What's your favorite Halo? Post your list.
3>1>2>Reach>2A>5>4 multiplayer
1>ODST>3>2>Reach>4>5 singleplayer
What's your favorite Halo? Post your list.
3>1>2>Reach>2A>5>4 multiplayer
1>ODST>3>2>Reach>4>5 singleplayer
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Shit taste OP
Single Player:
2 > ODST > 3 = Reach >>> CE = 4 =5
Core Multiplayer
2A > 2 > 5 > CE >> 3 = Reach >>> 4
5 > 2A > Reach > 3 = 4 > 2 > CE
>single player
Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 4 > Halo 5
Halo 1 = Halo 2 = Halo 3 > Halo 5 > Halo 4
Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4
>shit taste
Holy shit why's 3 so far in multiplayer. In no way does 5 beat 3.
Not bad
Because 3 is pretty much a step down from 2's MP in every way aside from it's forge
> In no way does 5 beat 3.
Surprisingly, H5's multiplayer is actually fantastic in terms of the core mechanics and weapon balance. If it had Halo 2 tier map design I'd outright say it would have the best MP in the series.
Yeah, maybe without aiming down sights, and more arena content. If it had these I'd likely put it before Reach in my OP listm but not before 3, 1, and 2.
Halo 5 is brought down by the same map types, and this is due to the dev teams being apart of MLG back in the day, bad map designs made for Spartan Abilities, Spartan Abilities themselves (some are good, others really have no point in existing), no focus on BTB, Warzone is just the shit they put in Halo 4 but now with microtransaction and the same types of bases. I'm sorry but even though Halo 5 has the best forge, due to all of these problems and it's aiming system it's no where near Halo 3's level.
I'm a faggot who played Halo for the Singleplayer and Co-op campaign stuff
So I guess 1, 2, 3 as their own group> ODST> Reach> Shit > Anything 343 puts out
Man, I loved the original Halo trilogy. Such well crafted games and nice stories for a shooter. A shame that, in context, they fucked over the shooter genre cause everyone was pants on head retarded.
the ""ADS"" in H5 is mechanically just zoom given to all the weapons. It's a postive change, though I wish there was a option to have it look like the old zoom style
>aiming system
Opinions, but 5 has my favorite aimfeel of any halo game, barely beating out H2A, both of which are far ahead of any other Halo game in that regard.
>halo 5 campaign
Agreed completely, that non-existent focus on BTB needs to change for Halo 6.
Nothing beats 1-3 ever.
This. After having gone back to play one after a long time it blows every sequel away. I don't think people realize quality > quantity.
Halo 6 should just take out the function completely, revert to classic zoom. They already started doing so with classic weapons. Focus on BTB more than Arena, or equally. And nerf sprint more (if they don't remove it completely). I don't mind thruster and ground pound.
>Single Player
ODST > 2 > CE > Reach > 5 > 3 > 4
3 > 2 > 5 > CE > Reach > 4
I miss ODST Fire fight. And IMO halo 5's campaign isn't too bad to be honest. Shit story but great level design. Squad mechanics should be expanded upon instead of ditched. Made it interesting.
It may just be Nostalgia talking, but what is the threads thoughts about Bungie essentially designing Halo 2 around these two quotes?
>The line, i'm going to cut it
>I? I am a monument to all your sins
Bungie in general seems to be really good with dialogue and lines
Single Player:
2>CE>3>ODST>Reach>4Core Multiplayer
5 >Reach > 3>2A=4>2>CE
Fuck you, no. Assault Rifle is for once on par with precision weapons, removing zoom would only fuck it up again. 5 has literally the best weapon balance in the series.
Joseph Staten really likes to write cool badass dialogue, which is the Halo games always had those cool little chapter titles that didn't really mean anything.
>Breaking Stuff to Look Tough
>Fourth Floor: Tools, Guns, Keys To Super Weapons
Keep zoom on AR, remove ADS on BR and other weapons.
