>Guy pretends to be a girl.
>Works way up the trust ladder to become a mod.
>Changed and add up to 100 new chat commands that result in offensive results.
>People behind the attack sent him messages.
DSP hater spends year undercover to infiltrate his stream as a mod
>DSP shits all over the gifts Pandalee got him
>Seems to arch away from her everyth me she gets close to him
Does Phil hate Leana now or something?
I don't think either of them particularly like each other, but they're tailor made for each other. Normal people aren't going to want to touch either of them with a ten foot pole.
Don't link to one of his own vids, ya numpty.
>pretended to be a girl
I now completely understand why this happened.
The guy was in deep cover. I love the story. The fact that he masqueraded as a girl makes total sense because for whatever reason people trust women more. When really you shouldnt trust them at all.
I thought he gave up on twitch
He got unbanned.
Why is DSP so comfy? Would you go on a "Staycation" with DSP and Pandalee?
>not understanding that this was orchestrated because it provides free marketing
Bet you also believe he's genuinely retarded and not just acting it all out.
No, I fucking hate Seattle because it's a shithole overrated city
E-celeb shit needs a containment board
they bought entire boxes of utensils to eat one slice of pizza???
Can you make it through 15 minutes of DSP snorting?
What were these commands?
Personal stuff, like private pictures of his dad
There were 100 of them at least.
I wish the people weren't so dumb as to get themselves caught as this was supposed to happen yesterday or so. Fuck DarkSidePhaggot
Honestly if people are that devoted to fucking him over then he probably deserves it.
>Phil will never sit on your face while Leanna watches
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
How is this even remotely vdya?
When will Phil propose to her?
DSP is a YouTuber that plays video games. This happened while he was streaming video games.
Why does he have one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard in my life?
This guy is turning into the new Chris Chan.
I mean...he's got a ways to go, but it's a start to the descent into madness.
DSP is the king of Sup Forums
So if you have ever played a video game on youtube, everything about you is now officially Sup Forums material?
so he got himself into a honeypot? kek
You really shouldnt trust anyone
Why are the people obsessed with lolcows so much more autistic and pathetic than the lolcows themselves?
Get outta here, Phil.
Sage and report for twitter drama
Functional people aren't going to obsess over medical oddities on the internet.
CWC is more or less the epitome of this; all of his trolls and followers on the PVCC and CWCki forums are just as bad, if not worse than him.
Phil's hatebase is such a bunch of autists.
Ok now then I can blogpost because I'm someone who played a video game yesterday
I've been to russia/moscow with my gf because a friend of her studies there and we went to visit her.
It's a pretty shitty country, people are impolite as fuck. Everything is dirty because of the snow and nothing is made of quality
The Metro was cool though and I was amazed how accurate Metro 2033 was with the stations. The stations are huge and decorated with golden statues and marbe tiles everywhere. A lot of war memorials and commie imagery everywhere.
The food was decent. The few traditional russian dishes we tried were good but they do eat some weird shit too. Like a sweet paste made from sunflower seeds and sugar.
Moscow is also pretty safe. Policemen and security everywhere, at least in the inner city. At every museum or mall are security checks which can be annoying but at least you feel safe.
It's an interesting city and worth visiting but I'm glad that I dont live in Russia.
Im glad you enjoyed this video game related content.
Why this is written in such a style that makes you look like one of Phil's dicksuckers?
>oh yeah I knew this guy wasn't who he said he was I just didn't do anything about it lol
>people ILLEGALLY stealing my videos and laughing at them
He's an idiot.
Got him to hate and blame one of his mods.
My master will be pleased.
Concidering DSP's trans-hatred it wasn't hard.
>Guy pretends to be a girl.
Works every time huh?
>Nostalgia Critic
So are all his detractors literally 13 years old?
>there's this group...
>there's this one guy pretending to be a girl...
DSP make up you mind god dammit
True, don't trust anyone. But also trust women even less.
Trust no one, not even yourself.
Pretty pathetic to involve anyone besides DSP and his gf in his failures desu.
i think dsp is retarded, but he doesn't deserve this
this is going too far
Worked for Bluespike.
He likes to lump all his 'detractors' as one group where everyone is literally just waiting to stab DSP with a knife. Why do you think he lives in gated community and has two mortgages? He's delusional that one beautiful day some of the so called detractors shoots him or something.
>defense axe near the door, another one near the bedroom.
>If someone actually does break in, they'll probably know about his youtube channel and who he is.
