What will be 2017's biggest letdown Sup Forums?

What will be 2017's biggest letdown Sup Forums?

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Hope you like GTA online 2 with barebones singleplayer

you heard it here first


Resident Evil 7

If Red Dead 2 focuses too much on MP, probably that

Otherwise, probably Mass Effect Andromeda

fpbp sadly

>Mass Effect Andromeda

You have to expect something good for it to be a letdown.

The Rockstar jew needs more shekels because shark passes are on the decline.

like any other kickstarted project in the past year


You can't be disappointed if you already know it's gonna be shit.

Ghost recon

The nintendo switch

Weak as fuck Switch. But just for me normies will love it

Y&L will be good so will be Zelda.

RDR will be a let down if half the game is RDR Online.

Keep in mind that disappointment comes from having high expectations. Can't be disappointment if you didn't expect much or had low expectations to begin with.


I expect nothing from Yooka & Laylee or Zelda and know almost nothing about the games besides having watched the first trailer.

RDR I expect to be far too multiplayer focused so if it meets my expectations will I still be let down?

Sea of Thieves

Your pic. Game doesn't even have an animation when you run at a wall. The character just keeps running. TRASH.

Scotland needs that buffalo card money to fund independence

I really hope this thread is being ironic.

why are the main characters so fucking ugly


That switch mario game if it isn't mario 64/sunshine style