ITT: Characters who are literally you

ITT: Characters who are literally you.


You're a Whore?

Please be in London, and I'll suck your dick.



Why does she have a bulge?

oh I wish you were "literally" Kaine.
I would take you to a romantic date, after that I would show you how amazing raw, passionate love can be.

The Sim I modelled after myself?



Post it

here bro


this shit was the best

I remember this

mirin your jaw

Feminine dick

>by yourself
>people making out in the background
Everything checks out.

Nobody posted Kira yet? OK.


>ywn lewdly shove your face into a bulge
Why even live Sup Forums?

>inb4 Crawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwling

I wish sims chinman story story was accessible.


There's an album of it on Imgur, literally just google it.


My favourite

w-well... this is me

>sometimes can't even get hard
Why so many people like them so much
Unless you mean 2D

Open wide, user!

Here comes the airplane!

>lamia will never be real
Full submersion VR in my lifetime please???



You'll probably have more luck learning to lucid dream and experience lewd lamia femdom pleasure in you dreams than relying on anyone making it for VR and making it good and in less than a year or so.


How do you know when I'm dying?


Something about failed body something theyre all shells or something its really wierd


>Full submersion VR in my lifetime please
>in my lifetime please

>making it good and in less than a year or so.
>less than a year or so

ah fuck, sorry user

I will never live the dream. At least I can be content with the pain being over in less than a year.

how do i git gud at lucid dreaming?

Cant decide which monster girl i'd gladly let rape me

What does Sup Forums suggest?

Lots of guides and stuff out there, lots of techniques

I recommend reading the wiki/info on dreamviews and going from there.

all of them

I want to experience a life of femdom and rape by every single monstergirl in monmusu quest

except fish head

does pic related count as a character?

Objectively superior choices are arachne and lamia.


Im torn between the harpy queen and alma elma, maybe both of them can share me with each other, I could dream


>I could dream
that's the idea

I love the sense of union monmusu can provide with other fellow anons


shit, sorry user

I wish you many monstergirl femdom dreams to help ease the pain away


Me on the right

i fucking hate you