>It's also entirely possible given how autistic and determined some of his haters and stalkers can be
>they'll fucking see this video and have prior knowledge about his "self defense axes", along with one's location.
Yeah, no.
The trolls that fuck with Chris might be fucked up, but none of them cut a goddamn wound into their taint and called it their vagina. Shut the fuck up.
>h-hey goyms, check out this e-celeb
>he came inside his pants again
Great. It was about time. Pieces of shit like this who pretend to live playng games while others pay for their bills need to die in camera.
>Go to the next city
>Spend fuckloads of money to do the same shit you do at home
>Cry on youtube/in stream about how you have no money
>Trust no one, not even yourself
unironically true, i wouldn't trust myself with anything
i'm not watching 30 minute DSP video, care to tl;dr?
These 15 year olds love their internet drama.
Yup. People like him doesn't have a natural priority system in their lives.
I think they are called "manchild".
>That lip smacking
Funny, considering the guy who ran the original incarnation of the CWCkipedia was a schizophrenic tranny shut-in who boasted to the world that he was a sex worker, despite being on the dole.
Maybe they did. It's not like they're going to post all the cringy shit they do in their own time.
I think they have a very weird relationship because they both come off as weird people. God only knows how this whole failing business affects their dynamic.
Can someone explain why people are so mad at him? Who did he piss off for someone to plan this 1 year revenge plot?
Divulging WAY too much information online was always DSP's problem.
has anyone considered that they made this plan and then leaked it on purpose to get another infiltrator further into DSP's circle of trust?
Did you have problems getting the visa?
>face he makes when pandalee says oui
cracked me up.
best post itt
it's one thing to make funny videos about him or make TIHYDP videos but putting in so much effort for something like this is more deranged and fucked up than phil himself has ever been
i haven't visa, i use mastercard, you can pay for almost everything with creditcard in Moscow
What went wrong?
Leanna's actually really cute, shame she's so obnoxious and horrible.
>making patreon exclusive events and content when you barely have an actual viewer base left to support you
I'd think he'd want to try to bring in as many people as possible as opposed to catering to the smaller amount of fans he has. Though I don't think he'd get a much bigger following since he's wholely unlikable
this is just twisted
what the fuck is up with these creeps
I bet she is a log in bed or makes really weird grunts and uses her nails on everything including his member.
I would be pissed to uf everytime my gf opened her mouth I lost my boner. DSP tries adultery when?
This is some legitimately impressive trolling
Reminds me of early CWC shit
Oh shit I just started watching some of his 2015 video's and I unironically like this guy.
Why does everybody hate him so much?
>there are people whose main pastime is to watch and make fun of DSP, and they've spent 1000s of hours doing so
>someone sat through all of his videos (or at least one) to make this compilation
really stimulates the synapses
Because of the constant Sup Forums shilling
Can someone just post Leanna's tits and ass?
this is insanity
complete garbage
what a piece of shit
>people are impolite as fuck
Based slavs. Fake politeness is fucking disgusting.
>all that in depth subterfuge crap these people pulled off to fuck with him
I'm both impressed and terrified. It takes smarts to fuck with people like that, but at the same time it's pathetic and psychopathic.
I actually feel pretty bad for him. At the end of the day, he's just some guy that acts like an annoying asshole when he plays games. He's a meme machine because of his butthurt and that's it.
Also, was it kiwifarms that did this? It sounds like something they would do. They are generally as weird as the people they fuck with, except they are actually very bad people.
this is great
>stoping me from my work
what a sad guy and a sad world we live in
>all i wanted to do was share my gaming experiances
>this is my work
fuck off you sellout
>It's an interesting city and worth visiting
Slav here, I don't know about that. As you said, the country is shit, and the chance of meeting particularly shitty people is quite high. The food is nothing special, the culture is near worthless, and there's not much to look at.
If you had a choice, Moscow (let alone other cities, they're worse) wouldn't be a good one.
No one will ever plunge to those depths CWC hit. Not even Anthony Burch.
>eceleb shit
I don't really feel for him because he's brought this all on himself
Wow guys i assumed we looked down on all this edgy bullshit. I mean shit i like laughing at retards on the net as much as anyone, but to go this far over video games. I would rather have this "DSP" or any other lolcow over some sociopathic Sup Forums user today.
How exactly ?
What exactly did he do that could warrant this level of stalking and harassing ? "Complaining about videogames" is not a valid answer