>5 has literally the best weapon balance in the series.
why is it still so boring and samey then
Every match feels the same and plays the same.
thats WHY it's boring and samey dude.
Singleplayer that is
Is that why it took 343 several updates to fix the aiming system.
3 and reach
never played the rest, but 4 and 5 look like cod shit
>Shut Up and Get Behind Me...Sir!
>Wait, It Gets Worse!
>But I Don't Want to Ride the Elevator!
>Warning: Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Convicts
>They'll Regret That Too
>Sorry, Were You in the Middle of Something?
>Real Men Don't Read Maps
>Get the Hell Off My Lawn!
Bungie was great at balancing 'serious cool' with 'silly cool'. The names of UNSC ships and those title cards are proof of that.
>nostalgia faggots who think 3 isnt a fucking mess of a multiplayer game
Go back and play that garbage, i dare you.
all shit
>Know Your Role
>Walk it off
>Gift With Purchase
I loved Bungie's chapter names.
>...And the Horse You Rode In On
I like how the title cards felt like sarcastic responses that the Chief would have said, were it not for Military discipline.
See: The first title of Floodgate, in Halo 3 where the city is overrun with Flood
>It Followed Me Home
>Charlie Foxtrot
It's a clusterfuck
Official Rankings -
t. a MLG/ESL veteran and without a doubt the best Halo player on Sup Forums and /vg/ combined.
PS: ElDewrito will always be shit due to the developers.
Compared to 2 and 3's BR shitfest? Matches are much, MUCH more varied now.
>Oh, So That's How it Is
>Step Aside, Let The Man Through
>Objects in Mirror Are Larger Than They Appear
I almost completely agree with this.
>Campaign (plot)
2 > CE > ODST > 4 > 3 > Reach > 5
>Campaign (gameplay)
ODST > 3 > 2 > 4 > Reach > 5 > CE
5 > 2A > 3 > 2 > CE > 4 > Reach
5 > Reach > 4 > 3 > 2A > 2 > CE
ODST > 2 > 3 > Reach > CE > 5 > 4
Anyone else excited for HW2? Only 1 month left.
>tfw 343 utterly botched the titlecards
I did in 60fps and its fucking goat.
Not bad, what about multi?
When does this happen in Halo 5?
>Halo 5's advertisement campaign
oh boy
Halo 6 hopefully
343 needs to significantly redeem itself for Halo 6, in terms of campaign/multiplayer. Campaign better be Chief only with ODST atmosphere.
CE > Reach > 2 > 5 > 4> ODST > 3
CE > 5 > 2 > 4 > 3 > Reach
Haters gonna hate, but 3 was the worst game in the series.
>Chief only
Im done with Halo until we get something new with Halo 6 or a spinoff
Maybe I'm just getting older but Halo 5 isn't fun to me, and Halo was all I cared about for a decade.
What you're feeling is 343's destruction of a previously good franchise
It'll be better than 5, no way 343's fucking up again.
Microsoft is probably already on their ass like they were with Halo 5's mp.
They're literally making Chief campaign as we speak.
Just 1 more year
Can't wait
1. Combat Evolved
2. Halo 2
4. Reach
5. Halo 3*
6. Halo 4
7. Halo 5
>Multiplayer Playstyle
1. Halo 2 Anniversary
2. Halo 2
3. Halo 5
4. Halo 3
5. Combat Evolved
6. Reach
7. Halo 4
>Multiplayer Maps
1. Halo 2
2. Halo 4**
3. Halo 3
4. Combat Evolved
5. Reach
6. Halo 5
1. Reach
2. Halo 3
3. Halo 4
4. Halo 2
5. Halo 5***
6. Combat Evolved
>Art Direction
2. Halo 2
3. Combat Evolved
4. Reach
5. Halo 3
6. Halo 4
7. Halo 5
>Sound Direction/OST
1. Halo 2
2. Reach
4. Halo 3
5. Combat Evolved
6. Halo 5
7. Halo 4
1. Halo 5
2. Halo 2 Anniversary
3. Reach
4. Halo 4
5. Halo 3
>Cooperative Game Modes
1. ODST (firefight)
2. Reach (firefight)
3. Halo 5 (warzone/warzone firefight)
4. Halo 4 (spartan ops)
It's impossible to objectively rank the games in all their facets this way. There's too many parts of any Halo Game that play completely different from each other and depending on how much weight an individual puts on a part of the game will effect that person's ranking of the overall games.
