E3 2017

What are your hopes and dreams this year?

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Hoping for some cool new memes from our friends at Ubisoft

Didnt read give source

Half-life 3

Obsidian TES

anything less will be a disappointment

it's photoshop

The return of the promised lot and actual games.

Bitch yo face is busted and you stand like Tommy Pickles.

>Ubisoft comes back to embarrass itself for another year
This company is mad

For the western videogame industry to take a look at themselves and realize why gamers are boycotting their games/simply have no interest in them.

GameStop had a promotion where you could trade in any newer game and be able to buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare for $1. That is quite a contradiction from employees that claim there is a troll campaign to discredit the game.

Doubtful. The Steep promotion was a disaster (seriously bless her soul), Watch Dogs 2 failed in sales, and investors dream of Vivendi buying their shares from them.

disgusting ill-proportioned goblin

Tomba! 3 or Chrono Break. I mean, those are my dreams of dreams.

Project Scorpio.
Some juicy new IPs made with M$.
Possibly something less dudebro.
Return of linear, fantasy RPGs.
Fable return would make me really happy.
> Xbot here

is that pic supposed to mean something? IW still sold very well and I have no doubt that the next CoD will be the same thing if not better.

and yet people still buying AAA garbage that killed this industry

>yfw its not shooped


user, I'm not sure if you are being contradictive, or if you are a legit shill, but the series is done if it continues to focus on future bullshit.

Even Madden had less sales this year due to unhappy fans.

I bet I can predict Sony‘s e3, in order too

>Opens with God of War
>Blooborne 2 gets announced
>Release dates for Days Gone and Detroit Become Human.
>VR section
>Multiplat section (Destiny 2, COD, Red Dead 2, Battlefront 2)
>Fanservice section of franchise return (Like FF7 and Shenmue in 2015 and Crash in 2016)
>Sucker Punch's new game
>Closes the show with Spiderman gameplay
>If TLOU2 is a 2019 game it won't be there, but if it's 2018 then it will close the show instead

New bloodrayne when?

they relly need to amp up VR, AAA gaming is sinking faster than hollywood

>E3 2017
>Sony: Sales of our unneeded PS4 versions show that people are idiots.
Microsoft: Scorpio! Ignore the pricetag, people.
Nintendo: Switch might have new third party games on the horizon, might.

Jesus christ. I will save this link to fap (slang term for masturbate) to later.

you jok but sales are down by a lot. Practically all the new AAA games have unperformed by quite a bit.

Destiny 2: It's Actually Good This Time

Destiny was always good, I am hoping for Destiny 2: We Actually Shipped the Complete Game This Time.

Tango gameworks to show off a new game that looks like a sequel to God Hand or Vanquish.

Those hips remind me of something you'd see in Wakfu.



do people actually think these deformities are sexy?

TTK was the glimmer of hope that they're capable of learning and improving. They kinda muted it with that last expansion and bringing back sparrow racing, though.

Are you a faggot?

Viewtiful Joe 3 with Kamiya directing.

Same as every year.

Can you be gay somewhere else? You guys have so many threads on Sup Forums. Let us have this one.

no, but i'm also not into bestiality

You sound like a guy from a sheltered household who only seen flat as fuck women all their life.

Dont lie.

A /fit/ gf

>that height in comparison to the door means she's short as shit
>that explosion from the waist down

good lord

Top lel she is like the opposite of a guy that only does chest or arms. Her lower legs look like midget legs. Believes in god.


fucking pig

>I'm gay


i wonder if she jiggles when she walks

None. You guys need to realize game development typically runs down like this:

>devs can make games, but have no money
>publishers have money but can't make games
Guess who gets the final world in if you're getting another generic cod shooter microtransaction immersive cinematic experience, or that sequel to that amazing-whatever game you played as a kid.

Why did it turn out this way?

Game development got expensive as fuck, the business grew and became more corporate, meaning less innovation, less risk, cut costs, maximize profits.

All I'm looking forward to is gameplay footage of RDR2 and Spider-Man.
They'll probably have another "rendered in game" trailer for Gran Turismo Sport too.

oh fug


>couch potatoes on Sup Forums think this isn't shooped


I wanna fuck her gap.

>short stacks exist
>that fucking ass


her man is the same height...meaning he's an ultimate manlet

Disgusting proportions. Yuck.

To get crushed between those thighs.


Why must hot girls always be so basic?


2/10 would not fuck


i reallly want bloodborne 2


Because they don't have to be anything more to get endless marriage proposals and online stalkers.


>Shortstacks is a real thing.

Chun-Li proportions are a possibility, and now this.

Reality has just gotten a lot more fucking interesting.

>average MMO character creation

Anything would be better than last years


I hope there are some better parties this year.

The Bethesda one last year was OK, but Blink 182 are too old now. The Let it Die party was kind of neat though.

I want to cum on her(male) stomach.




Mary Boberry is fine as hell, I want her to sit on my lap yfw she's fatter than that now

2D/2.5D Metroid Dread (Metroid 5)
Halo 6 (Master Chief main only character)


A real life goblin holy shit, I need one.


Wait hold on
What does this have to do with video games and E3

what does a girl do to get those thighs?
she just work her thighs 24/7 at the gym?

her instagram shows shes a fucking med school graduate

I don't normally defend random IG whores but you faggots reek of insecurity

After working around horses for most of my young life the likeness between them and women like this is creepy. I see a horse's body when I see proportions like this.



I think you might just have a problem.

God damn it now I will have to fap to Enji pictures.

I want to watch her get fucked in her Cindy costume by that Gladio cosplayer

How tall can this woman be? 2'8''? 3'0'' maybe?

whoa mama

Yeah she looks like the venus of willendorf standing up but when you've got a fat woman bent over or laying down they look like blobs

thought that duke only had one leg

youtube.com/watch?v=U-MAFDe2VXc (19:35 and on is GOAT)

Post more voluptuous fatties

>Black Desert Online character creation.

it's incredible how much I desire impregnating her

It literally says nephew right there.

pornhub is still free for disabled people

fake af, it may not be a shop but it's fake af

enji night is still better

shut up and let me /ss/

Everyday is apparently leg day.

Well your wish just might cone true


first of all, is that a midget?
pic related is probably taller than her desu

and second of all I'm hoping for
>red dead redemption 2 gameplay trailer+release date
>maybe a new dark souls(or even bloodborne) announcement
>resident evil 7 gameplay trailer+release date
>new soul reaver or blood omen game(but I'm sure it ain't gonna happen,sadly)
and this but I'm sure they wont let us down

Muh fucking dick man