On vacation

>on vacation
>find out my cat just died
what are some good games to distract me from the pain

pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


Harvest Moon

Or a digital pet

ori and the blind forest

Ghost Trick

Go to the shelter and adopt another cat

The Last Guardian

I have two other cats, they're both okay. One was his twin brother.

Sorry about your cat, man. My guy died on Christmas day.

Just play something that you can just turn your brain off while you play it. Something that's easy to do with actions that are largley regimented. An MMO would do the trick.

lmao sucks to be you faggot

Shit like this is what makes me want to get a tortoise or a parrot or something for my next pet.

A companion that will outlive me, and is not intelligent enough to feel the pain of loss when I'm gone like I do every time I lose a pet. (and subsequently break down because I'm an emotionally stunted loser who care barely handle something as trivial as replacing a pet.)

RIP kitty
Im a dog person myself but it's never fun losing your friend

You have my condolences user

yeah, it really does. he was so cute, I love him so much.
yes, that's a good idea. I'll get back into wow for a bit.

I know that feeling, man. My cat died last summer at the age of fucking 21 and I'm still broken about it every now and then. Fuck video games, alcohol works better.


Cat Simulator

I hate alcohol though

At least he had a long life, mine died in june at the age of 4. She had heart issue.
Playing tsw help me a lot.

Ghost Trick

Ingvar was only 2, they think a stray cat killed him.

OP and all other anons in this thread that have lost pets: I'm so sorry guys. Take comfort in the fact that you were able to bring some happiness into their lives and the fact that they did the same for you. That means something.


I have a joke to cheer you up

What does a cat in a blender look like?

>cat died
>feel nothing
>parents divorced
>feel nothing

nintendogs and cats

Sry I thought 21 was the age of the cat.

>not breeding and raising several of generations

Go choke on a cock and join your faggot cat in the afterlife you fuck

Parrots and tortoises grieve, I think.

Then I would just have a steady clockwork of dead pets on my hands.

>>on vacation
>>find out my cat just died
kek'd pretty hard thanks lad

I'm very sorry OP.


my Cats both died this year, buddy here was found on a blanket pile on the day pokemon moon was released.
I miss you Bogart

You can sell breedjects, but yea.

>token edgelord post

>post mortem of your pets