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Vidya Buyfag Thread
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Who's that supposed to be?
Sonico with a wedding dress
Big bosses robot arm
there are gundam games, right? i have like 30 gunpla i've built.
That figurine has a crack in it. Better hotglue it.
Anyone else think theyre making sonico too big?
Most buyfags tend to agree her ass is way too big.
I can't even tell Sanic and Porkchop apart anymore
>tfw not a fan of fightan, capeshit or Blizzard
Wish there was more variety in western figs. Also wish there were trap figs, as softcore porn as some of these figs get no-one seems to have been brave enough to do a girlish bulge.
most buyfags are from ireland then
I buy Boatgirls
post link pls
How do you know when too much ass is just "TOO MUCH"?
How much is it?
i use mine to massage my prostate
I could never paint figures, my hands are too shaky and I'd be scared to ruin the paintjob.
That's some high-fucking-quality sculpture right there
not even an assfag but this picture stopped me in my tracks while scrolling the catalog.
10/10 reply bait user.
This is the best I got.
Shinji Mikami signed game sleeve.
I should really get a job.
>before working full time
>barely any money for vidya
>constant flow of new figures I want
>pull my money together, barely afford the ones I want
>had to cancel some preordered figures because I couldn't afford them when AmiAmi asked for payment
>have real job now
>could afford figures easily
>nothing I want seems to get announced
realistically-speaking, how much would it cost to reproduce such a sculpture but let's say life-size and made out of a flesh-like material? also how much would i have to pay to keep the manufacture and delivery a secret?
Would hotglue
Where can I buy this
Hey uncle can I play with your dolls
I just want a juicy ass and stockings, not those disgusting fishnets, stockings.
Fucking this.
I can get all the lewd girl figures I want, but there are none for hot guys and even less for traps.
I would say $5000-$10,000 depending on the quality you're looking for.
or you can just meet some real girls.
>almost all the heroines from this franchise have figures already
>the most popular one get like 5 versions already
>they skipped one of the main heroine from the "base game" for the teacher
>not too mention C91 was terrible for my aidoru
>her upcoming figure design is pretty damn boring too
I am done.
Dead Space 1 NECA for $35 should be here any day now.
You don't need to reproduce anything, petite dolls are already benig made, maybe you would need a custom made Marie Rose face and clothes.
>Buy hot girl figures
>Have to occasionally buy a hot guy so my mom doesn't think I'm sexist
> or you can meet some cock carousel graduates
Sorry I don't like Chad/Tyrone semen on my penis
Ive been waiting for yuzuruha since october
Boy he 'bout to do it!
what would your parents think when they walk into your room wondering what anons been upto and they see these lewd figs
would never happen.
>that everything
I'm fucking cumming you guys
yea lets pretend sonico is a """""game""""" that people play and make an Sup Forums thread on technicality
she has multiple games
>When a franchise gets a shitton of merch despite being dead, but never of your favorite character
This is an abstract kind of feeling. Might as well learn sculpting and make one.
Pre ordered them yesterday, can't wait.
No, she's perfect.
The only figures i've ever wanted are that samus figma and the fucking 300 dollar Kino one.
gonna order my new fightstick on friday
and have a jehuty revoltech, and a luka figma on the way
Which character/franchise?
It is pretty damn frustrating. Especially if they somehow keep making merch for one character only
>you'll never marry a girl with Sonico's perfect figure
I use mine to jerk off
>all that toku
>all that luka
muh fuckin nigga, GF bought me my first figure ever for Christmas this year and its the black dress with red stripes and big bow one in the middle, 10/10
also means that i can start actually collecting these damn things
May needs to hurry up.
I body like that can't be achieved in reality
The guy who said perfection is unattainable to humans was clearly wrong.
Got the Asian English LE for Gravity Rush 2 ordered. How'd I do?
She's been hanging with pochaco too much. All those macarons are engorging her ass.
how do I turn my gf into an anime?
I've tried both shooting star wishes and birthday wishes but neither worked.
should I be praying to god or am I supposed to do some sort of ritual for it to happen?
holy shit you're fucking lame
Is this a "things I want to cum over" thread?
>everyone in this thread
Two months to go.
Tharja statue coming in the mail too.
She starts getting hit with the thicc stick in 2013.
i hot glued this one but I always get banned for posting it
She's a growing girl!
you can tell this guy is a weak-dicked nu-male.
I bet I'd beat the shit out of him if I saw him talk shit about anime figures in real life.
Why are you like this?
>GF bought me
>how do I turn my gf into
So it's come to this.
My waifu finally got a release date and I PO'd that shit in a heartbeat. Feels good.
These are the only Sonicos I own. The others I have a problem with her face and Porkchop a shit too.
I hate this ironic eceleb crap so much.
THIS is on the way in the mail.
Dancing Eyes arcade PCB
First game purchase this year!
I know the thiqque thing is a negative thing for some but god damn that ass and those thighs.