People unironically thinks that this is what Silent Hill was all about

>people unironically thinks that this is what Silent Hill was all about
>le so strange talking bag separate realities lmaoXD

As SH fan I am very happy that Konami cancelled this generic ghostridden spookhouse turd.

Other urls found in this thread: - 3D Leeterr Silent_Hill Source_Filmmaker lisa.png


Needs more frog girls

t. millenial who never actually played SH

>People shit on RE7 while praising PT
>The demo was literally a walking sim down one hallway with shitty twitch bait jumpscares

Really makes you think


PT was full of psychological horror.
RE7 is just a bunch of generic jumpscares.

Probably because of Capcom's shitty advertising. RE7 footage from them looks like a shitty Outlast clone but from hands on impressions it sounds like RE1 in first person loosely based on Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I guess it makes sense they would advertise it like that though.

>psychological horror
Heres this fucking buzzword again...

The re7 demo didn't even have jumpscares idiot

100% agreed, said this couple of times to my friends who are yet to expirience silent hill 1-4. Truly glad they did it, now if konami does come back one day and makes another silent hill, i hope they get some key team silent people to do it. That is the only way i will play another sh game.

Well I guess SH is a buzzword then.

Explain to me what the plot was supposed to be.

I got the whole guy murdering his wife thing, but what was in the bloody bag? Who was Jarith? Who was the protagonist? Who was the guy talking at the very end about his new toys?

I don't think Silent Hills would have be anything like P.T. or at least it would have involved a lot more variety. It was just there to show that they knew how horror works and the project was in competent hands.

>t. Koonami

There's your mistake. It wasn't a demo. PT literally stands for Playable Teaser. PT wasn't necessarily what the game was going to be like.

P.T was a 15 minute demo with 1 corridor and it was scarier than any Silent Hill game.

>Only way i will play it is if konami gets people who dont work there anymore
>t. Koonami
Makes sense, ey?

>'oh look at our engine capabilities everybody already saw in MGSV!!'
>'oh look its Norman fucking Reedus - he won't be in the game, its just a teaser, lmao!!'
>'oh look jumpscares - just kidding, it will be psychological horror all over the place instead we swear our moms!!'
Sometimes I wonder if this ((((argument)))) about "PT is not how it will look like" is just a bait

what game is this?

PT was a teaser
the actual game would have been a third person game more similar to the previous games

>Yeah this is Silent Hill

As mentioned.. Playable Teaser.

"Here's what we can do with modern shit! Imagine the possibilities + Norman Reedus-kun! Cause I love me some Hollywood celebs." Metal Gear Mun Kojima

The tension and atmosphere was what made P.T scary the first time through, not the jump scares retard. You probably didn't even play it, just watched Pewdiepie or some other cunt on Youtube.

>implying anyone need to actually play a fucking walking simulator to have a legit criticism about ''''gameplay'''' of this shit

>not jump scares
Sure bud

Wasn't P.T just a conceptual sort of thing. Like establish tone and what not. Not gameplay or anything? If that is what I'm remembering correctly, I find it pretty funny that RE7 aped the whole thing thinking that the first person perspective and jump scares were what everyone was clamoring over.

They already made a nice new Silent Hill.

>Like establish tone and what not
Membar when Silent Hill was about ghosts and eraserhead fetuses?

Silent Hill 4?


>there is literally pachinko for every succesfull japanese game out there: DMC, RE, Final Fantasy etc.
>but only SH pachinko is SSOOO BAD OMG SERIES RUINED
Sometimes I wonder if SHfags got an autism of sorts or something...

Thank god that shit is cancelled. Kojima should never be given any existing ip, especially not a beloved one that was already stained.
Saw that, its as bad as PT in a different way.

Yes. 4 and 3, respectively.

B-team, not a Silent Hill game. Yamaoka literally shoehorned name for the sales.

>le so strange talking bag separate realities lmaoXD

Instead of explaining why something is bad, instead:
Place word between "le" and "XD"
You are now in the right and anyone who questions you is objectively wrong, no argument needed.

>le so much fog you're actually dead this is hell lmaoXD
I just proved Silent Hill original is a piece of shit meme game, you can't argue.

4 is not Silent Hill.
3 got a normal fetus.

>creature designs
go be retarded somewhere else - 3D Leeterr Silent_Hill Source_Filmmaker lisa.png

>series has been stagnant since SH2
>thank goodness they didn't revitalize it

I didn't say there wasn't any jump scares shit for brains, I said the atmosphere and tension is mainly what contributed to it being so scary. Go drink paint thinner and fuck off.

>ghosts and eraserhead fetuses
>other games are manifestations of characters' psyche yet magically user knows that Silent Hills wouldn't be
You dense AF nig

I bet you thought Homecoming and Downpour and Book Of Memories were good Silent Hill games to.


>le so much fog you're actually dead this is hell lmaoXD
Proved yourself for never playing any Silent Hill games prior PT or probably Homecoming, literally spewing SH2 memes out of Tomm Hulletts twitter won't make you look smart or even SH fan in the slightest. Silent Hill was always about the cult and the spiritual powers of the place, not a fucking psychology hell.

>stamping recognisable name over game that has absolutely nothing to do with the series is totally fine guyse!!
Why are you sperg hating on DmC then?

Resident Evil has always been jumpscares.

