What games are you getting this month, Sup Forums? Or are you saving for the rest of the really busy Q1 line up?

What games are you getting this month, Sup Forums? Or are you saving for the rest of the really busy Q1 line up?

Getting Gravity Rush and Yakuza for sure.
I'll also pick up Tales of if it's good. I need a good JRPG right now. Same with RE7 I guess.

The whole second row and KH2.8 for Aqua

Future Tone, that's about it

Trying Gravity Rush demo so if I like it I'll pick it up
Maybe Resident Evil

Just saw some For Honor footage thats new.

That game looks like it could be fun as hell for multiplayer.

None of these games have online

How many people have a PS4 but don't pay for online?

Numbers from April last year say 20.8 million ps plus subs, subtract that from ps4s sold for a rough estimate


Digimon World and Berseria are going to have to wait for a sale.

pirate berseria and wait for gr2 to go on sale