Does Blizzard have a single original concept in Overwatch?
Or is literally everything a stolen tf2 concept?
Does Blizzard have a single original concept in Overwatch?
Or is literally everything a stolen tf2 concept?
>anti support class
Oh you mean like every existing class except engineer pre-pomson
>The artist's signature is even right there in the fucking corner
I'm laughing so hard at your stupidity OP
Mei's ability to turn herself into ice
Mei's ability to create ice walls
Reaper's teleporting thing
Tracer must've looked pretty original on paper
>Removing 3 classes primary functions
>Obscuring vision in a game designed for maximum visibility
>Literal gameplay halting mechanics
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is the reason tf2 became a hit and by extension Overwatch
OW was made by Blizzard. There's no way that millions of people wouldn't eat hat shit up.
>fan art isn't tf2
I didn't say valve, but ok
I was thinking more, this is the eternity for the concept for sombra, just white
It doesn't function quite the same, but close enough
I didn't say it was a GOOD class idea
You're wrong as shit because you're thinking that other people think like Sup Forumstards.
Ask 100 people why they bought Overwatch and I bet less than 30 say "Well cause Blizzard has made some pretty good games before"
That's my point you literal retard
How is this a "stolen TF2 concept" if it's a fucking donut steal
but then again, tf2 has become trash
Ice Block from WoW
Ice Walls were done in Smite
Teleporting is in no way original
Tracer is literally Weaver from Dota
The only true original hero is Lucio (skillwise, not character designwise).
He said original compared to tf2
Name a single feature in a game from the past 5 years that had not been used in a previous game
The fact Blizzard is scraping the bottom of the barrel for class ideas and they obviously found this when the googled "tf2 alternate classes" and used it doesn't stick you as the least bit pathetic?
Nemesis System
>a bald but not shaven female
I like it
Cloudbuilt's wall boosting
The fact that you're assuming that that's what they did is HILARIOUSLY pathetic
Also, come up with an original class idea of your own, if you're so smart. I'll wait.
And I'm not even defending Blizzard because I've literally never played one of their games in my life
When was this picture made? I ask this because if this artist decided that this class fit the artstyle of the 40's to late 60's America then she's stupid.
>Combat boots like she's part of the punk movement
>Cargo pants and low cut shirt as well
Its just the way her primary gun is described as working that makes me think of Sombra, stopping the unique things the classes to when she shoots them.
Original class idea?
I don't know the game so I am just gonna assume tf2 because that should be kinda easy.
and Iv got it!
The illusionist, he fucks with your hud info and makes shadow clones.
And im pretty sure neither of those gameplay mechanics are unique, but together they might be presented under the illusionist moniker
I tried donut steel
>if it's been done before in the 5000+ years of fiction we have on record it's shit
But everything he listed is from the last 20 years.
>Because WoW, Dota, and Smite are SO fucking old
>5000+ years of fiction
>Earth has only existed for 4000
The earth is only 2000 years old.
2000 a bit.....
yes but fiction is even older dumbass
Ye but some people in the first year of existence didn't want to be newfags so they made up 1000 years of history which they were part of
Hence why there's only 4000 years of history, but 5000 years of fiction