Is this the peak of graphics?
Is this the peak of graphics?
Niggers have big pores, that's the only reason you can see them, not some next level graphics.
They have them so that way they can steal particles out of the air.
What did he mean by this? Really makes you think. wtf i hate graphics now
I want Sup Forums to leave
Fuck off you fucking cuckold nigger loving faggot
I hate this game as much as any Sup Forumsfag but Sup Forumsfags need to leave
There is literally nothing wrong with hating niggers.
The most intelligent people in existence all hated niggers. Funny enough, none of these intelligent people are black.
not the peak, but a very good engine (when in dx12 mode)
i wish they picked vulkan instead of dx12 tho, i dont want to give in to the win10 botnet
>Sup Forumsfags train of thought
you guys are dumber than niggers somehow
You first cuck
>implying you aren't a cuckold
We hit the nail on the head and you know it.
>die immediately
>medic runs by
>doesnt revive me
good game
>Sup Forums is still mad their hands are black when they play hillnigger sniper in the multiplayer
>the only black people you play as in the campaign all get massacred and it's for 5 minutes
I hate niggers but the only reason I hate battlefield 1 is because it's shit
> implying you aren't a cuckold
> playing bf1 you a cuck
top kek user
Currently yes. Battlefield 1 and Battlefront.
post stats shitter
>puts a space when he greentexts
>on top of that can't even make a coherent post
I wish I could block the mentally handicapped from replying to me.
what do you think games will look 5 years from now
Is there anyway to customize your character so you always spawn white or are you forever forced to be a black man occasionally?
The dynamic weather and gameplay is breddy gun. I might buy it.
you barely play as a black guy. why does this bother you autists so much
Because if you had the choice to be aryan or a fucking baboon anyone who isn't already a baboon would obviously want to be master race
Black people making up 1/4th of the German army on the Western Front is fucking strange
Because sjw cuck liberal jew nu-male cultural marxist globalist communist feminist reddit propaganda
The multiplayer isn't a historically accurate depiction of WWI and was never been advertised to be.
Charles Darwin not only fucked, but married his own cousin.
>There is literally nothing wrong with hating niggers.
The only reason you're still alive is that you're too much of a pussy to hate on a nigger irl.
It looks p. damn good. I'm not sure I'd consider it the "peak" of good graphics, but it's certainly up there.
As far as gameplay, it's p. average. There's no communication between teammates. The last match of conquest I played, there were 19 scouts on a team of 32.
I played it a lot after release, but now it's just too frustrating.
Looks nice tho
>yea we niggaz wuld fuk u up wite boi by ganging up on u 5v1: the post
Still can't name a single intelligent negro.
>I'm too fucking incompetent to do research on anything I disagree with cuz muh alt-right: the post
Philip Emeagwali, Dr. Patricia L. Turner, Dr. Roland A. Owens, Sylvia Reed Curran, Curtis Odom.
Now please go kill yourself, you sack of shit.
Wow literally no one noteworthy
>being noteworthy = intelligent
Go back to shitposting on Sup Forums fuckwit.
Aside from the niggers (even tho there was a bunch, and yes there was also niggers in the reich)
The map design is garbage and there's so few maps in it
And where the fuck is the trench maps
Darwin never said that, you nigger. It was from a book called The Clansman.
That being said, I completely agree with it.
I guess being comparable to average white intellect is an achievement for you guys
Did you hear every word Darwin said? How cool!
Too bad it's a direct downgrade in every other way from BF4 other than ingame browser.
The average white IQ is not 190.
>you guys
>implying I'm a nigger
>mfw I'm white
So you were a cuck the whole time. Figures.
>it's a falseflag samefagging episode
I figure I feel the same way about you as an intelligent black person feels about niggers.
I try to understand the world around me and refrain from shitting my pants in fear of the unknown, as an intelligent black person would.
While you cling to in-group thoughts and actions, as a nigger would.
>cuck, nigger, sand-nigger, spic, chink, libcuck, Hitler did nothing wrong, degenerate, etc.
>We wuz kanga, yo, po-po, chalkies, honkies, ma nigguh, byitch, ho, datum, wan smoke sum crack, etc.
>the cuck
Hahahah, even worse it's DC.
Woah you are getting ahead of yourself, I have nothing against Hispanics or Asians. Only the garbage races are a problem.
i really hope you didnt fucking buy the game just to figure that they just were going to fuck their customers again like they did with battlefront
there's literally nothing wrong being a cuck
Hispanics are cool but they've still got to go.
The illegal ones, sure.
It's been slow and small changes for quite a while now, so probably not too different. Probably better AO and of course higher resolution textures.
The illegal ones first.
dead meme