* It's definitely not the worst, but Halo 3 is easily the most overrated game in the series. It's popularity is mostly due to PS2 babbies that made the jump over to the 360 when it debuted as the new normie console. Most of these people then left for COD. Halo 3 has strengths, but the campaign isn't one. It's not bad, but compared to some other entries, it's far too short, easy, lacking in enemy variety, and actually has technical aspects that are inferior to the earlier games, such as FOV. The narrative is also butchered for the sake of having a convenient conclusion.
** On paper, the Halo 4 maps, most of them made by Max Hoberman's team at Certain Affinity, are very well crafted. It's the Infinity gametypes that ruin them in practice.
*** Despite all the post launch DLC, we are still missing many integral franchise experiences, and there's also no split screen or offline play.
1 > 2 ≥ 5 > TU Reach > 3 > Pre-patch Reach ≥ 4
>Single Player
ODST > 1 > Everything Else
Is the singleplayer story developing as games go on, like in mass effect?
Never played Halo and I want to start now.
don't bully me pls
>install halo 5: forge on pc
>check custom game browser
>9 public games worldwide
>less than 40 players worldwide
why is microsoft so useless at pc gaming?
Windows 10.
>Is the singleplayer story developing as games go on, like in mass effect?
In a sense, but the new Company has a completely different visionary direction for the story than Bungie did.
Bungie was no stranger to retconning, but the deeper story details never felt overly compromised. 343 meanwhile has pretty much gone in and changed the point of everything in the franchise.
>Never played Halo and I want to start now.
Play CE, 2, ODST, 3, then Reach, then watch Forward Unto Dawn, then listen to the Hunt the Truth podcast, then finally play 5.
You're still missing out on the multiplayer experience. I suggest you get MCC. It has most of these campaigns I just mentioned and has multiplayer for all of them with online.
>don't bully me pls
You're fine.
Yeah Chief's story since Halo 1. Except for the spinoff's which are connected lore wise still.
>Halo 5
>less content than 2, 4 and 3
Pretty much Halo 1-5
First lets see what halo 3 remasterd will look like this year
>halo 3 remasterd
god dammit and i was having a decent day
I can have 15 friends over and play Halo 2 right now on any map with all of them.
I can't do that in 5 unless everyone has their own:
>Xbox One
>copy of the game
>Xbox Live Gold Account ($60/yr)
>Flat Screen TV
That's simply insulting on a consumer level.
Also, taking a launch map, making it night time or frozen with ice, and changing the weapon spawns is hardly """""new""""" content. Same as with adding in """""new""""" weapons when all they're doing is taking mostly existing launch weapons, changing the color, and having them do more damage or supercombine on impact.
When you grade content, you consider not just the quantity, but the quality, and Halo 5 fails in this category.
3 remastered is after halo 6 because this year is halo wars 2, and 2018 is halo 6, so halo 3 will be 2019 or 20. Or, this is a longshot but 1 release, 2 games, just like cod infinite warfare with mw remastered. Halo 6 with halo 3 anniversary bundle, heaven
Sorry user, hopefully blur will do the cutscenes again and certain affinity gets enough time to overhaul all the maps for multi
I agree halo 5 needs much more content.
2017 is the 10 year anniversary, they did the remaster for halo 1 in 2011 and halo 2 in 2014 so probably 3 this year
I agree. I play the 4v4 elimination mode which has great maps but the actual slayer maps are meh.
