'there are no perfect friendshi-'

'there are no perfect friendshi-'

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imagine if they didn't have girlfriends. Jon would still be in game grumps

women ruin everything


Game Grumps a shit

Whenever I see guys like this, I just wish they would work out a little so that they don't look so skinny fat. It's so easy to look fit with a little exercise when you're in your 20s.

Fuckin boopin ass game

Can you recommend a routine for someone that isn't willing to buy any equipment or go to the gym?

I mean, so is Sup Forums and yet here we are.

Run or at least take walks regularly and watch what you eat. That's literally it. You won't get any real gains from that, but just not being ugly and fat is as simple as watching what you take in. Count your calories.

Why do people obsess over this grump channel? You are not children anymore Sup Forums, and by children I mean your chronological age, not your mental development.

sage because holy shit, get a grip.

It's a weird situation. Most people put game grumps on as background noise for an activity and it acts as a friendship simulator. When Jon left it was suspicious so people took believed anything they were told by "reliable sources". This lead to a lot of animosity and speculation which combined with the complete lack of information regarding the split lead to a big ol' shitstorm.

tl;dr people are treating a lets play channel like real friends and got mad when their friends fought.

Reminder that arin slapped jons gf and got away with it

What was the actual reason they broke up?

It was because of Suzie, right? Did Suzie fuck Jon?

Of course Sup Forums would know Friendship IS Magic.

I have no doubt that you're right.


>Arin can't even play fucking Super Mario 64 competently

Jon has lost a lot of weight though. He even looks kinda slim in the Howling 2 video.

Who wouldn't?

He didn't even know you can "tongue up" in Yoshi's Island. He's not even competent enough to try and use an attack in various directions to better understand the controls.

That's like playing Mega Man for the first time and never trying to shoot up.

Jon was the only reason I watched them. He was the funny one. Fuck the new guy.

>people are treating a lets play channel like real friends
Oh god is this the evolution of "online dating"?

Ricepirate posted the story in Sup Forums once. It was basically Arin wanting to take Game Grumps in a direction that Jon didn't want to. Then nobody could talk about it due to a legal agreement (I'm blanking on what it's called but basically Jon wasn't allowed to talk about what happened in order for him to still get money from his old Game Grump videos).

Suzie was part of the decision for Jon to leave, but only because she pushed Arin for the new direction of GG. Apparently she has terrible ideas but Arin listens to her and not Jon, and he would kind of bully Jon into doing what he wanted all the time.

I don't have the screens from the Sup Forums thread unfortunately but there all there.

The official story is that Jon wanted to focus on his own videos. Being that it was all so sudden and brought a lot of sudden changes, like Danny taking over even though no one had any idea something like that would happen as soon as day before, a lot of conspiracies was brewing. This was also coupled with the fact that the Grumps were pretty tight lipped about the whole scenario, and people close to that circle of friends coming out and claiming to know that there was shit afoot didn't exactly help. It took like 2 years for the Grumps to even mention Jon on the show so everyone sort of assumed something big had happened.

I believe that we weren't told the full story, but I don't think it was as dramatic as some people make it out to be. We don't know anything until it's confirmed anyway, so all this about Arin slapping Jon's gf or Jon slapping Suzy are just rumors.

Dan seems like a genuinely nice guy, but he is completely boring as shit on GG.

We don't know that.
Arin could easily have bullied Jon behind the scenes because he looks the type.

Except Ricepirate confirmed on his Twitter that it wasn't him.

isn't some shit like, you have x amount of cals going in at X lbs to keep your weight and just go under that to lose weight?

Jon is cool but so is Danny. Chill as fuck. Arin is the asshole that should straighten himself up.

that's literally it. it's calories in and out.

You could eat 2000 calories of mcdonalds and if youre TDEE is 2200 youre gonna lose weight. You may look like shit or have a stroke at the age of 40. but youre gonna be skinnier

Jon was great but he argued too much with Arin I remember being uncomfortable listening to them argue. Arin is pretty autistic but Danny is bretty based though.

He "confirmed" it wasn't him like 10 min after the thread was done. I think it was him just covering his ass.

>haven't kept up with Jontron since he left Game Grumps

>decide to see what he's up to

>The first tweet I see is some gross ass racist white supremacist shit twitter.com/JonTronShow/status/816887855763116032

yeah im glad that creep left the show.

methinks you're trying to pull the wool over my eyes

Arin is stillworse in every way, i'll take boring over Arin 's failure at life

but jon is persian, he can't be racist let alone be a white supremacist

>some gross ass racist white supremacist shit

You just made this guy 100 times more interesting of a person with that post.

