no gam-
No gam-
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it has one exclusive
that's it. ps4 has one game
>Exclusive, shitty game
>Exclusive, good game actually
But what about OTHER GAME?
>multiplat games don't count
Why not? I'm only going to play one platform
Why the fuck do people even care about exclusives? Why do people even put up with it? Why would anyone want to support this level of kikery?
Because the games literally would not even exist otherwise c'mon user think
That picture has only two fucking PS4 exclusives
Two fucking games in all that garbage.
Not only that, but for a fuckload of those multiplats PS4 is objectively the inferior version.
Exclusives are in my opinion the only reason you'd buy a console to begin with.
If your console has only three/four exclusives, only two of which are even remotely decent. On top of that it makes you pay through the nose for the feature of playing P2P connected online (as in you're not even paying for server maintenance), why would I buy that console to begin with?
I can get that entire library on PC, and likely have more success running it effectively.
>because the games literally would not even exist
Only for IPs owned by the company that also owns the machine. Like Mario, Zelda or Star Fox being exclusive to Nintendo. That much is obvious. I'm talking about instances of development companies doing this when Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo have no actual stake or ownership of said studio. Its like they want their customers to hate them.
>Just dance 2014/15
Nobody cares anymore faggot, deal with it.
get with the times kids, physical media is garbage and a waste these days.
I fucking see INDIE games on disc there, wtf...
Get a 2TB HDD and install that shit, it's not hard.
Digital is clean and pure.
People who "collect" physical media like games/figures/artbooks are shit-tier (especially if you're an so-called "adult")
But that still doesn't answer the question of why people put up with that shit in the first place. Its like you guys like having that corporate cock sliding between your ass cheeks.
multyplats and sports games dont count you autist
>development companies
Some devs do this to get some recognition for their games and a higher budget, games like Halo wouldn't have gotten as big as they were without the perks of being an exclusive
They are literally the ONLY reason to buy a console. A console without exclusives is completely worthless.
Make fun of my super casual collection Sup Forums
>padding your collection with shit games
Meh/10 I've seen worse.
If the games are good, then that is a concession I'm willing to make.
If the games are shit, then guess what? I'm not buying anything now am I?
Consoles are a bit of a relic because of Atari and Nintendo for the most part. Nintendo especially since they revitalized the market.
>FPS games on a console
I wonder if these same people listing multiplats would shoot down a list of games for 3DS that are multiplats, like Dragon Quest 7 and 8. My money is, they're saying this while shitposting other lists just like that in different threads. This board is full of hypocrites without values after all.
>resident evil 4, 5, 6
Is this really a thing? wtf
I personally believe that to be a bullshit excuse. Halo would have been just as popular if it was a multiplat. What reason could you give that would even remotely suggest otherwise?
And before someone comes in and says "Microsoft owns Halo dummy!" Yes, they own it NOW. They didn't when Bungie made it. Bungie was an independent company at the time.
Explain how. I just don't see it. Its a medium to play a game with. About the only justification I can see getting one console over the other is whether you like the shape and feel of their respective controller or not. Thats it.
0 and 1 are also on ps4
You just covered all the games I can play with more fps, mods and 4k.
Tearaway Unfolded
Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
Shadow of the Beast remake
Fat Princess Adventure
Infamous Second Son
KoF 14
Ratchet and Clank
Let it die
Also there are those japanese Sony exclusive like Dragon Quest, Odin Sphere, World of Final Fantasy or Persona 5
not defending PS4 at all but that "one game" meme is pretty outdated now. It was a fun ride though
But user, when he says "one" he means "one worth playing."
even if we;re not discounting certain games because they're not exclusive. More than half of those are discounted because they're absolutely shitty boring rehash 15th installment in an ongoing franchise games. PS4 has no games that you can only experience on it thats whats wrong with gaming across all the consoles and even the pc it's the same fuckign thing everywhere you look. Creativity is so stifled right now, why bother working on something to make it good when you can just shit out something with a big name on it that used to be good and make a fortune.
According to what metrics? His retarded fucking opinion? I can disregard entire libraries in that cas and claim no platform has games worth playing. You one game memesters can fuck right off.
