You travel 10 years in the past to give yourself vidya purchase advice

>You travel 10 years in the past to give yourself vidya purchase advice

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What did he mean by this? Really makes you think. wtf i hate myself now

Don't even need to go that far. Just a year is enough. Invest in amd and get 10x the money. It's vidya related enough to count.

Buy a good pc and mine bitcoins.

you forgot let that sink in

>Gets to travel 10 in the past to talk to themselves
>Gives advice about what games to buy instead of info about stocks or lottery numbers.

lol but 10 years ago I wasn't even borned

Don't buy overwatch or Legion. Both horrible games.

You must be one of those beta orbiters I've heard about.

>Don't buy all those 360 games
>Don't buy anymore PS2 games
>Don't buy a PC

"Never preorder a game. Ever."

I don't think my 8 year old self even buys games

>Buy Minecraft and offer to invest in Mojang.
>Don't pay for the Star Citizen Kickstarter it'll make it's goal just fine.
>Don't buy My Summer Car
>Get a PS3 instead of a 360. The time you spend playing through its library (lol nogaems) will vastly outweigh the few matches of CoD you play with the friends who pressure you into buying the Xbox... Or just go full idort, you'll have the money.
>Don't cheap out on graphics cards.
>Stop playing WoW. It will never provide the satisfaction you're looking for.

Just pirate everything

Don't get Dragon Age 2.

That's the only purchase I've ever made I'm unhappy with.

Just dont even invest in it. Get a better hobby.

Play football and bang chicks

Buy the stuff your friends are playing, even if you have to dip into your savings a little.

You might save a little money by not playing it, but you can never save the moments you have with your friends.

"Resident Evil 4 will come to Gaystation Poo in under a year so stop acting high and mighty about your homo purple lunchbox."

Buy a CycloDS.

>had stack of 30 DS games
>imported jump super stars for $80
>later, jump super stars 2
>tell my friend to buy it so we can play together
>he comes to my house later and just told me he downloaded it
>all my hard earned cash

Even with the cost of gas to get to a physical store. Even with the time it takes to drive. It's still better than dealing with multiple damaged packages due to USPS.


So you're exactly 18 right now correct? Because even talking to your 8 year old self like that is a little odd.

Don't buy Xenoblade Chronicles X
Don't buy all those MTG cards you don't even play MTG.

Don't buy Gotham City Impostors. You'll play it twice, stop due to your shitty connection, and by the time you get a better connection the game will be both free to play and dead as fuck.

A warning is a warning. Even if the universe limited someone to only discussing videogames, that kid would look at their older self and think "damn, I can't let that happen to me". Which would cause a ripped version to appear and say "avoid steroids".


>Alekhines Gun

Scraping the bottom here man...

Learned the hard way. Physic enemies are even more deadly when going in loud.




I stop myself from buying the games in pic related

>It doesn't get better bro (gaming or otherwise).

feels bad where did everything go so wrong.

buy tf2
dont buy hats

do exactly what you are doing and keep enjoying yourself. also, never believe their lies.

>Civ V

>Insurgency and garry's mod staying

Psychic even.

I actually remember how many sites listed that as a well known scam. Real money for 1's and 0's? Ha ha.

Stop playing vidya

Don't fucking trust Ubisoft. It always seems like they're getting back on track BUT THEY NEVER ARE.

dont buy budokai tenkaichi 2 for 50 dollars you mongoloid, it will be 20 bucks like a month later

>Anime tiddies are everywhere in 2016-2017
Younger me would try to induce a ten year coma.

I legit liked dawn of war 2, but then I remembered the shit they pulled with GFWL and the fact that they banned me for criticizing the game on the beta forums; so that one's not a case of the game being terrible, but the developers being complete fuckasses.

>dump vidya
>invest in google
>buy all them bitcoins

Save your money to buy PC and PS3. And good internet. Don't spend all of it for internet cafes you fuck.

In fact, don't even spend for video games. Go out with your friends, dumbass. They kept inviting you but you're too "busy" playing GTA and Halo.

Dont Fall for the PC Meme, Steam will turn into shit.
I would also show myself a picture of Todd Howard with the words 'Dont Believe his lies'

Nah. Making mistakes is how you learn.

not really purchase but,

>don't trust your little brother with those psp games and keep them well hidden.
>find a way to invest into bitcoins and the like, ANY FUCKING WAY OR AMOUNT JUST DO IT

losing a game you like is bad, having someone else do it is just fucking bullshit.

I'm curious since I don't actually use Steam, but in what way has it gone to shit?

>Buy Klonoa PS1 so that I don't have to pay 50 dollars for a copy on ebay later.
>Don't buy a new CPU for an old as fuck motherboard, just start from scratch.
>Don't buy keys to open crates ever
>Don't buy Revelator until Black Friday
>Oneshot isn't coming until late 2016, you don't have to hold 10 dollars in your steam wallet for over 2 years.
All I can think of at the moment

Its flooded with Greenlight Indie Shit, but the steam sales hurt the industrie more than people realize

If it hurt the industry then why would publishers even use it? That doesn't logically follow.

Tell them you will be a neet and a loser in 2017 still playing vidya so might as well ask that tifa lookalike out and hope she says yes.
Also get /fit/ because it feels good.

You could just not buy shit?

Like, I don't understand how so many people get fucked over with early access stuff. Only buy if it looks playable at the moment.

I've only bought two early access games. Crawl and Parkitect.
Crawl was already really good at the point when I bought it and they said it was EA until they felt like they had nothing more to add to the game.
Parkitect already looked like a good RCT2 game and I want it to succeed. Planet Coaster doesn't interest me.

>travel ten years in the past to give self advice
i'd have other priorities than video games
1. tell self that mom will get undetected lymphomic cancer sometime in 2014-2015 and to get checked regularly to prevent her from dying in 2016
2. tell self to actually bother with buttcoin in the early days and then dump them for about $500/coin as soon as they hit $900/coin in value (nobody's going to actually buy that shit at "value")
3. tell self to invest in various companies that did well and place certain bets on certain events
4. teach frugality, which is something i learned over time
5. tell self to avoid the fuck out of women and all of the various shit i use to allow me to avoid them now

>Play shit loads of BW
>Be the first person to use the broken 4 gate rush in sc2.
>Make mad dosh.

>Don't go to college for Game Design
>Your best friend will leave you.

Don't fucking buy KOAR full price you twit, it's not as fun as it seems.

Stick with TF2, if you had played consistently from the time you started instead of giving up and not playing for a few years, you could be actually good.

You're going to go to college to try to learn how to program, it's going to suck and be really hard, but stick with it instead of playing video games all day. Go to the tutoring, stop being a semi-autistic faggot.

Buy dmc4 and git gud asap
Dont buy asscreed 1 it has automatic controls
Dont buy bayonetta for ps3. Its unplayable
Dont buy dark souls games for console
Dont play ff13 not even pirated
Dont buy the 3g vita. Its useless and sony false advertized