>gross ass white supremacist
go back to bed you bigot

Arin was always the weakest ling, he is way too similar to DSP

Danny is funnier and has better taste in vidya than Jon (SMB2 and Zelda 2> Banjo Kazooie).

And Arin is a total casual who can't into 3D spaces.


I thought I could get use to Dan, and get over that Jon left. It's been years now, I don't even watch gg anymore. But goddamn, do I miss old gg...

I clicked on there stuff recently and seeing the whole layout is I dunno.. "Too organized" for lack of a better word. They have redesigned thumbnails, grump heads, fonts, ect. They have so much more uneeded content from what gg orignally was. Just two dudes fuckin around. Now they have 100 new crew members, and 100000 guest appearances from youtubers that I straight up just hate. Even there selection of games has changed for worse imo.

Most people watched gg for the organic humor of two guys playing games and acting like a doofus. Take away that humor, what do you have now? Sure the production, budget, and working space is all improved. But it's simply not funny anymore, it lost its luster, now it's like any other television broadcast channel pumping out entertainment for a paycheck.

I'm sure they're not complaining. They have the most subscribers they've ever had by far, and still have thousands of loyal fans to this day. I'm just speaking from the perspective of a guy who wants to see the completion of a horrible sonic game and the two imcomptent bafoons that made it all worth while to watch.. ;_;

Whats your favorite Jon era moment or episode?

Or if you are a faggot, what's your favorite Dan era moment or episode? I haven't watched them in years so maybe I missed something good

Danny has limited taste in video games. I'm pretty sure the dude barely played them before getting on Game Grumps. He would rather talk about his own sex life and accomplishments than talk about games.

I'd fuck Suzy balls deep no kidding.

meant for

>Most people watched gg for the organic humor of two guys playing games and acting like a doofus. Take away that humor, what do you have now? Sure the production, budget, and working space is all improved. But it's simply not funny anymore, it lost its luster, now it's like any other television broadcast channel pumping out entertainment for a paycheck.

No, most people watched GG because LOL EGORAPTR. LOL JONTRON

That's all it ever was. That's all it ever needed to be.

Now it's just typical youtube sellout fanservice. Who gives a shit?

The crude, uncut organic humour of two guys starting a lets play channel is what makes jontron era grumps top tier.
Cant laugh as good at the new shit.

>I'm pretty sure the dude barely played them before getting on Game Grumps.

Au contraire, he was playing video games before most of Sup Forums were a little zoid inside their dad's ballsack.
Danny played Commodore 64 and NES in the 80s, and is pretty good at games like SMB2 and Zelda II (which modern kids consider hard).
He also played some Gamecube while smoking weed at his ex-gf's place.

>Sup Forums - e-Celebs & Twitter Screecaps

That was my favorite part about grumps. They argued. Now Danny just agrees with fucking everything Arin says.

I feel you and agree sweet user

Danny at least tries to be open to new games and to give then a fair shake where as Arin already has a lot of preconceived notions.

> another virtual friends thread

You forgot blizzard shills.


Those are some decent tits if that's her.
Shame about everything else though.

that almost rhymed and made a short poem
food for thought

You need to go back.

Goof troop playthru was kino, and The whole series of that weird chulip game they played.

No it didn't you retarded e-celeb fan

Well he did do a solo video of that one old computer game.

God tier post.

Do not let these underage e-celeb fags onto our board.

If you remove "and so is Danny" yeah it does rhyme



So basically you proved me right. Commodore 64 and NES. Some Gamecube. Very limited taste. Everyone's grandads played the fucking Atari and Commodore. Doesn't mean they know shit else about games or have a wide taste at all past their time. He has a limited taste like your grandfather would. The guy grew out of video games fast.

He smoked weed and played skyrim when he was on fall break from marketing school, he's one of us man

>Dan is practically a virgin to the most iconic and genre defining games of all time, and would have total unbiased and fresh views for numerous games

>like Super Metroid
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time
>countless others


>c64 and NES

You know how many games are there for these 2 systems?

Just because he didn't play a lot of PS3 or Xbox like you did in your childhood doesn't mean he has a limited taste in games, he's just from a different time.
You also have a limited taste in video games, did you play c64 or NES games besides what's on virtual console?

Yeah this is really sad.

He still loved OOT despite Arin sucking HARD at it, and blaming the game for his own inpetitude.

Anyone is better than Arin. I was more talking about Danny vs Jon like the OP I replied to mentioned. Jon has played games more consistently and has a broader taste than Danny has, and still holds an interest in them. Maybe Danny and Jon would make a decent pair.

It's rather surprising that this man had such a grasp of game design when it came to Megaman X...

But, it happens too often to simply be DSPing for the camera...

My sister played Skyrim. Everyone did