Exactly. If console (xy) makes people feel better, then they have a right to buy whatever games they want for it.
>I can disregard entire libraries in that cas and claim no platform has games worth playing.
Yep, that's how Sup Forums works.
How new are you?
>Exclusives are on my opinion-
Post discarded. Your opinion is garbage. The intended purpose of a console is to play as many new games as possible. Exclusives only exiat to draw you towards which one to purchase. A console that specializes in nothing BUT exclusives becomes anti-consumer. (You wouldn't buy a bluray player that only played Fox movies, for example, but you may buy one that plays 99% of movies that come out, but doesn't play Fox movies).
no taste
r8 and h8
no, consoles are optimal for the living room
>m-muh Big Picture
lol fuck off
Actually, set-top boxes are optimal for the living room.
They take up the least amount of space, have the most utility, and most importantly, they're extremely portable.
>*that were also released on the PS3*
Yep I got 0 on sale for $7 on the psn store and 1 for "free"**** bc I pay for psn plus
>have the most utility
except they don't lol
They do actually.
Good luck using Kodi or even Plex on a PS4/XB1.
yup and they were 20 dollars USD a pop for a physical release. Well worth it
So if the definitive version doesn't count for ps4, I guess the definitive versions of multiplats and emulation don't count on pc either.
No wonder you cucks petition so much. You have literally ZERO games.
That's a pretty cool idea, but I enjoy seeing stacks of games like OP's. Seeing so many games that I do not own, gives me inspiration to check some of them out.
Nobody cares about exclusives while we have Sony babies posting goldface never ever PCfat thread number 765975.
Too bad they're all shit
good luck playing video games on a Kodi
not that you need it anyway given all of those features come baked into the console lol
>given all of those features come baked into the console lol
Nigger, you don't even know what Kodi is.
>Nobody cares about exclusives while we have boring Sony first party game #9,999
Fixed for accuracy. I only own Sony console but their first party titles always feel hollow and rushed.
>Shadow of the Beast remake
I forgot this was a thing. Is it 2D like the original Amiga game?
>given all of those features come baked into the console
m8, you couldn't even play music off a USB on PS4 for like a year and a half.
Consoles make shit media boxes for anything besides Netflix.
Even their Youtube apps are vastly inferior to even the Android Youtube app.
I can play all your shitty games on my console, except for Bloodborne.
Tell me, again, how is that an Exclusive?
total games
PS4: 799
xbone: 478
wiiu: 373
Never confuse memes with facts.
Im talking about Plex.
Kodi is just an XMBC extension with online streaming capabilities, which, if you're not a dirty pirate, isn't a big deal
PS4 is shit, yes, but that stuff was in xbone day one
>good luck plaing games on a kodi
kodi is a program that can be run on a variety of devices. I have kodi on my PC and i play games on it too.
There are upsides to owning a console, but don't delude yourself into thinking more features is one of them.
Only games on here that aren't trash or better on PC are Last of Us and Infamous.
Ill give you Dark Souls as well. Everything else are just ports
In other words, it's an app that offers an enormous amount of utility, which isn't possible on consoles.
Hell, Kodi can be used as a decent replacement for actual cable TV.
I only did it like that because I own so many games digitally because I used to receive review codes for them.
That has literally nothing to do with my post or the one I replied to. Try again timmy.
It's an app that offers the exact same functionality as a console though. I can stream anything I want from my home library to my console, and purchase almost any movie/TV Show/game from the baked in store...
>It's an app that offers the exact same functionality as a console though.
I'm talking about Kodi you moron.
Pay attention.
I am too. What killer functionality does it have that console is lacking?
>Hey, let's play some Just Dance!
The ability to watch actual TV?
Being able to stream from literally anywhere?
Actual apps that make use of these functionalities beyond a shitty internet browser?
Y'know, actual functionality.
Not to mention, Kodi works on pretty much every set top box.
>The ability to watch actual TV?
xbone does this
>Being able to stream from literally anywhere?
what? I can stream to any device that's connected to my xbox too...
>Actual apps that make use of these functionalities beyond a shitty internet browser?
such as...?
>Not to mention, Kodi works on pretty much every set top box.
