Find the Flaws

>pro-tip you can't

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I thought the platinum was kind of easy to get.

worst in the series pvp

Blood vial farming

A thousand times this.

The first hour of the game is pretty shitty for new players. You barely find any interesting items, blood vials are too scarce, you can't level up and it's super frustrating to fight the cleric beast and be rewarded with... a dead end.

I adore Bloodborne, but early Yarhnam sucks donkey dick.

Simple. There is a home portal instead of continuous levels.

Shit pvp, weapon variety, chalice dungeons, multi-phase bossfights got real fucking annoying.

And then people complained about a lot of the areas looking similar.

You have to redo the Chalice Dungeons on every playthrough.
Byrgenwerth was underwhelming as fuck.
Not enough variety in the main game.
I've never had to farm vials
just spend your spare souls on them
pvp has always been shit in every Souls game
>weapon variety
What? The weapons alone call for multiple playthroughs of the game, at least for me they did anyways.

Chalice Dungeons, especially the lower depth bosses who are just refights with stupid high health and attack.
Blood Vials.
Frenzy, specifically Winter Lanterns.

Lack of weapons and armor.

Story felt like it was put together at the very last possible moment.

Church is the bad guys
Wait, I meant the HEALING church

Nightmare Frontier for me but that's pretty much just a personal complaint because I fucking hate that area.

>Story felt like it was put together at the very last possible moment

The story in Bloodborne is pretty fucking rich, dude. It leaves a lot more open to interpretation than DaS but it's pretty fucking good. I just don't think you've looked into it enough.

Very limited invasions

Honestly I only have two complaints

1. Everything in the shop costs too damn much compared to the rest of the souls game

2. You can find a lot of attire sets but you can only find one weapon. You have to find badges and then find the rest

I really liked the combat, the story, and I actually preferred blood vial farming because at least you could hold more blood vials than charges in your estus flask.

The healing church are the good guys, the school of Mensis are the bad guys. The hunters are also bad guys.

The max amount of estus flasks you could get in DS1 was 20, if you kindled bonfires.

no pause feature even when offline.

yeah but weren't the materials required to kindle bonfires pretty rare?

I prefer how DS3 handles estus flasks to be quite honest family.

>20 vials

>dodge 10 times before stamina recharge on BASE stamina

>life """"REGAIN" lifeleech

it's like the devs wanted to be as forgiving as possible


>only 14 bosses, 4 of which i downed in the first ~3.5 hours of gameplay
>only 8 fucking sidearms, with the flamethrower and the arcane one being the same
>only fucking like 12 mainhand weapons

>load screens of 45+ seconds
>framerate somewhere between 20-25 unless you install "performance patch" aka "DOWNGRADE" to make the game look even shittier but at least it hits 30 fps now

I'll admit the atmosphere and voice acting and music are top notch, but if you look at dark souls 3, you can see how much fucking better this game would've been on PC.

I have a PS4 and I am just really upset at how much this game got held back because of the shit platform.

also, you cant even turn off motion blur or chromatic aberration.

(effectively) infinite healing and infinite ammo is fucking stupid

Oh, also, no magic.


1 Humanity = 5 estus
Shit taste tbpqaah

The load screens are 10 seconds max user

>I've never had to farm vials
>just spend your spare souls on them

IIRC, buying vials wasn't really viable (get it) until later. You were much better off farming them.

>Oh, also, no magic

Except there were magic spells you could use. They just cost QSB instead of FP.

>No magic
But there was magic?

>bullshit checkpoints
>repetitive combat
>world is a hassle to get around,not that interesting looking either
It's just not my type of game
Maybe I shouldve played the souls games first
>inb4 git gud

>dipping your bullets in blood = magic

Wow, I can sacrifice my health to do more damage!

Nice fucking magic!

Are you retarded?
Did you just never even look at any of the hunter tools? Never wondered how characters like Micolash shot out tentacles or did that big AoE thing? You can do that too you know.

