Don't mind me, just being the best game of the noughties

don't mind me, just being the best game of the noughties

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That would be Crash Team Racing.

something ain't right with jak's face


I appreciate you liking what I also like, but it is very stupid to believe in the idea of "ONE best anything". Choosing 1 is retarded and only retards do it.

>mfw underage faggots think this is supposed to be an edgy thing to say when he was literally kidnapped and experimented on for a year

I like when fans complain about scenes while ignoring context completely. Obsessing over details while not noticing the bigger picture is a sign of autism.

jak ii was edgy, autistic pretentious garbage meme game though


That's not even the best Jak game.

This is like how no one gets the laughing scene in FFX

kys you'reself and stop defending your gta clone and gb2leddit

>grow up with shitty father who abandons your mother at an early age
>mother dies waiting for him
>all you know is blitzball
>your entire city is completely destroyed by a monster
>you get thrown into the future full of things and people you dont understand
>practically all alone
>on the edge of a mental breakdown
>laugh hysterically to relieve some of the built up pressure

I mean its extremely obvious why Tidus did everything he did in that game. Its really only cringe if you ignore what hes been through

look at this triggered buttboy

so edgy

Man, that cover doesn't do that game justice. What the fuck is that brown haze on everything with the blue sky? Yikes.


It's a bit shit alright. Only just noticed how awful the Krimzon Guards are, the furthest one isn't even standing on the plane correctly

I can understand putting a muted tone over the background to push the characters forward, but there's better ways to do it

Kinda reminds me of the NTSC TPL cover compared to the PAL one. I always thought this had some weird muddy glaze over the BG (turns out it's night time), looks a lot more saturated too and oddly cropped

Don't think it's the best naughty dog game but it's still fucking excellent.
I can always tell someone hasn't played Jak2 and just wants to meme when they say Jak is edgy. He's edgy for the first few missions and that's it.

As a CGI Animator this render pisses me off. I love Jak 2 but what the hell is even happening in the box art?


Did the Greatest Hits version patch any minor glitches, or left everything identical? I only have GH Jak 3 and a minor bug that I know from the black label version is no there anymore.

It was perfectly normal for the time.

And I see no flaws, maybe it's just you.


It looks like they only rendered Jak&daxter and everything else is like a mishmash of screenshots from the game or something.



>doesn't even kill Praxis
Jak confirmed for big fat softy

>when u nut but she still suckin

there's no glitches, the game worked perfectly as intended. you're just bad.

>things happen in a story to change his priorities


He had time for both

Alrighty then. Often enough you will lose Dark Jak 1 second after you transform. Sometimes a stray shot will hit you, triggering the transformation back. Sometimes the city will have no music playing.


I remember fapping to her when i was 11

>Sometimes a stray shot will hit you, triggering the transformation back

I feel like that may be intentional despite being an odd choice

I remember the second thing happening once on my ps2, but just entering any cut-scene fixes it.

No Jak game really has any game-breaking terrible glitch, but also very few fun glitches i can remember beyond infinite flight as Light Jak

>that cutscene glitch that lets you explore a good chunk of sandover village in Jak 2
one of my favorite glitches of all time desu

>No Jak game really has any game-breaking terrible glitch
Except for one, and you know which one. I blame Sony.

>I feel like that may be intentional
If that was intentional, why does it not happen every time? Why would ND put that in the game? And if it WAS their intention, why was it fixed for Jak 3?

The Jak X memory card corrupter?

But the gameplay is shallow and slow, the open world elements are paper thin and barely justified, and the story is shit. How could you possibly consider this game the best of the 00's when it wasn't even the best game of 2003? Viewtiful Joe? THUG? Freelancer? SSX3? FZero GX? Ratchet and Clank 2? Homeworld 2? Jedi Academy? SimCity 4? Max Payne 2? Command and Conquer Generals? Freedom Fighters? Beyond Good and Evil? KOTOR? Wind Waker? All better than Jak 2.

Christ, I do not understand the adoration of this series.

okay, i'll bite;

>dark jak 'glitches'
these are most likely intentional due it being so OP. besides, you use it 1% of the time anyway so who cares?

my music works fine. it's just your system.

Yes. I blame Sony for rushing the development. Fucking greedy cunts. So good I snagged a sealed copy of GH release on eBay for only slightly over 20 bucks.

>it's just your system
The glitch happened twice on my playthrough, which is considered rare. If it was "my system", it would happen all the time.

