Beyond Good & Evil 2

is BG&E2 really happening? Or is it more of the french lie? They've been promising this since nearly a decade

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it's one of those things where even if it was true it's already past the over hype point and only bound to dissapoint: ala Last Guardian

I'm really worried they'll AssCreedify the game, if it ever happens.

Jade, climb those towers! Now clear the DomZ settlements

it's really happening, it will be another few years, it will be mediocre.

it has been a long wait, it could end as The Last Guardian I guess

Even if it's happening, Ubisoft have degenerated so much that it's going to be shit no matter what.

Bet they'll make the pig gay as well

but but Michel Ancel's games have been good, right?

Last Guardian was in an advanced state of development as a PS2 game before being cancelled and revived years later for the PS4. BG&E2 was never actively developed, it is starting from scratch right now for modern platforms. They're incomparable.

He barely even touched Rayman Origins. Ubisoft are letting Michel do what he wants with this game to an extent. It shouldn't be too bad, just depends on how he works on the game.

but they've been trying something on it, it has been in development hell, like this cinematic trailer that tries to emulate the gameplay of the escape sequences of the first game:

Didn't he create both the engine of Rayman Origins and the game with his small studio?

that's not a trailer, that is a leaked internal 'image test' using a total of two or three novel assets (the plane, jade, the soldiers), and the rest of it is 100% asscreed.

that video precedes asscreed though, it was made in 2008 or so

>BG&E2 was never actively developed
You don't know that.

It says 2009 in the title. Asscreed was 2007.


I wonder if the AssCreed engine is an update over the engine they used in Prince of Persia Sands of Time? BEcause the ladder climbing animation is pretty much the same, I can recognize it, and PoPSoT use the Jade engine that Ancel's team made, if he uses the AC engine, things would come full cycle.

They don't need to use the same engine to use the same animation

I also just remembered that Shadow of Mordor has Assassins Creed animation in it

Seems like they did work on it, see:

>michelancel2008 Characters . The game was playable with many prototypes . All videos where realtime but we had too much technical issues . We wanted planet exploration , space travel , cities ... All this was also supposed to be in BGE 1 ... Instead of not doing the game of our dreams , we decided to return to 2d , have fun with Rayman and go back at work for Beyond good and Evil 2 . We still have loooooots of work but now the tech is ready and the team is fantastic !

How the fuck do you copy images from instagram? right click doesn't work


It's possible they realized early on that their ideas would be cut for a sequel due to technical issues. Instead of forcing a sequel, decided to go back to Rayman. Also isn't Michel working on that Wild game? The one with the snake lady?

I think he's working on both of them, this post of his is more recent than the concept arts of BGE2

I have no idea when Wild was first announced but it feels like several years now. I'd guess Wild is finishing up and BG&E is in pre-production. His studio seems too small to be able to handle 2 big projects like this.

I guess Sony money makes wonders