Right, and set top boxes are pointless when it comes to games
Pretty sure agreeing to be a console exclusive gets the devs a substantial bonus from the console's company.
"Hey, Platinum Games, we'll give you a bunch of money to make Bayonetta 2 if it's only on Wii U."
"You've got yourself a motherfucking deal, Nintendo!"
"Hey Hello Games, we'll pump your marketing full of money if you don't develop for Xbone"
I never did understand this 'HURR DURR PS4 ONLY HAS ONE GAME' meme shit...
Are xbone owners really that insecure that their DUDEBRO SHOOTER CONSOLE doesn't have almost anything more than Halo, call of duty and forza rehashes that they just love talking shit about ps4 having diverse games or is it just them being bored?
Its not a SHOOTER game so unfortunately for Platinum Games it probably won't sell very well on xbone.
>xbone does this
No, XB1 just has a mode that lets you connect to your cable box and watch cable on it, Kodi is an app that lets you stream actual TV from a variety of different Kodi apps like Evolve and channelpear.
>what? I can stream to any device that's connected to my xbox too...
I mean from any links, you can even stream from random hotlinks online via apps on Kodi.
>such as...?
Aside from the ones I mentioned above?
CCloudTV, Specto, Exodus, StalkerTV, EPG TV, Salts, Channel1, Primewire, dexterTV, VIP Box, Sportsdevil, Castaway, not to mention built-in support for Youtube, radio stations, etc. etc.
Kodi has TONS of apps, like I said, I don't think you know what Kodi is.
>Right, and set top boxes are pointless when it comes to games
Nope, every set top box can play a variety of Android games, and with the increasing power, once they can compete with consoles graphically, there won't be much of a reason to own a console aside from exclusives.
Which goes back to my first question. Why do consumers put up with this kikery?
like I said, I'm not a filthy pirate
Not an argument.
Right, and since this app is more useful to pirates, that means it has much more utility.
it has one aspect with more utility, but you still can't game on it lol
Their all shit. Steam has ten times the library size anyway.
Kodi isn't a gaming app you moron, but you can game on every set top box.
In fact, thanks to apps like Remotr, you can even stream from your PC/console/phone to your set top box.
And that's not even including the various Android games and game streaming services available on these boxes.
Hell, my smart TV has Playstation Now on it (not that I'd even use it since most of the games on Playstation Now are fucking trash).
Face it user, as a media box, consoles are pretty shit, even a low-end $50 Raspberry Pi makes a better media box.
>western trash
You sure seem to be desperate to shill for fucking Kodi.
Says the retard shilling for giant multi-billion dollar corporations.
Bend over and take that corporate dick some more user, it's interesting to watch.
>you can game on every set top box.
really? I can't seem game on my cable box...?
>Doesn't have Ratchet and Clank or Dragon Quest Builders.
Do you not know what a set top box is?
Android Fire TV, Roku TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Slingbox, etc.
These are set top boxes.
do you not know?
> set-top box (STB) or set-top unit (STU) (one type also colloquially known as a cable box) is an information appliance device that generally contains a TV-tuner input and displays output to a television set and an external source of signal, turning the source signal into content in a form that can then be displayed on the television screen or other display device.
hmm. And let's hear those killer gaming apps on any of those other devices you listed...
>Wikipedia definition
Holy shit, I'm fucking dying here.
Are you 12?
>killer gaming apps
Oh god, you are 12.
Kill yourself.
>having to pay $60 a year for automatic updates and cloud saves, features that are available on the wii U, xbone, and pc for free
um, this is Sup Forums you know
What's with the PS4 bros constantly buying every game out there even if they are just ports and shit shovelware? Did the "no games" meme hurt them that much that they gotta stack up their collection with Thi4f, Evolve, and the fucking order to make themselves feel better?
>Oh shit, I got btfo, better start memeing
Right, so it's extremely likely that you are actually 12.
All ass except for Let It Die and Odin Sphere. Gravity Rush 2 soon.
whatever man, it's just that people here generally do tend to care about video games and the ability to play them
The average person doesn't really care though, and that's who consoles market to.
Why do you think every console except the PS4 is doing so poorly?
what? The fact remains that shit like chromecast and ApplelTV are garbage gaming platforms