Do you remember?
Do you remember?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Capcom 5
>4 games
>No Dead Phoenix
>No Resident Evil Remake
>Killer 7
It's getting harder every day to determine bait.
why don't we get unique games anymore?
The Capcom 5 vs. the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
wait, are you the one baiting here?
or do you just not know about the capcom five?
there's a wikipedia article about it you know.
>implying anyone on this website is old enough to recognize this shit from the last century
It's too expensive to take risks on wacky ideas with the current generation. The only way to ensure you make bank is to make generic AAA trash or go F2P and lock everything behind a cashshop.
yeah but we got Gotcha Force
Are you retarded?
>dead phoenix
>didnt even get released
Iron knee
this is sad.
Most generic AAA trash is failing now though. I really hope original games become a thing again eventually.
Do you know about it? Cuz I just listed all of them. Killer 7 was not part of that deal. REmake, RE4, VJ, PN03, and Dead Phoenix (or something like that; cancelled) were the capcom 5. They were all games developed in house. K7 was only published by Capcom, but not developed.
>Ben Croshaw
Is this guy still around?
>More powerful than the Xbox OG
But that's wrong, retard.
educate (you)rself
>It's too expensive to take risks on wacky ideas with the current generation.
It's really depressing man
GR2 is like the only game coming out that remind me of the fun and interesting stuff we would see come out of 6th gen.
Nope. You're wrong.
>Most generic AAA trash is failing now though
Which is why everything is going mobile. Even cheaper and easier to make loads of cash with. Just hire some Indians to put something together in a weekend for you.
because you don't buy them
>tfw bought them all
>videogames would be better if everyone was me
Well I'll be damned. I guess I was wrong.
You guys are still faggots, tho
I literally threw that game into the trash after an hour of playing it.
>after an hour
>not even enough time to understand the mechanics or unlock the rest of the abilities
>in the trash
>didn't even sell it
Speaks more about you than anything, senpai
Why do I keep coming back to this thread? No one wants to reply to this post anyway.
PN03 was underrated
>Capcom 5
this shit makes me epically kek and lel everytime, it's amazing how shitty the gamecube was even with amazing games
this shit hasn't changed guys, third party devs know shit doesn't sell on nintendo
switch will be a walking zombie
cause noone played it
Gamecube was amazing, get your head out of your ass.
It had a horrible launch. I mean, following up Mario 64 with Luigi's Mansion? Top kek.
Also, Wave Race Blue Storm, the inferior sequel to Wave Race 64.
The Rogue games were all graphics and no gameplay.
Melee and Prime were the only decent exclusives on the machine.
Who cares about remembering?
The only IP's Crapcom can still do right are Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney
Capcom has been on a steady gradual decline ever since launching Street Fighter 2 anyways
Dragon's Dogma is still cool tho
because the controls are ass
It was too expensive when Godhand was made too.
>reminder Capcom made Murakami publicly apologize for making Godhand after Capcom failed to advertise it at all
i wouldn't know i haven't played it
I had a gamecube at launch, it was not epic
it was the farthest thing from epic, people say they stopped liking nintendo at wii
fuck that my ps2 raped my gamecube in the most epic kek way possible this shit is NOT EPIC AT ALL
this video is from this october.
Some people look at the library now and think it's brilliant. While it sure has it's gems, it's a whole other story to have gotten it
during it's run. Honestly, it's just ok. Xbox probably had more variety. I remember seeing a bunch of things coming out for xbox and ps2 in 2004/2005 and the cube barely had stuff coming out. Shit was sad.
the gamecube was great when having more than 1 friend over.
PS2 with its multitap was a mess, and while it did have great multiplayer titles, they weren't quite as strong as the gamecube stuff.
>the only game that remained exclusive was complete shit
>they'd make far more money on a budget Godhand steam release than they ever made during it's initial run
>they still won't port it
That's crapcom for you
To be fair the wii u was unappealing as hell.
People used to buy Nintendo's consoles for the third party support. But now they have none (NES, SNES, GB, GBC, GBA. DS).
I think Sony sees the Vita as a testing ground, they release games with different concepts in there. So, in case of failure, their wallet won't take a heavy hit.
And then, when they saw it actually worked, it became 'fuck the Vita, PS4 all the way now' for them.
Seriously? Holy shit, that's fucking disgusting.
>To be fair
fuck off retard
>by far the best library of this generation
Man, with wireless and mutiple usb's nowadays, I forgot about that shit. You got that right.
Having to get extra shit for a console is always awful.
Memory cards were understandable I guess, but not having four controller ports on the console was just Sony being cunts.
you mean shit?
Because everything is so homogeneous, as soon as a game controls differently, it's considered shit controls by default
>by far the best library of this generation
The extremely subjective and sales show which consoles people prefered to play.