It wasn't long enough.

Not that guy, but at the launch of the game that was far from the case. The load times were pretty awful. This was exacerbated by the fact that you need to load twice to warp anywhere.

Fortunately, the load times are much better now. Tools
>inb4 kekstra

The church is a scientific institution, though.

Viewing some areas from afar, they don't match up completely (Old Workshop leads right into a mountain, path before BSB is a huge brick arena before the church of good chalice, and many more).

Lack of weapons. There are actually enough weapons, you just don't get them quick enough. And before the updates getting it was a waste to upgrade weapons past a certain point. So most people only got to really use 1 or 2 weapons before they beat the game.

CDs suck. I would have had one or two more normal areas instead of CDs.

Other than that, it is pretty perfect. The hunter is a goddamn bloodthirsty killing machine. The hunter can kill what amounts to a god before even becoming a god themself. Slayer of Demons Chosen Undead, Bearer of the Curse, and Ashen One are all strong in their own right, but they'd lose to The Hunter.

It's not Demon's Souls

what's the problem when you have (effectively) infinite healing faggot

>blood vial farming
literally gitgud

This was my first souls game and I didn't know about the difficulty. Thought it was pretty fun, not shit at all despite dying a lot.

sub 30 fps is a legit flaw

A crap souls rehash was bound to be broken in all the ways crap souls is, so let's see:
- no story whatsoever
- broken hitboxes
- pseudo artistic, though uninspired setting
- retarded combat mechanics
- the unbearably boring roll-roll-poke bad guy's anus gameplay which all you retards seem to glorify to no end
- PS2 tier graphics

The frame-rate
>having to farm healing items

Not him, but is this really the only list of spells in the game?

Just 10?
Well, 12 with the DLC?


It's a souls game.

guns are sueless anyway
3/10 made me reply

If you didn't like BB you won't like Souls. They're all about the same.

>no other areas of Yharnam
>No proper Pthumeru city
>No actual Loran
>No hintertombs excavation site/non-chalice version
>No Isz (it was a location, right?)
>no proper timeframe for the Mensis ritual and the kidnappings
>barely any info on Amygdala or the nature of the various Old Ones

They're all unique compared to the 30 versions of soul arrow/farron dart Dark Souls

Even if there were only 12 tools in the game, they were still much better than what Dark Souls III had.

the loading times

>guns are useless
what did he mean by this

ok then
>farming bullets
god forbid i want to use the cannon

cannon is good

the rest are garbo

running, dodging, and jumping all mapped to one button.
no respecting
gem farming fucking sucks as an arcane character
frenzy is shit
not enough stylish guns and armor

Flaw #1: It's not on PC where the 90% of souls games are relevant.

Flaw #2: it's not DaS.
Flaw #3: It feels just like DaS2, but with more action.

The only true majestic thing of this game is the soundtrack. 11/10

too much stunlock on heavy weapons

>it feels like das2
it's literally the same engine as das1 but updated
are you high

That guy fucked up in saying there aren't spells, but fuck right off saying they're better than magic in any of the Souls games. That's complete bullshit.

I played bloodborne for the first time and I explicitly chose not to do any grinding or blood vials farming after reading about all the whining about it. there are times when you run low and even run out (especially early game) but it's definitely doable

early in the game when your are bad you can get into the mindset that you need 20 blood vials to even progress (especially coming from dark souls), but that isn't the case. enemies drop them pretty often. if you are playing the game properly, killing every enemy every time you die instead of just running through, you'll get more and more blood vials as you progress through areas and get better at them

if you run out of blood vials on a boss there are usually other paths you can progress in (even chalice dungeons, they give a lot of souls to buy vials with). it's a shitty feeling to essentially have limited tries on a boss but it does make every attempt more meaningful

once you push into the late game chalice dungeons blood vials essentially become a non issue because enemies give so many souls. I've had max stored vials/bullets for pretty much all the cursed/defiled chalices

