This is Emma Millstein, president of Class VII at Thors Military Acadamy and a witch of the Hexan clan...

This is Emma Millstein, president of Class VII at Thors Military Acadamy and a witch of the Hexan clan. Say something nice about her.

Also Trails of Cold Steel thread

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say what you want about FFXV, but holy fuck Trails games are way too fucking long. CSII i'm at 40 hours and the story has basically gone nowhere.

Trails games have so much pacing issues but the characters are nice.
I like Enmas tits

What did he mean by this? Really makes you think. wtf i love emma millstein now

FFXV is like 15 hours if you just rush through the story. I spent 53-ish and that was exhausting everything but the wretched fishing minigame.

Pretty cute. Would fuck.

Fishing is easy but takes too long

Emma is cute, but Fie cuter, and Sara has better tits

I love Cold Steel, but CS2 fucking drags after Osbourne comes back and the faux ending

CSIII when?

why not both

That's because Falcom figured CS1+CS2 would be too long of a game but CS2 turned out it'd be too short. CS2 was padded with meaningless content which in the end leads that little is resolved. Then Falcom noticed the ending no longer worked with how the game was split into two and added shit that was originally planned to be part of a sequel. In short, Cold Steel is a mess and Falcom and Kondo are hacks

Everything about CS2 middle part was so slow.

Dem vagina bones in CS2

Not soon enough.

No, in actuality they need to take their time. I'm burned out from the second game and need some time to decompress. Maybe Spring 2018 NA release? Fall 2017 for the nips?

Im using the down time to work on SAO:HR. Meme how you will, but the games are decent, save for Lost Song

Best body in class VII. And I'm a Laurafag.

They are really mediocre and arent worth playing unless you like SAO girls a lot

We're gonna have a long wait for Cold Steel 3; not just because it would take XSeed a long time to localize it, but because after the Japs get the game then gotta avoid threads like the plague to not get spoiled.

>Emma will never get the recognition she deserves
>meanwhile Alissa and Laura do

It's not fair

But thats not Millium

Really hoping that the jump to the PS4 leads to some better animations. Playing CSII and some of the moments are hard to take seriously because of how bad the animations are.

>Say something nice about her.
She wasn't as offensively bad as Alisa.

I just finished 2 on Monday, pretty much marathoned it all through my 3-day weekend and the ending just killed it for me. I was fine with the first credits roll....but then it just kept going and going and going.

I hope they don't drag out 3 like that.

You could say the same for CS. Its not the most inspired story in the LoH continuum

You can leave now.

I still haven't finished the epilogue dungeon. Should I?


I know, user. We just have to carry that torch as long as possible until everyone can have their moment of clarity.

Is Rean's VA OUR GUY?

It will be a slight improvement but don't expect too much. Falcom are like 1½ generations behind AAA devs

The gameplay in CSII isnt that bad.

Best pair

Nah, watch it on Youtube. It's 4 of the most annoying boss battles in the game and then the final boss is a re-skin and possibly the biggest pain in the ass boss I've encountered in a game.

Not kidding, Orphan of Kos was a more enjoyable ride.

>it's a series name in spoiler tags thread

this is no ordinary autismo, this is an autismo lord

Who said anything about gameplay. I said story

Nothing can be best with Fie involved.

the best in game

>spoiler tags game name
>doesn't spoiler tag the fact that Emma is a fucking witch
Two weeks ago I would have been furious.

>when the Zero Arts lands just right and you use a Lost Art for 0 EP

look at those boob

Not with Rixia in CS2.

Loli Estelle is cute.

>Having this objectively shit taste

Rixia is an ass chick. I mean just look at that outfit.

>PSP screenshots


Estelle is legitimately one of the best female protagonists I've ever seen.

Why not both?

Deepest apologies, user. Pls forgive.

Fie is an objectively bad character. I'm not shitposting either, she's terribly written and completely inconsistent.

