Other urls found in this thread:

Do you have the bowtie one?



why is Tingle so based?



>that bottom center one
Looks suspiciously like that one guy from Plumbers Don't Wear Ties


top jej

With photoshop I have no reason to believe the past "proofs"

The Mandela effect is just your memory being shitty

Fucking lol

>no camera or anything, shitty mask doesnt let him see
obvious furry retard, hope he tripped down the mountain


I live in Utah, I have not heard of this.

Let's meet


Stop your shilling




We posting greentexts now?


Exact, especially when you are a kid, your first memories are reinforced by surimpressions of the same encounters and since you learn to hear before you speak and to speak before you learn to read ..

>watch tv
>looney tunes
>parents tell you "looney tunes" are on tv
>you hear vaguely "looney toons"
>characters are toons after all
>hear that over and over
>you will always associate a phonetic value corresponding to "looney toons" to it
>same for Berenstain that you will know way later how to write a "-stein" name usually so you associate it by mistake
>learn to read
>no matter how many time you will see the cartoon later or the books
>still "looney toons", still "berenstein bears"

Nothing special about it ..


tunes and toons are homophones, at least in America

CERN reploids please leave, you are not fooling anyone

Is he transforming and getting mind wiped or did a supernatural being take over his body?


That's kind of hot.

Hi, disinfo agents.
How good is your pay?

2010 was the beginning of so much intense shit.

creepy as fuck. thanks man


>Chuck Tingle



Not enough.
But we browse Sup Forums all day so, it's even worse.

Nail on the fucking head

girls like this don't exist in real life



Gnosticposting should make a comeback, would probably get a rise out of the faux-christfags who have flooded into Sup Forums recently

Why did I bother to read this, and who the hell was bored enough to come up with a shitty horror story told through green-text?

You suck dick?


Wake me up inside
(Can't wake up)


[laughter stops]

never ever

irl it's more like
>try to strike a conversation
>it's as embarrassing to trying to have a debate about quantum mechanics with siri
>throw a compliment about her apparence at the end and leave
>walk half a mile
>get a (cute but) embarrassing vaguely date-ish text
>accept and regret it after 3 dates because it leads to nowhere
>the first kiss you'll ever get, you engage but she'll probably headbutt your teeth in excitement
>try to make it work
>it doesn't work
>ignore her
>she will dump you, wipe sweat and thank the gods
>one may or may not cuts herself
>meet her years later
>shaved head, sjw muh patriarchy looks
>look at her in horror and disgust
>she looks at you with a mix of sadness and anger
>do not peep a word and keep on walking like you didn't recognize her, just that you stared at something ugly
>hear her bitching to her friend/gf/pretend lesbo she has to claim it's a "no boys allowed" pussy right here (she's ultra mad)
>get a text later because you didn't change number in 15 years
>(unknown number) FUCK YOU

Shy girls. Not even once, just 4 times and regret 3 because you're a fucking idiot.

Silly user, I am not a girl(male) I am a boy!

I think she may have still wanted the d tho, she was doing that catty woman thing where she pretends to hate you

Then again what do I know

But where else am I going to find a cute virgin to lose my v-card to?

I've always hated how Japan needs to explain a joke in every single detail instead of just letting it exist.

Yea, you got some sweet knowledge there dawg, yo.


Gnosticposting will never come back because it took effort to make OC for it


It's a byproduct of their language.

this is why vengeful spirits dont mess with kids nowadays

I bet you're a round earth cuck

guys we did it, all conspiracy theories are obviously retarded!!!
well done boys let's go home.