I still consider it a fault because it's only an issue early game and that's when players need a bit of a boost especially since most are coming from Dark Souls which is different and easier, but you just have to change up your playstyle and actually kill enemies and if you run out and hit a wall, just go explore somewhere else

thanks for reading

I'd say the lack of early-game weapon variety is a definite flaw. Taking Dark Souls 1 for an example, straight from the get go you can get a mace, an ultra-greatsword, a spear, a thrusting sword, a straight sword, or go to a nearby merchant that sells even more weapons, all before you've had to kill anything other than the tutorial boss. Before the first boss in bloodborne you get a saw cleaver that has a poke.

Granted the weapons in bloodborne are fewer but far more unique, but for my first playthrough by the time I got any interesting weapons the feeling I had was basically "well this looks neat but I'm pretty heavily invested into my current weapon so I might as well use that to finish this shit up".

Sounds like someone didn't use magic in Dark Souls 3. It's the least viable way to play the game, makes the poise problem look like a joke.

Having the same engine doesn't imply that the game is worse than the other, and no.

No base building
No romances
No conversations
No weapon (visual) customization
No vehicle sections
No turret section
No party members

10 FPS boss fights
Magic tied to items instead of learned in a skill tree

>It feels just like DaS2, but with more action.
We're talking about Bloodborne, not Dark Souls III

Magic in Dark souls
>Soul Arrow
>Big Soul Arrow
>Soul Spear
>Tiny Soul Arrow
>Lots of Tiny Soul Arrow

>Lightning Bolt
>Really slow AoE

>Red fireball

Magic has always been busted in Dark Souls, either incredibly overpowered or beyond useless, there's an insane amount of worthless spells, Have you ever casted Resist Curse? How about Great Heal Excerpt?

Do people really find the regain system as a flaw? I think its great and gets you out of the shield and sunny d gameplay dark souls has.
>blood vial farming
Nigga really the regain system means if youre good enough all the health you lose in an encounter can be Regained. Sometimes ill go entire areas without even needing a vial.

>No party members
>No romances

Git gud. Seriously.

Legit flaw here
-You have to go back to the hunter's dream between the different lamps instead of going from lamp to lamp

The real problem with Blood Vials is that they already fixed this shit.
The Estus system was a replacement for the Grass system of DeS, which worked like Blood Vials except there were multiple strengths of grass and no cap. The Estus system was way better because it remove both the main flaws of the grass: you didn't have to farm for it when you got stuck on a tough boss but you also couldn't just outheal everything due to 99 cap on each type of grass.
Obviously vials have a cap to prevent that behavior but there was no reason to make them a limited consumable again when they've already come up with a better system.
Yeah you can just spout out LOL GIT GUD SCRUB but that's not an actual defense, it's just a worse system than what they had previously for no reason. Why go back to the worse healing system?

I don't remember having to farm bullets with a magic build, and I'm sure that's the one that would use most bullets.

Sounds more like you don't like Souls games period. Or you're just baiting with shit like "no turret sections"

You also can't just rest at a lamp to heal/refill your items/respawn enemies. You have to warp back to the dream.
Why From?

Crippled by shit hardware, low frame rates.

I think you're over exaggerating a little, grass healing wasn't bad at all.


>Nigga really the regain system means if youre good enough all the health you lose in an encounter can be Regained.

I've never had a problem with blood vials, but that's just not true for the vast majority of the actual challenging fights in this game. Most of the bosses do enough damage that using the rally system well means you'll have to use only one blood vial instead of two.

>being a cuck to some dead stranger's blood sperm, while she bosses you around

You have 3 unique weapons to start with, and another early one (the spear) which is slightly less unqiue and closer to the saw cleaver. And just an area or two later you've got the Kirkhammer, Ludwig, and Rifle Spear. However, I agree that it could be even more open ended, especially with all those fun weapons in Old Hunters. Starting base NG with all weapons unlocked would have been amazing.

