Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this

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ur a faggot LOL

Defend what? The disgusting resolution that makes it so I can't even see what the fuck is going on?

I would try if I knew what I was supposed to be defending

I want to defend this because I'm a contrarian faggot but I don't exactly know what I'm looking at.

Sup Forums will defend this

The player was locked on to the hollow that was further away but instead snapped into a backstab on the boar

I don't understand why this is a bad thing to be honest m8.
You can always hit other enemies while locked on.

Post a link next time so people can actually watch the video and not try to guess what's going on based on screenshots, fucking retard.

>das1 backstab is ridiculous
the slowest poke
how hard was it to make the elevator go down instead of up and put a ceiling on the keep. most of the shit in das1 is underground anyway


Its a mountain you retard.

Just remember: There's a chance Dark 3's 2nd DLC will make all the fucked up landscape in DS2 canon.
>DLC2 has you collect the Dark Soul of Man
>The Dragon Painter takes it and paints Drangelic
>The painting gets fucked up



It's like they cut out a whole level.

They did.


Sup Forums will defend this

Is this from the newest installment of Chewie and Fuckface?

Just pretend you go a bit underground to fight the boss and that the distance you travel forward is further than it seems and it kind of makes sense. You travel underground and forward into the mountain range then go up with the elevator.