Anyone else like this game?
Anyone else like this game?
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I'd like it more with a living community.
Games fun with an amazing soundtrack though.
>Games fun
Not an argument.
I really like the russian samus with ice powers
11/10 OST, fuck Bayo mains.
as far as multiplayer games go, the only 3rd party game to almost be as fun as smash. i wish there was a sequel or sony/microsoft gave it away as a free game so people would play it again
gargoyle > garuda
Yes, netcode was shit tho
One of the few 3D beat-em-ups I enjoyed playing.
I played it with a few friends on 360 the month of the NA release. So much fun with an active online. Death Ball sure was an interesting mode.
Very fun, I should play through it again soon. Online was pretty good while it lasted, I played it a lot because I knew it was going to die, too obscure
I miss this game.
Not having local multiplayer killed this game
Fucking amazing game ruined by the fact that Sega was a bunch of cheap fucks who wouldn't pay for continued patches/support for a primarily online game.
I had imported it (it released fully translated in JP only months before the US release) and after about a month everyone had figured out infinite dodge and the KW glitch and it had become no-fun-allowed. People would just infinite dodge around until the ones actually trying to play would go chase someone else then they'd get a quick 100% KW glitch combo.
When the game released again in the US there was another month of good play before the glitches proliferated.
It really is too bad, because barring infinite dodge and KW glitch the game really is quite fun and competitive.
The netcode had trouble dealing with American connections. It had been tested on japanese connections and infrastructure which are low ping and near-zero jitter.
They weren't prepared to deal with shit american networks and all their packet-dropping, QoS-ing, jitter-inducing garbage.
PC Port when?
Sega owns the license and source but the devs have moved on so never ever.
A co op mode would be awesome
Too bad it sold less than 300,000 copies and reviewers all gave it 6 or 7. We will probably never get a sequel
>A co-op mode would be awesome
That's what Mad Survival is.
>ports n sequels
Anarchy was the last title in Sega's contract with Platinum Games.
At this point Sega had zero faith in Platinum and were totally unwilling to put any money behind selling their games, they wanted Platinum to finish the game and GTFO.
Sega has zero interest in the game or the IP's involved and they'll never see the light of day again.
Oh, I had no friends to play it with so I didn't know it existed
>amazing soundtrack
I love that game
my brother and I both have a copy
>open link
>already had given it a thumbs up on youtube
This track was my favorite though
The music is good.....except for the garbage fucking 'singing' ruining every song on there.
It's like they wanted to make the music as unmemorable as possible.
Multiplayer was fun the whole week it lasted
Its literally the most fun multiplayer game on console, but it was too good for this gay world.
Love the hell out of it. I played the demo for countless hours, then I imported the japanese version because fuck SoA.
Playing with japs and other west bros who imported the game was pretty damn fun.
When the game eventually came out in the west, the community went to shit a bit (lots of idiots speaking on the mic on the lobby, I hated that), but the good thing about western playerbase is that they liked Deathball, japanese played team battle more.
Overall, I think it was the game I played online the most of 7th gen, and overall. I'm not a big fan of online play, but Anarchy did it for me.
>buy japanese version used, so the Bayonetta code was used
>when Anarchy reigns comes out in the US, I get a Bayonetta and extra modes DLC
>can't use it because I have the japanese version
to this day I still couldn't use Bayonetta, eventually I'll get the western version, just to play as Bayo, too bad the online is completely dead by now I guess, but at least, being p2p instead of server-based, the online can't die, they can't "shut down" the servers, so we can always arrange some matches if we want, i remember playing some Survival with some other Sup Forumsros last year.
>game launches
>everyone uses Max and Leo and spams the shit out of the delayed weak combo
>mfw I find out dash attacking on reaction when you see them shoot back for the delayed X gives you a free stun
Fuck I loved this game
Awesome. I'm glad to see others liked it. I remember some dudebro at gamestop tried to talk me out of buying it. Who did y'all main? I think I used pig guy and German revolver knee catman.
>blacker baron's rapid jab mode would let you know someone was doing a 360 immediately when one of the hits would fail to connect, so you could backdash and wind up a shinryuken to deliver right to their face
found that out right away and abused it to hell on newer players who 360 every time you slap them twice. i heard unfortunately that online turned into abusing infinite combos though
Gargoyle is my nigga.
How can they not shut down the servers?
You can't play any PS2 or Xbox game online anymore, and plenty of those were p2p.
infinite combos were part of the game and are why 360's exist
what really fucked the game was infinite dodging and KW glitch combos.
There was a lot of cool non-glitch shit that unfortunately got pushed aside when people figured out the Rins and Zero were bullshit OP with the KW glitch.
>Douglas 100-to-0 combo in S j.S j.(S) j.(W) WW(W)(W)
>Oinkie can infinitely chain WWWWxxW to bait out a 360 and punish with KW
>Max counter shenanigans
Well, yeah, if Sony puts down PSN on PS3, but I mean they can't shut down the online for Anarchy specifically.
Mathilda and Baron were my go-to characters
Russian ice girl.
Don't even remember her name any more, how sad... RIP
Garuda/Gargoyle were my go-to, but I enjoyed playing with Durga, Max and Douglas a lot too
>people start figuring out to dash attack when they see Max or Leo dashing back mid-combo
>start guard-cancelling after the dash back and holding triangle to counter the incoming dash attack
BEST GIRL!!!!!!!!
Who /Douglas/ here
This game was a lot of fun, but you had about two days to play it before the community evaporated.
My boy!
Pile bunkers are my jam!
Best tune right here
Gargoyle all day errday
thanks for this webm
I'd probably be down for a few matches on PS3 some time