Core gameplay is best tier though.
5>3>2A>Reach>Everything else
That's not content you moron, that's just an option that was removed for no reason, at best it's just your personal and biased opinion. For example i could also say that i can't play Halo 2 on any map i want because i don't have 15 friends to play, 4 tv's and 4 copies of the game, therefore Halo 5 has more content because i can play online with randoms.
I doubt we'd get a remaster, as H3 already looks pretty good and is available on the Bone. We'll probably get a map pack for 5.
Yeah but none of those games had another halo games in its release year. 2017 has Halo Wars 2. Hopefully they announce Halo 3 anniversary bundled with Halo 6 for a 2018 release at E3.
Do you even know what "content" actually means?
>Halo 2
-Custom Games
>Halo 3
-Custom Games
>Halo Reach
-Custom Games
>Halo 4
-Custom Games
>Halo 5
-Custom Games+browser
-WZ Firefight
That's just for modes and objectively, Reach and 5 should be at the top of any list.
Well, there goes my hope for halo 3 remaster on scorpio this year
>That's not content you moron, that's just an option that was removed
So its content... that was removed.
Im glad we agree. Also,
>you moron
I'm getting that youre new to this board, but things like that actually hurt your standing more than help. Just sone advice.
>What if I don't have 15 friends
Then you are either not old enough to be posting on this site or need to seriously ask yourself how a grown man doesn't have 15 friends.
>It's not content! IT'S CONTENT!
Jesus Christ
We're not getting a Halo 3 remaster
I wanted it too. It'll be on scorpio though, just later a bit later. I'm likely getting the halo 6 bundle in 2018, hopefully comes with halo 3 anniversary.
Bad content affects the game negatively.
It's not just sheer content that can be considered.
If Halo 2 had a feature where your player could go sit on a toilet and shit, you wouldn't consider that a plus.
Warzone is not a plus.
5's campaign is not a plus. It's BAD content.
2 on all fronts
Halo 5 needs
>real BTB maps by 343 not community made
>no remix maps, new ones
>more modes
All I can think of but there are some more, those are just the big ones.
Is that weed ro make halo 4's chief look like a sasquatch?
I love how you resorted to personal attacks instead of responding with a relevant argument. I'm a pathetic, friendless, 24 yo halo fan posting on a chinese imagboard, my point is still perfectly valid.
Content is content, period. Warzone has a pretty damn strong population so that means there's plenty of people playing and enjoying that game mode. If you think it's shit that's fine, i don't like it either, but saying a mode or content doesn't count because you don't like it is just ridiculous.
I think the problem is focusing too much on Warzone while neglecting modes for arena and BTB maps.
I know I'll catch shit for this but...
Reach is my favorite
I feel like it's the most polished, with the most content available.
I thought the characters models were the most detailed in the series, and best of all:
No Flood
>I know I'll catch shit for this
You're correct. No amount of content is enough to make up for Reach's core gameplay but that's just me.
>Single Player
Just like me
Reach was the last bungie halo. So your opinion has validity.
How is the master chief colleciton btw? i was thinking of getting it
Pretty good, they updated it recently. Anyone who owns an Xbone should have it.
Way better than it used to be. Multiplayer is still buggy for some people but it's playable for the most part. It's worth it for the remastered campaigns alone IMO.
>Halo 6 should just take out the function completely, revert to classic zoom
I'd rather they keep it how it is in 6 for autos, at least. Being able to hit shit with the AR in medium range is actually a postive change
I enjoyed the aiming in 5 since the beta, I don't know why people kept complaining
>CE this high in campaign
I've never understood people sucking it's dick so much for the missions, it reuses so much content and map geometry, suffers from so much tedious map design, and lacks enemy and weapon variety.
Overall it means it's extremely repetitive and tedioius to play. .
The networking is mostly fixed now, but the online isn't very active. The campaigns do and have always worked fine and it's worth getting just for those at 1080p/60 fps