Too little regain for most weapons, and enemies can still attack within the timeframe. Should have reduced their attack, increase Rally/regain, or buff the defenses of all torso equipment by 10~20. Or a combination. It would make the game just slightly easier, but also encourage more offensive play like originally intended, since the Souls damage dealt to you is still too high and encourages defense/evasion over getting back health.

It wasn't, but Estus was definitely better, so why go back to a modified version of DeS healing instead?

While we here at Sup Forums understand autismal compulsions as well as anyone else, it would be appreciated if you spammed your .webm files in a thread that is discussing the game featured therein.

>Doesn't even marry you when you propose to her
Shit romance

This game looks so clunky and shit

I just bought this game
I don't normally play these types of games this is my first one
I keep dying

I don't know about you, but rather than following the giant fucking bridge I splintered off and went through the other paths, ending up with Papa G as my first boss with 0 insight and not knowing about what Madman's Knowledge was used for and not just blowing through expendable items willy nilly.

The church is absolutely not good. It may have been initially, but it's up to nothing but evil shit by the time the game starts.

Needs more frames

There is an update to PS4 Pro? Cause the sub 30fps in just makes me want to break my TV.

The church is 100% responsible for the beast scourge spreading and they're doing really shitty things to try and combat it while turning into some of the worst beasts themselves.
Willem even warned them but they did it anyway.

Likewise, sounds like someone didn't use magic in Bloodborne. At least Dark Souls 3 magic has availability, options, and isn't attached to consumables.

Even leaving so much shit out and completely ignoring the later games that added more, you just listed more than what BB has. Nevermind over half of them are just straight up Souls spells, just with less options to them.

Beast Roar is Force.
Executioner's Gloves is Pursuers.
Choir Bell is Heal.
Messenger's Gift is Chameleon.
Blacksky Eye is Soul Arrow.
Empty Phantasm Shell is Magic Weapon.
Accursed Brew is Fireball except it deals Magic damage.

There's 6 other spells that aren't exact reskins, and they're not even particularly interesting. And they all have terrible availability.

There's a price to pay to ascending past humanity

Over-reliance on nonsensically designed elevators and one-way doors as shortcuts. Is it really so hard to come up with shortcuts that actually feel natural within the gameworld? They've done it before e.g. blowing up a wall in DaS2 or just even such a simple change has using a key to unlock the door.

Paid online.

Moon Presence should have been tougher.

The church fucked up. You don't ascend via blood. You ascend via eyes. Mensis and Williem had it right

You should know that souls games don't like to have anything as clear as good or bad guys. No one in bloodborne is clearly a bad dude who wanted to fuck everything up. The closest thing you get is people/groups looking out for themselves/the people they represent and inadvertently causing horrible shit to happen along the way.

Doesn't it make perfect sense that they'd use elevators to get around?

Everyone knows to ascend you chow down on umbilical cords, not inject yourself with a ton of blood

>The Healing Church
Some wierd eldritch cult, maybe they turn children into aliens.
>The School of Mensis
Kidnap and torture people, really desperate for old ones to notice them
>The Hunters
Kidnap innocent ayy lmaos and kill their parents

The beta was pretty shit.

>dated graphics
granted it's compensated aplenty by stellar design and art-direction, but still

yes 30fps is shit, go fuck yourselves

>chalice dungeons
poorly balanced, poorly designed, repetitive, but has some of the most entertaining and challenging boss fights. I believe there was some better way to implement this into the game

That's about it I guess, can't think of anything else that stands out as a "flaw"

Yeah but not elevators that for some reason always have the lever that activates them on the side closest to the player not working until you access them from the other side and then for some magical reason starts working from then on.

Too easy as you have massive parry and i-frame windows, and stamina barely takes any stamina if any. Also very limited compared to the Souls games. Only saving graces are the music and environments.