Best seibaa
Are you buying her game Sup Forums?
as someone who doesn't follow this series, why are there so many versions of saber?
Did you mean Tamamo's game?
For fapping
Because she is the waifu of the main artist of the Fate franchise.
Because her design is cute as hell but her personality in the first game was borderline autistic and very hard to love.
So they replaced her personality with Nero (of burning down Rome fame) and she instantly became better (and red).
I'll think about it.
When Takeuchi designed all of them he had a mad sameface problem, but as it's gone on its now an in-joke of massive proportion.
Makes sense I guess
it's T-O-X-I-C
Saber is cute but is autistic in the actual way.
So instead
>Proud roman Saber
>Dainty Japanese Saber
>Joke Saber
>Joke Saber : Edgy Fatty Edition
>Actual Gag Saber
>Jeanne D' Saber
>Dark Jeanne D' Saber
>Dark loli Jeanne D' Saber Limited Edition (No really)
kek a loli Jeanne D' Saber
I might have to pick up this series
No but I'll buy Cu's game
Jeanne is the best seibah
Haven't decided whether I want to get it on Vita or wait till I pick up a PS4.
Post more Roman Seiba (aka the best one)
The original game had two versions of her for story reasons, then they made a costume in another game that became a third version, then the red one was made as fanservice for Saber not actually being in the game, and the rest are just joke characters making fun of the fact that there are so many Saber look a likes.
I want to impregnate Saber Nero
We all do m8
I don't.
t. homosexual
>alter saber
>that alter saber lancer form
>ninja feet saber
Isn't loli Jannu a Lancer?
I'd rather this Saber.
What game? Is it another VN?
Because forcing something enough will eventually make retards like it
t.See Sup Forums
She's basically Type Moon's Lightning before lightning was a thing.
Got the LE preordered. Gonna update my 3.60 vita for this shit. Feels like release is so far away.
>Not getting the jap CE
You missed out.
Someone explain to me why there are so many sabers
So that everyone is guaranteed to have at least one Saber of their own