Nu/v/ bitches about new isaac boss

>nu/v/ bitches about new isaac boss
>only 0.5% of players on steam have managed to actually beat him

I'm on to you faggots.

we're complaining about the lack of creativity in the new boss, not how hard it is.
btw he's not hard

too late, already refunded

maybe cause nobody cares about the new expansion

probably because that fucker kept teleporting on top of me, it's literally undodgable damage.

>At least 16.5% of players have beaten Hush
>Afterbirth gets good ratings
>Only 0.5% of players have beaten Delirium
>AB+ gets bad ratings

Hmmm, really fires my neurons.

Everyone except NL refunded it


>hauling ass through the chest
>wait in spot final chest will drop
>see a void portal spawn at the same time
>wasn't expecting it so I missed it and completed the run
what the hell? I thought you can only get to the Void through Hush?

Already has 1/3 of the ratings the initial AB did. Try again.

nigga AB+'s ratings are going DOWN, not up.

prove you're not a pleb right now

It was poorly animated, but it was a good boss fight. Easily the best designed in the game. Each form isn't a copy of previous bosses, more like an extremely deadly variation of them, and he swaps forms super fast.

It's a good boss.

But people are buying it just the same. Normies are butthurt casuals, just like you.

sales are also going down, they actually took AB+ off the store (you can only get it as part of a bundle now)

Nope, it's still there.

What kind of retarded fuck would buy another expansion from Shlomo Edmundstein after the last travesty?

So there are only 2 people on Sup Forums that aren't shitters?

no it isn't

>half soul heart
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea

I'm looking at it right now.

>dying because the boss kept teleporting on top of me makes me a shitter

Soul hearts made the game easy mode. Playtime is over. We AB+ now.

To be honest I'm considering refunding Afterbirth, haven't even bought Afterbirth+. Would wash my hands entirely of Isaac and go back to playing Enter the Gungeon.

Refund for Edmund
I ate the steak and it was raw

>bring up reviews
>loses argument
>"W-well its the sales that matter anyway"

>Playtime is over
you're right, I'm done playing this fucking game

>doing Pong
>first item I come across is Parasite
>second item is Mom's Eye
>picked up whip worm
holy fuck

>Enter the Gungeon
At least play Nuclear Throne. Gungeon is babby-tier.

thank god I was on Sup Forums when someone first got the achivement
this will be the very last one I unlock

Already looped everyone. Gungeon's a hell of a lot slower but I'm still digging it around 10 hours now.

>Hate Afterbirth not because its hard but because it saturates the game with bosses that are not harder but require high damage not to get stuck fighting them for a long time
>More enemies that makes rooms last longer
>A awful mismatched used asset floor

Yes. You have an entire 30 minutes to throw together a non-shit build. If you die on Delirium you are shit.

>Scaling enemy health
no way fag

>require high damage

Which is flung at you non-stop in devil deals unless you are a shitter. What is the problem?

I dont know why but every time he turns into an angel he jumps up my ass.
If he goes angel like 3-4 times I lose even with full health

However will I deal with enemies with more HP?

It's far to easy.

>only 0.5% of players on steam have managed to actually beat him
Probably because no one plays this stillbirth

fuck off, no enemy should deal literally unavoidable damage - that's plain bad design, especially in a game heavily reliant on RNG.

I've seen one on my last 10 runs. It's fucking nothing. Sup Forums is retarded.

>Dude just use devil deals lmao
God you fucking retards always bring this up.

It's not unavoidable unless your speed stat isn't boosted at all. I only got hit once during the entirety of the fight.

>beat him first try like i did the hush
i did not like it kinda lame way to finish imo,
wish the chest had items like The Chest and Dark Room or if there was some reward for going down there. Basement rooms when you just beat hush are way too easy and the last floor is just plowing through a fuck fest of shit you've seen 1000 times before

The Isaac games are just to hard for me. Never managed to finish a single run in the original first game.

Use one of your shitty weapons you picked up while save the some what good ones for a boss. Its not that the game is hard but its super fucking boring. Scaling HP makes the game a little bit harder but also causes it to become super fucking boring which only a few retards with bad taste enjoy.

Because that's how you play the game, retard. Do you think the people good at the game get big streaks because they are just lucky?

Half soul hearts should have been a thing from the beginning

>wish the chest had items like The Chest and Dark Room or if there was some reward for going down there

You realize there is a shitload of bosses that drop items down there, right? Did you just get lucky and stumble across Delirium's room first?

Delirium had an awesome concept, because you're like fighting Isaac's final thoughts and state of mind. The concept of a boss that's all the other ones put together is cool, but it was executed poorly, like everything in Afterbirth and Plus.
>defensive armor like Hush and Ultra Greed
>literally no animations for Hush Delirium
>final floor is just all the other floors
>not to mention the new character, which gets boring fast
>and the half soul hearts
>and the sister vis
>and the fucked treasure rooms
>and the portal spawns
>and the modding 'tools' which are barely even tools
>and even if they were functional, there's no steam workshop
Yeah, this expansion is a joke. Just download Antibirth.

How do you like your steak Sup Forums?

