>Not 16k master race
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Idiot. Normal hdmi can only render 60 jpg images per second at 4k, only ps4pro cables can do .png at such speeds
144hz+ or nothing
I think i'll stay at 1080p for the rest of my life.
We're still a good 5-6 years away from 4K broadcasting becoming more commonplace than 1080p, and they're already talking about 8K?
>le 8k maymay
make this shit stop
they fucking just did HDR with 2.0a
>le 4k maymay
make this shit stop
You do know that Japan is skipping 4K and heading straight to 8K right? Who's the meme now?
You should be staying at 4K for the rest of your life. That's where jaggies disappear and you don't have to worry about AA anymore.
You'd need (roughly) a 120" screen/projector running at 8k to see the benefit. For reference, a 4k projector is about $9,000 last I checked, or $130,000 for a 4K TV.
>le 320x240 meme
when are companies going to just stop? computers will never be that fast
>or $130,000 for a 4K TV.
where in the name of holy fuck did you get this price from
maybe he meant 13,000? i still don't think thats right, i thought 4k monitors for computers were like 500 bucks for a good one
the human eye can't even see above 4k and 28 FPS anyway.
Sony has the perfect system.
Sorry, should have made it clear, for a 120" 4K TV.
Source vizio.com
whatever he meant you can buy a 65 inch 4k tv off amazon for 1,800 right now
why would you ever need a 120 inch TV unless you're ultra rich in the first place
See my original post, to see the benefit of 8k you'd need a 120" TV.
The average sitting distance from couch to TV means you need a 55" 4K TV to notice the benefit. You can pretty much just double that up, but again, this is a very rough comparison.
Or you could just sit really really fucking close but even then, the TV would have to be huge.
oh nevermind i see where you were going with this
How long until 8k is a meme?
What the actual fuck is the point of 8K? What visual benefit are you going to get by cranking your resolution that high? Besides the few dozen films recorded on 70mm film stock, there won't be any advantages to 8K besides playing video games, and even that will be so tiny of an improvement. Fuck off with this meme. Monitor and TV manufacturers should focus on something that will create an actual impact, like normalizing higher refresh rates, or higher bit depth panels, not idioticly increasing resolution until the end of time.