Nice assassination attempt, faggot.

I want to get along, Laurafags, can we?



on one hand i'm disappointed i opened this spoiler but on the other i knew he couldn't have really been dead considering sky pretty much hints at him being the big bad.

She looks like she just queefed in this pic

You haven't even played The 3rd or Crossbell duology where he's basically confirmed for being the big bad either.

That won't stop people from only playing the Cold Steel games and claiming he did nothing wrong though.

Once as long as I get my story, I don't really care about anything else.

>sky pretty much hints at him being the big bad

You're retarded.

Well, they couldnt really kill him yet. He had yet to be revealed as Rean's true father

Nah, you are if you legitimately think it doesn't when he literally tries to invade Liberl during SC and Olivier openly declares war on him in The 3rd.

If you can emulate the PSP version you can just as easily play the superior PC release. You're also a faggot for pirating. Kill yourself.

nobody wants to get along with you or your Reinford Factory tit implants

It's time to quit posting Osborne, shouldn't you be raising your son properly?

That doesn't make him "the big bad."


Looks like Emma's only good feature no longer unique.

>actively wants to conquer the world
>b-but he's not the big bad guys
Osborne stop posting

>Finally "grown" up
Well, she had to eventually, considering her mother

At least Emma's are real

We still got glasses

>Implying Ouroboros arent the true big bads.

Being a villain doesnt make you THE big bad


>implying Ouroboros are bad


fuck me lad, that's another big spoiler but I already guessed that they were related because of rean and osbourne's interractions desu

i really need to play CS II before I get spoiled even more, but i'm still burnt out from CS

These are libelous falsehoods

They're the primary instigators of every major conflict in the series. Stop being retarded.

R I P bird buddy

She got bigger in CS2 so getting even bigger in CS3 wasn't surprising.

Still better than Millium

Ouroboros' goals are unknown and we know that their leader and at least one of the Anguis (Arianrhod) aren't villains.

Meanwhile, Osborne is a pretty cut-and-dry tyrannical conqueror type.


>He thinks Ouroboros are the big bads
I see the Erebonian propaganda has gotten to you. We all know who the grand master is and it's not Towa.

No, not really. Millium isn't a good character, but she's at least a consistent one.

Their agenda involves awakening the Divine Knights and at the very least, copying them for the Aions. Which is sowing chaos throughout Erebonia and Crossbell. We can assume, at the very least they arent good guys. Especially considering the interactions during ToS trilogy

>Punished Rean, a Chevalier robbed of his field trips

bless the user that coined that

The 3rd's conflict has nothing to do with Ouroboros
Zero's has little to do with them and would have happened with or without them
The Civil War in Erebonia wasn't started by them, they just provided aid to one side once it started so they could get two fuccbois to have a mecha battle

I'm waiting for the inevitable "lolgais, I was a bad gai all along. Totally couldnt see that coming huh? Seeing as I work for one of the bad guys right?!"

Their agenda involves acquiring the Septerrions and nothing else.

The chaos in Erebonia was sown by the warring factions, the chaos in Crossbell was sown by the Croix family. They got involved in said chaos, but not because the chaos was their endgame. It's just a means for them to achieve their own goals which so far we know nothing about other than that they want the Septerrions.

>inb4 Vandyck was the bad guy all along







>Wants artifacts created by the Goddess of the series
Yea, because those kind of objectives always end so nobly

Reminder Osbourne literally did nothing wrong.

Thanks user; I thought it was a spicy meme.

>Ouroboros ends up summoning Aidios
>Last bossfight is Class VII fighting a deity

It can't be a jrpg without deicide

He didnt die right

We don't know why they want them or even who they are, technically. Considering their leader could very well be said Goddess then yeah, they're a fair sight less villanous than THE GUY WHO WANTS SAID ARTIFACTS SO HE CAN CONQUER THE FUCKING CONTINENT YOU IMMENSE RETARD