Will they ever create a better adventure game or has the genre been perfected?

Will they ever create a better adventure game or has the genre been perfected?

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I was under the impression they already had.

I thought this was okay.
Why did so many people liked it?

Because they finally have a gay ship partner for Jack.

I grabbed it for a dollar, it was pretty decent. TWD will forever be their best title. Too bad we are way past those days.

did they rehash the same textures like they do in the actual borderlands series?

Telltale is too busy making serious games to go back to comedy it seems
its a shame they work so much better in comedy

Maybe they used the same dirt and money textures, but whatever they reused was too insignificant for me to notice.

it's all downhill from here

unless ttg decide to get their heads out of their asses and make a second season of TWAU

>not SBCG4AP

TWD Season 1 was the peak of telltale, its all downhill from there

Maybe, though the way that TT has treated Batman, I'm not too sure it will be quality.

is this a telltale thread or an adventure game thread

The only reason TWD is held up to such a high standard is the illusion of choice was still there.

Decisions change the story my ass Telltale.

I wish they'd stop putting that shit at the start of their games. And I'm actually a fan

I'm actually enjoying batman but holy shit it's a buggy mess and the graphics look so ugly. One scene in the first chapter Bruce's head was spinning around 180 degrees at random.

Right? What's taking them so damn long?

I kinda miss the poker night games the first one was fun

Dat music though.


Not a huge money maker I'd guess. People want the mainstream stuff.

I have been playing Telltale games for a while so I knew the choices wouldn't matter.
However, the story was legit good and still makes people emotional.

>getting dragged along the desert
>record scratch
>you might wonder how I got here
>every side character is an annoying piece of shit
>main evil guy at the start has a mushmouth like I've never heard before
>main character is a retard, she is too
>animations are ass
>models are garbage
>decisions don't matter
pretty terrible one
a lot of TWD games have their first episode for free on PSN for some reason, I finished Game Of Thrones, but this hot dumpster fire of a game was too shitty for me, I stopped before it was over.

Has anyone here played this?

it gets better user, a lot better

The only thing I know of it is the pig dies and poofs into a porkchop

People expected less than okay, and was genuinely surprised. Borderlands isn't exactly great in story telling but the Telltales version made great use of their lore.

I personally was bored of the main games and played Borderlands as a discussion piece for Sup Forums, but I was definitely immersed in it far more than the other crap like WDS2 and GoT.

I don't believe you, dialogue was terrible, characters are asinine, unlikable and stupid and I don't want to actually pay and play it on PS4 or pirate it on PC to see anymore of it. Didn't even finish the first episode, so who cares?

Well aren't you a big fucking liar

No user, I guess it's just not your cup of tea.

And yes, decisions don't matter. They make note of this sometime in the future because they only have one story to tell, and it's the journey that makes for it not the ending

Batman TT is the definition of shit optimization. Tried the first episode on my PC and it was a FPS nightmare most times. I got that Bruce head glitch too, shit was kinda funny. Eventually got it on PS4 after it was on sale and it was even worse, literal slideshow most of episode 1. But at episode 3, the thing became playable. Also got a nice platinum out if it. Pretty decent and interesting game overall, not the best TT one though.

Telltale probably won't but there have been better adventure games easily.

I might be one of the few people who likes Telltales story based games, but there are some storys that just do not fit with it. Like the Batman one. They tried to put some combat in via a very strange 'combo' thing, but it just does not work with how telltale games engine functions.

Fuck that shit. TWAU was easily the best one of their games, and since it takes place before the events of the comics they can do almost anything they want storyline wise.

That game actually got me hooked on those comics, I read every single fucking one. Shit gets REALLY depressing later on. RIP Boy Blue.

Red Riding at least got a good end.

Maybe, but FUCK what they did with Geppetto. That nigger should not have gotten off with the technicality of signing the charter.

Laws and shit. Lot of them died in the end though.

Wonder if they could make another TWAU despite it being another prequel

Sure they could. TWAU takes place 20 years before the events of the comics, and there's a lot of shit you could fit in during 20 years. The only things that would limit them are which characters have to survive (essentially the ones from the comics).

Ironically they fucked up making TWAU because of this since in episode 1 they showed Snow White as having been killed and decapitated, and anyone who has seen the comics knows she is alive in them, so I instantly knew it was a fake or a glamour.

I don't know. TWAU was the first TellTale game I've played. I was literally blown away how good first episode was, but shit went downhill fast. Script clearly was rewritten and when I finished the last episode I felt nothing but disappointment by all that wasted potential.

Between the IP and Telltale having gotten worse over then previous few years, people went in with very low expectations.
So a good game felt great.

Also the story ends after the fourth chapter.

The fifth one is nothing but lead-in for the DLC, which is itself just shitty one-off stories.

jesus that's pretty scummy, I didn't have high hopes for minecraft story mode, but that's just bad

why does telltale only do the "lol xD im such a nerd" franchises now like TWD and Game of Thrones and shit

I guarantee they'll announce a Rick and Morty series by the end of the year, mark my fucking words.

But Rick and Morty already had a good episodic game by the guy who did the Homestar Runner site games.

>this was the last good game they made besides TWAU

post characters you'd want in 3
the continuing stories were pretty cool, but it feels like lines are a bit lackluster when compared to 1

>voice files for a murder
Really wish something came of that.

Tales from the Borderlands is the only modern Telltale game I'd really love to see a second season of.

At the same time, I'd hate to see them do to the characters what Walking Dead season two did.

No platform exclusive characters no buy

>Murder mystery at the inventory
that would have been cool
>Trying to figure out who's the murderer/avoid being caught for murder

I would have done dark things for a fleshed out story-based game based on the asoiaf books as opposed to the watered down HBO version.

Rick from R&M and Deadpool are gonna be in for sure to cash in on the latest reddit obsessions

Dunno what TT character could make it in though, maybe Bigby or another Homestar character

>people actually bought this

tfw i watched the whole thing on youtube and treated it like a tv show

I'd preorder that shit if another homestar character was in it
Strong bad had the best dialogue in 1

>adventure game

Nah mate, Sam & Max and Monkey Island are adventure games.

New TT games are interactive movies. Good ones nevertheless but not adventure games.

just watch broteam for this shit

I loved both Poker Nights at the Inventory. I have a 100 hours played on each version.

>100 hours
do you really like poker? That seems like a bit much

Yes, I liked it.

I'm not particularly hyped for Telltale doing Guardians of the Galaxy, but I felt the same way about Borderlands. So maybe they'll surprise me.

good for you.
i played it only to unlock shit in TF2.

and watch heavy and sam playing poker together

I love tftb. I wish telltale made some dlc for it. And I'd prefer if telltale handled these characters. Can't trust the people behind borderlands

A Witcher TTG would be great