How the fuck do you manage a run with the newest character?
I'm having such a hard time and Devil Deals dont sound that appealing considering you only start with 2 cuck hearts

im also really bad at the game in general but i've finished hard mode on most characters

dude, he literally teleported right on top of me numerous times during the fight, I don't think they coded in any way for him to avoid teleporting on the player, it's just chance.

>Do you think the people good at the game get big streaks because they are just lucky?
No. They have patience and a bit of luck. You're using the "Just get good" damage control shit that every faggot on reddit or steam uses as a defense for this garbage dlc. Devil Deals are helpful but there Devil Deals with no good items or Devil Deals with chests that are very common. Not every devil deal gives you a damage up. The game is just becoming more and more of a fucking chore to play.

>no steam workshop
>there is one on the front page


>not to mention the new character, which gets boring fast
The new character is great. First character that actually holds a candle to D6 Isaac.

>and the half soul hearts
They hardly ever show up. I wish it was implemented for real because they make the game way too easy.

>and the portal spawns
What about them? I like having an incentive to use bombs during actual fights instead of just saving them for rocks and secret rooms.

>and even if they were functional, there's no steam workshop
Yes there is.

Did you even play it?

Oh. Alright then, that's a mistake on my part.

Some top tier shitposting

Not an argument.

>Defending something thats shit but just saying "Well I like it"
>Thinking you deserve an argument
Just the typical kind of retard on Sup Forums

>The new character is great. First character that actually holds a candle to D6 Isaac.
The new character is stupidly overpowered. That gets boring, and that's why Azazel quickly went from my favorite to my least favorite character after actually playing him.

>They hardly ever show up. I wish it was implemented for real because they make the game way too easy.
They shouldn't show up at all. An EXPANSION is supposed to EXPAND on the game mechanics and ideas, not make them irritating and useless. You are being punished for something as trivial as restarting.

>What about them? I like having an incentive to use bombs during actual fights instead of just saving them for rocks and secret rooms.
They're, again, irritating and don't expand on anything.

>Yes there is.
I know. Afterbirth Plus offers no incentive to actually buy it. The modding support, one of the main things people have been waiting for, is a buggy inconvenient mess. Practically all the new items are either uninspired, should've been there from the beginning, or are simply other items with an added gimmick. The final floor and "endgame boss" are both trainwrecks that have nothing new to offer. Literally! They're both literally rehashes of content from the game and Afterbirth. As I said before, expansions are supposed to expand on the game. This does nothing but hold the game back.
Fuck, at least Afterbirth added Greed Mode and Lilith. Those were fun.

>Azazel quickly went from my favorite to my least favorite
Az is shit compared to Isaac. When is the last time you played?

>They're, again, irritating and don't expand on anything.
Yes, they do. As I explained, they demand a new way of dealing with rooms. They can quickly be neutralized with a bomb, but if you are wasting your bombs and don't have any, you are going to get fucked.

>irritating and useless
>can take one less hit

>You're using the "Just get good" damage control shit that every faggot on reddit or steam uses as a defense for this garbage dlc

>get called rebbit by nu/v/ for calling someone a filthy casual

Wow, this board really went to shit, huh?

So guys, i guess this is fun and challenging gameplay huh?

This must be me striking some kind of anti-piracy thing on a real copy right?

There's no actual way they would honestly put you up against 6+ of THESE motherfuckers in a room legitmately right?

This has happened three times now. I've seen this room three times.

On the same type of floor.

I didnt have any AoE except for bombs, and before the screenshot, there was even a portal in the middle.

Please tell me someone didn't actually design this.

>call a game shit
>y-you just need to get good
also, you tremendous fucking redditor faggot
>caring about achievements

Azazel is one of the best characters in the game. All you'd need to get a practically guaranteed win is Ludovico, Mutant Spider, or Polyphemus, among a ton of other items that are amazing synergized with Azazel.

Except they always spawn in the most annoying places that are time consuming to find without getting hurt. You shouldn't have to just "get fucked" just because you don't have a fucking bomb.

And you aren't understanding the half-soul heart shit. If it was there from the beginning, from the very beginning, sure, that'd be fine. That would be a negligible difference. But this was added in an expansion! Downloadable content! Not only that, you have to unlock it! This does nothing to benefit you, and yet you paid for it, as well as unlocked it! Shit like half soul-hearts shouldn't have to be unlockables! This same bullshit happened in Afterbirth with Sticky Nickles and those new pills that do nothing but hurt you. That is bullshit.
How can you possibly defend this when there is so many things wrong with it? This was hyped up for more than a year, and we got a shitty """"expansion"""" that has been one-upped by a fanmade mod on nearly every aspect it was advertised to have.

According to Edmund, that's a bug

Those Blastocyst are supposed to be the small ones

He'll "fix" it

Mods are the saving grace of binding of Isaac afterbirth plus

If something is bad they can mod it out or make it easy

I like the stone creatures and portals are cool just not to many of them.

I will make mods and wait for antibirth plus

Then I'll make mods for both of the versions

Might be a bad expansion but the mods have the promise to keep this game going for like years

senpai link me the discord server