It was though, some people in my country even though hat shit as an add on to the wii. No one fucking cared for the console because it had no appeal, the controller was also a fucking abomination even though it was quite handy depending on the game.
Sales could also be considered subjective given that Wii U software sales blow PS4's software sales away.
No one's denying the Wii U itself sold like shit, but its library didn't.
>Wii U software sales blow PS4's software sales away
Do you have any source on that. Seriously interested here.
>BB at 2 mil
Shit that's fucking sad. Based on trophies, only around 1/3 of those have even beaten it. Aren't there something like 50mil sold PS4s or something?
Although i agree his list only contains the exclusive ones, outside of exclusivity the PS4 had many more titles that weren't available on the wii u. Can't find a list on those unless i search for every game individually.
Yeah it is pretty sad.
Games are too expensive now, the golden age of video games is behind us you better get used to it
What the fuck do people buy PS4s for?
Netflix and Fifa.
Check out the thread about ps4 has no ga- thread. They buy the order, knack, and yearly stuff to make their collection look impressive.
I've actually never heard of this and the only one of those games I've played is RE4.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
Good for you anime fag
Such a shame that Macross delta was so mediocre.
Is that Natalia? Sauce me up, I haven't got any hits.
pretty much this
dark souls 2 got called shit for it's controls and difference in gameplay because it was different, not because it's bad.
Not even lying, I mainly use it as a media hub.
The last game I really put time into was Doom and that was back in May.
More like Duty5.
Sorry I don't know who it is. Could be an OC for all I know.
It's a paizuri pic I found on gelbooru a while back.
Just search for it on there and it shouldn't take long to find it.
>the average Sup Forumsedditor
>Nintendo land sold nearly twice as much as the best selling PS4 game
Capcom just started the trend of third parties fucking with nintendo kek
Remember the Rayman """Wii U exclusive"""?
He should've specified good games
>not even enough time to understand the mechanics or unlock the rest of the abilities
To be fair, you barely understand the mechanics after your first playthrough and the hamfisted motion/gyro/second screen controls were garbage.
because liberals changed the focus of game development away form "we need to make unique, fun games" too "we need to make games were you can play as black trans lesbians"
Fighting games
The occasional action game.
it ight surprise you but list has only the exlusive titles, it has no third party games which has the majority of sales. A single COD game sells shitloads on the console, together with other third party games that nintendo doesn't have.
I have a PS4 myself and the last thing i think of it is getting the exclusives. i jsut like the easy access to games and jap games.
Wouldn't even blame that on liberals to be honest.
Gaming becoming mainstream really fucked it.
Viewtiful Joe is a damn good game fucking loved it.
You're a silly billy with a wee willy.
I never understood this Capcom 5 thing even at the time, the only games not in the category (REmake and RE0) were ones that didn't actually cross platforms for over TEN FUCKING YEARS.
Was itjust that it was an anouncement after REmake and Zero were released?
What are you talking about?
This game fucking sucks. You have to be a literal retard to understand how this game is supposed to work and be played.
I will never understand how someone can take pride in being bad at something. Even to the extent of acting like they're better than people who aren't bad at it.
Hey guess what I'm not a qualified electrician, that makes me super fucking cool, get fucked electrician-scrubs.
That's what you sound like.
He's right though. You have to dedicate yourself to playing like an autist to get good at this game or any other action game like DMC. Most normal people don't have that much time in their lives to dedicate themselves to a childrens toy.
>because liberals
anyone who inhabits partisan politics is the worst
Is "liberals" your answer for everything?
Most people are fags. Who cares?
It's true though?
You're right. Yearly, unfinished, unoptimized, nickel-and-dimed trash are the result of some gay nigger agenda.
Looking back, it's amazing how PS2 owners then reflected today's PC'ucks.
>the game is shit, why is it exclusive to the GameCube
>wow, nice moneyhatting, Microsoft, keeping Munch's Odyssee hostage on your shitbox
>PS2 port when?
>Hahaha, suck it Nintoddlers, we got RE4 after all!
>Oh, and Viewtiful Joe
>And Killer 7
>who gives a shit about Project Number Zero, enjoy your one game
>why did Tecmo betray us and make Ninja Gaiden Xbox only? It's not fucking fair
It goes on. I even distinctly remember gaming magazines ragging on RE4 because it wasn't on the PS2, yet as soon as it came to the PS2, it was an undisputed GOATYAY.
really activated my almonds
Nothing. They get it, play 1-2 games and then use it as a BD player, or don't use it at all. My gf bought it to play witcher 3 and she hasn't touched it since she beat it.
>motion controls
There... aren't any
>second screen
Except for a handful of sections, the games don't need the screen. Just the right analog stick.
>really activated my almonds
Really gets your insula working, doesn't it?
Really boils those noodles, eh?
>consolewar shit
Just give it a rest dude, no one should be this invested in which licensed videogame box they purchased