At least RE7 is sticking true to its roots by having shit like the grenade launcher, knife, pistol, shotgun etc as weapons and having you manually save at tape recorders.

There are item boxes too.

what the fuck

> I said the atmosphere and tension is mainly what contributed to it being so scary
No it isn't. Its a blatant 'le look behind you' level of jumpscares for pussies who can't into real psychological horror.

>Sup Forums hates PT
Time to leave this place. Can't wait for Infinite to get praised

aren't edgy highschoolers back to school already?

It's mimis time, kiddo. you have a lot of bullying to receive tomorrow.

>real psychological horror
This fedoracore nerd

What Lisa symbolise then, genius? Its a fucking generic ass fuck japanese ghost.
And fetus is just a quirky 'sooo strangee lmao' body-horror element added for the entire sake of making people feel disgusted by it.

We don't know because it was a fucking teaser, you retarded ass tryhard.

Good riddance, you never loved Silent Hill anyway.

>Silent Hill was always about the cult and the spiritual powers of the place, not a fucking psychology hell
Oh im laffin

It was a bad timing thing. Pachinko has always been there, but the SH one came when the Silent Hills project was cancelled and Kojima was leaving Konami.

Same deal with Metal Gear; Kojima leaves and Konami decides to make a MG Pachinko machine with the fucking Fox Engine. Besides, DMC, RE and Final Fantasy aren't series that have been struggling to get a new game in years.

it would have been better than whatever the hell next literal who third party western company would have made. you're never going to get a Silent Hill 5 that's anything like the others. Silent Hills appeared to be going for acting as a kind of spinoff entry that would mostly incorporate iconic imagery like fog and probably deal with similar themes.

What ((((psychological horror)))) even stands for?


I love this meme. It was still created by members of Team Silent.

Good argument bro, you sure showed him.

>would have been a third person game
So generic ghostridden spookhouse turd, only in an inferior camera perspective. Cool.

>Implying he had an argument other than "no u rong"

Silent Hill 1 was though.

>no core members
>no Itou
>no Owaku
>no Tsuboyama
>no Imamura
>dev team literally consists of second-hand Konami employees
>classic japanese atrocities, yokais and ghosts instead of original designs inspired by western psychological horror
>only Yamaoka who don't care about SH anyway pretended to watch over this mess
Yeah, fuck it.

retarded ass tryhard

Please le kill yourself you le fat fuck fedora tipping faggot. I grew up playing the original games, and P.T filled me with more dredd than any other Silent Hill... or any other horror game period for that matter. You don't get it because you never experienced it. You sat there watching some let's player scream like a pussy over it, killing all tension that would come from sitting in your room with the lights off with headphones on.

>no actual arguement back

So you never played original games, good to know.

>he thinks there are no letsplays without commentaries on the YouTube
Lmaoing@your life.

>Implying once again
Yeah I used to read the wiki pages and think I know everything about a franchise to

Thanks for confirming you never actually played it, invalidating any argument you have against the game.

>slippery slope assumptions out of the water
You shat yourself bro.
>he actually read SH wiki
Lol fuck outta here.

Still better than all the western titles.

what does PT stand for?

>RE1 in first person
Fuck off, shill.

>I don't really feel like reading the post, but I'll respond anyway

To be honest so am I. Silent Hill was over with 3, definitely by 4. Team Silent is dead and this game may have been good, but it wouldn't have been Silent Hill.

There are no complex mechanics behind walking simulators, that can actually invalidate opinions of somebody on the matter. You don't need to play walking simulators to understand how this prescripted shit works. There were no challenges in PT whatsoever, therefore there were no gameplay, therefore its just as good as a fucking movie.

>Silent Hill threads on Sup Forums


>I used to read the wiki pages
Jesus kill yourself.

>hi im 17


>dat radio static that suddenly lets out an ominous look behind you


>user continues his desperate struggle to convince people that you don't have to play a game to credibly criticize it

no, it's Ito's take on silent hill, which is even better.

PT is not a Silent Hill, there were no actual SH threads on Sup Forums whatsoever. Highly intelligent SH fans (read those who admit only first three games as canon) don't go in this shithole.

is this an RE7 thread?

Pls work on your English senpai. It can only help in the long run

>>le so strange talking bag separate realities lmaoXD

You don't need greentext if you aren't quoting

It does make being a dipshit stand out though

/v lesson 101 : Baiting is the only way to start a discuss.

Hey, man, nobody got shit against Ito. But its not a Silent Hill bro.

>Highly intelligent SH fans don't go in this shithole

>tfw tu dumb too stay out of Sup Forums

This. I want Konami to employ Ito to make something beautiful with Fox Engine for them instead of PT.

>Don't bring fresh ideas to the silent Hill series
>Only pyramid head and nurses should be enemies
Literal cancer

which one was better, silent evil or resident hills?

I'm just going off what journalist hacks have been saying, they could and likely are wrong but its probably not as bad as the cut up running away from bad guy gameplay Capcom loves to show.

First its Ito's take on sh, then its Kojima's, and in the end its Del Toro's. Hmmm, 3 garbage writers combined might make something mediocre i guess.

>filled me with dredd
Nice try, HotShot

Silent Hill for no meme sophisticated horror and storytelling.

RE for better gameplay and puzzles, and a better emphasis on survival.

REmake is the best survival horror.

Silent Hill 2 is the best Psychological horror.

SH 1-3 are god tier Survival Horror

But REmake is absolute king.