What's so good about Metal Gear Rising?

What's so good about Metal Gear Rising?

The memes, Jack.

not very much

It's fun. It doesn't have to be deep and complex to provide entertainment, user.

Raiden's ass

yes it does or else it will get boring 30 minutes into the game
games like Dynasty Warriors avoid that problem by having dozens of characters to play as. MGR has you playing as the edgiest fuck in video game history for the whole 6 hours without any major changes in gameplay

It felt really good to play once you git gud. No, seriously, no memes; once you get your flow and you're ripping shit apart, it feels fantastic to get those S ranks.

The combat.

>got bored of being a cyborg ninja after 30 minutes
Were you playing on easy? Because you'd have to be breezing through the game to get bored of it

Very very fun
Interesting enemies and bosses
Dynamic soundtrack to enhance fun and mood and fight flow

Feels EXTREMELY smooth and satisfying to move around and use any attacks
Rewards skillful play

played on whatever the name was for the hardest difficulty that was available on your first playthoguh and yeah I breezed through it

a game can also be challenging and still have a shitty combat system

I dont understand why idiots like you with shit taste in games go out of your way to start threads about games you dont like and proceed to shitpost at people who do like these games.

i think you meant to respond to



What are you on about

I haven't shitposted shit. I like MGR:R

This isn't impressive at all, it's just a bunch of fancy animations being stung together without any mechanical depth behind them. It's the beat'em'up equivalent of Uncharted

make a webm of you doing it yourself, please

The highs are high enough to justify replaying it. Going back and S ranking it is much easier than say anything else platinum has made because restarting can bring you back to pretty much that exact fight every time.

Major flaw is that the game just doesn't have enough depth to it. Like there is almost no point in memorizing combos Raiden has.
Perfect Parry is broken as shit in revengance mode
Everything about the VR missions jesus christ.

You have no idea of what you're talking about

I really liked it. It has a ton of flair, but also a ton of substance. What I didn't like was:
- Action sequences. Yeah, I died in at least three of them. Tower at the beginning, bridge (I thought you had to dodge the cars, not go over them with Ninja Run) and that one in the burning building.
- Stealth kills take fucking forever.

Parry should have been its own button.

yes I do
I'd rather not go out and buy this shit game again

stop posting any time, you're the only person in this thread with such shit opinions

It only looks that simple because of how well it was done and all the shit that went perfectly right like enemy positioning. That fight is a clusterfuck 99% of the time.

Wait, can Sam air parry? I thought you needed to buy a skill, or was that Raiden?
I didn't like those DLCs, still. Blade Wolf's sucked hard, and Sam wasn't as good as Raiden (although I think he's stronger in direct combat because of the blade).

Speaking of clusterfuck, where is the fight against three gorillas that people have trouble with? I don't remember triggering it. Was it on the cargo elevator?

>Nice combat
>Nice soundtrack
>Nice meme
Gee, I dunno man.

I hate the control gimmicks that get forced in Metal Gear games. First the pressure sensitive interrogation in MGS3 and then the parrying system in MGR. Sometimes the game decides I want to move toward the bad guy while doing a light attack instead of parrying his fucking swing.

Fun gameplay, surprisingly detailed Codecs, memorable bosses, and a very cheesy and likable soundtrack.

>pic related

At the end of the "Escape from Denver" mission, there's a door just before the final grating that opens. Follow it to a room with watermelons (the same one you first entered when you left the train tunnel earlier in the game) and three Mastiffs will attack you.

You can play it in a shallow enough way that the plebs are appeased while experienced players also find room to enjoy themselves.

Same reason Devil May Cry 4 can be for both the scrub and hardcore variety of faggot.

Good time to ask.

I've beaten the game, but for some reason I can't access either of the DLCs. I downloaded them after Rising first installed and they show up as purchased on the PSN and downloaded in the PS3 history, but neither of them are options on the main menu.

Does anyone know what might be the issue, and how can I resolve this matter? Thanks.

>I never played that game so I must pretend I'm not impressed

What I most loved about the game was the Timing, everything is timed perfectly so it is hard to get bored playing it.

It's the best spin-off game ever made. It just works in every way imaginable.

did you import a copy from a different region?

Choose New Game, there should be a Story (Jetstream) and a Story (Blade Wolf) option now.
Mind you, they're only 1-2 hours tops. Blade Wolf's DLC sucks.

I'm replaying it right now.
I love the attention to detail.

Playing it now after years shows how much of a difference being good at the game actually makes.

I only wish I didnt have to unlock all of this shit again.

People are giving the usual answers but honestly it's the replayability of the game. The fact that I can squeeze out so much enjoyment out of a short game is outstanding. Trying to get no damage on the bosses gets the blood pumping.

Nope. US PS3 and US Rising.

When I go to that option I only get a warning that it'll erase my data. If I click "OK" will it take me to a branching screen, or will it kill my Raiden data and start me off in his first mission?

>Trying to get no damage on the bosses gets the blood pumping.
>The helicopter in Sundowner's fight who seeks for nothing but to nick you for .02%
>the section of armstrong's fight where you need to run around for an unknown amount of time for the cutscene to trigger while Armstrong is trying to break your back.

You can sequence skip the fuck out of Sundowner using defensive offensive during his windups. Ironically enough I learned the trick from a friends stream while he was trying to play the game for the first time on normal.

The Armstrong waiting game though, yeah that shit's bullshit. After I got the achievement I stopped doing Armstrong no damage altogether.

>bunch of uneffective graphical fallacies somehow excuses boring as fuck mechanics based on mindless buttonmashing