Darkstalkers are not dead

Darkstalkers are not dead

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Your sex life is, though.



Pick one, Sup Forums.

Nah, some other time.



I'm only here for Felicia toes.


a cat is fine too

The one with the superior hairstyle.

Daily reminder that Lilith has the same hip size as Morrigan, but with less boobs.

Wide hips and small tits is a wonderful combination.

no, not unless you crush their necks with your huge boobs

that seems painful

Who Best Bot here?

heh, i remember the thread this was posted in
i made art too, but i can't find it. makes me sad.


Lord Raptor for Mahvel

Undead lol

i hope they don't neuter him like they did lei lei

You just reminded me of something.

>Street Fighter fans
We all use localised names, stupid weebs

>Darkstalkers fans
We all use the original names, stupid Americans

Where's the consistency?

But the international names are the originals.

Where is this confirmed?

Does it also apply to Savior?

>Where is this confirmed?
I'm pretty sure Murata mentions it here:
It's also mentioned in old book interviews. They do seem to be generally be talking about the first game though, so I don't know if it's still te case by the time they got to Savior. Although the name "Jedah Dohma" actually did already exist, as he was mentioned in backstory fluff for the previous two games before he became playable.

It's probably because Darkstalkers is a lot more relevant in Japan than off the island, so people probably just got more used to the Japanese names. Both names are usually cool enough that I don't mind, but some of them are weird, like Aulbath to Rikuo. Why make it more Japanese in the English version?

Unknown. The original ones at least were given from Capcom USA branch based on references or what research said would be popular. The ones changed were because Capcom Japan thought the names would have been difficult for a Japanese Audience. Lei-Lei was Hsien-Ko's codename while they were in development, but they kept attached to the name and used that instead while using Donovan from the same western source. I don't know about Savior, but both BB Hood and Bulleta reflect the nature of the character really well so something autistic like Bulleta is her codename in the Darkhunters Guild works for me.

The actor that played the creature from the black lagoon's name was Ricou Browning.

Alright, that makes a lot more sense now.

Godamn it I've never wanted to stick my dick in someone as much as Lilith.

>liking short hair

Found the faggot.

>not liking short hair