>it was intentional
Go ahead ans ask the ND founders on social media. See what they answer.

go ahead, post a full on playthrough of jak ii and highlight all the glitches.
oh wait, you won't.
burden of proof, faggot

If you played the game at least 3 times you seen them all.

again, burden of proof faggot

Best platformer.

>Go and find proof of a rare as fuck non-triggerable glitch or else some 12 year old retard on Sup Forums won't believe it exists.

Yeah i'm sure he'll do that. Nigga you sound too underage to have even played Jak 3 so it's no wonder you've never seen it

>i b4 le burden of proof XDD

>Ten seconds on a "New World" with no answers to where you even are Let alone when you are
>Immediately taken into prisoner not even conscious to get a clue as to where your friends dissapeared
>Two years of off-screen experimental exposure to Dark Eco, something you fought to keep away from other hands right before.
>Either killed by the exposure, killed by the Barron for failing in some other way or used as a weapon against the metal heads
>All he has to say is that he's going to Kill the Barron

The Kor scene is a much better example of "Edgy" Writing. I honestly don't know why people nitpick that scene of all things besides being the moment that breaks his silent role.

Don't you ever say that word to me again you human garbage.

Okay, here's the deal. Using the superior hacking skills that I am sure you possess, find out my living address. Then send me 1,000 US dollars in cash. Once I receive the money, I promise to record myself playing the game again, and sent the footage of the glitch to you.

But I won't start filming until I get my cash.

Daily Reminder that Josh Mancell is a gr8 composer:

Not related to the topic, but I heard about Ty 3 is edgy by some people. What's so edgy about it?

In that game dark scary aliens attack the land, and you need to defeat them. It's a babby's version of Jak 2 in terms of the "dark scary aliens attacked the planet) plot.

I keep telling myself that I'm going to take a day and replay Jak & Daxter, since it only takes me about 6 hours to get to 100%.

But I never do. Why???

Do you have a link to the track that plays near the end of the mission where you meet ashelin at the pumping station? I can't find it anywhere

It wasn't even just that. It also explains Yuna's entire character. Yuna ALWAYS puts herself second to everything. Hell this entire Pilgrimage is basically her marching to kill herself so then everyone else can live happy lives. Whenever she's faced with the gravity of her situation the does the only thing she can do: laugh. Even if the laugh isn't real. Lie to yourself until you believe it.

Because even playing takes effort, and we can't have that, can we?

I personally spent several years not finishing certain games in my collection because I was lazy. What you need to do is call your laziness for a chat, look it in the face, and say "FUCK YOU FUCKING FAGGOT I DO WHAT I WANT YOU AIN'T THE BOSS OF ME I CAN PLAY VIDEOGAMES IF I WANT TO YOU CANNOT STOP ME!"

Or something.

>near the end of the mission
That level only has one track.

But which gun was the best gun?


>tfw using first-person glitch to manually aim it

I actually also have a lot of paperwork to do and my house is piling up with garbage because I'm too lazy to take it to the curb.

And all my clothes are on the floor in the living room because I'm too lazy to fold them and put them on the shelves.

I think ever since my roommate moved out I've degenerated into some kind of Sup Forums browsing monster that does nothing else.

Yellow. You never run out of ammo crates (looking at you, most of the game including the final boss), and it works in every situation.

You know what you need? You need to get banned for a week.

A week without this board will remind you that one can function even without being online all the time. Every time I was banned it did me good.

You realize the ammo crates give random ammo as long as you don't have full ammo, right?

If you only use the peacemaker, and all the other guns have full ammo, literally every crate will give you peacemaker ammo.

I played it first this year, just after Jak 1. The guns are terrible, aiming is so shit that you don't feel like you screwed up when someone hits you, it feels like the game is screwing you over. Tons of escort missions with friendly fire and stupid AI, the "open world" is a clusterfuck of flying shit in small corridors that blocks your way and adds up to the annoyance factor. Nothing that creative or interesting, best parts are probably the hoverbike races.

I know I can function without Sup Forums. But I think I've got an addiction-like problem. When I'm away from a computer I can function just fine but as soon as I get home I'm already on the front page without even thinking.

That's why I refuse to get a smartphone. I know if I had an internet capable phone I'd be incapable of doing anything else even away from home.

Metal Kor stole his kill. Jak was on his way to the contruction yard to kill Praxis.