember off the top of my head since I don't really play on PC anymore, but I know there have been several cases since I keep hearing people online and some of my friends complain about completely broken games on PC.

In any case my point is that companies don't prioritize PC optimization anymore like they did before. If you think they do then sadly you're delusional.


This but I do enjoy some indies on my PC, since I generally don't care about AAA I haven't had incentive to upgrade it for quite some years now still working with a GTX 650.

Controllers, Mobility, Games, Hiding powerlevels
why the fuck else?

>Consoles get weebshit

Where do you think you are?

AA games exist, user
You don't have to decide between shitty indie furry simulators or Call of Duty

This is me taking the bait.

>>Post facts

Yes I posted a fact and instead of addressing it you started bringing up older less relevant games.
You're literally living in the past.

I'm talking about the present here and how companies don't focus on PC optimization anymore. It's secondary and often left to a seperate smaller dev team and not the main devs.

Exclusives. Social interaction. They work as all in one media boxes. Much cheaper than PCs, especially nowadays, ps4s and wii u both cost less than 300 dollars for bundles with games, and NX will likely cost less than 300 as well.

The only advantage to PCs, is paying 1000+ so you can sperg over graphics. If you're not an obnoxious graphics whore or an esports fag there's no reason to play games on PC.


>Meanwhile, his prime example was a year old game

>Game is designed for mouse and keyboard
>No mods
>Smaller amount of units because console limitations
Its going to be vastly inferior to the PC version

on a video game board not anime board

It's more convinient than building a PC. That and alot of marketing lies.

>Exclusives. Social interaction. They work as all in one media boxes
So what makes them any different from my Android Fire TV.

And every single time it's even worse on console.

The most recent example was consolefags shitposting Dishonored 2 having a bad PC launch without even checking how it was on consoles, which actually turned out to be worse

Because when I had a pc I had to pass many games because of cheats.
Pc isnt the master race, pc is mister rice, a chinese man who sells cheatin software for some yuans

I'm not a sonycuck that pays for online tho

Show me a computer than is less than the cost of a PS4 pro and has exclusives like Yakuza 6, Nioh, and Persona 5.

I doubt that many people will play on PC. I'll first get the version with the most players and after that maybe the other version when it's cheap. Fucking Bamco can't get Xplay right.

Apart from Tekken, there is little I care for