Entire game hypes up sequel

>entire game hypes up sequel
>ending is pretty much "buy the next game"
>sequel never came

General KotOR II thread

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At this point it is better that it is never finished.

>>sequel never came
It did though. TOR. And it does continue the story.

Has Chris Avellone spoke at length about what the game could have been?

KOTOR 2 doesn't hype up a sequel at all, at least not if you play on the light side. The ending tied it up pretty well. The exile abandons everyingthing to fight the force itself past the rim of the galexy.

You are fucking illiterate and can't read, because it never said anything about fighting the force. It literally flat out says that Exile is going to go after Revan and against the True Sith. It's not some vague open to interpretation thing, the game flat out fucking spells it out. You are a fucking illiterate cockmongler.

>install game
>it won't start, even after hours of fiddling with it
>uninstall and move on
Thank you for the quality gaming experience, Obsidian.

They just made the content, m8. The rubbish game software itself is 100% Bioware bullshit. Your hatred is misplaced.

kotor works fine though

good meme attempt I guess

>Kotor 2
You what now?

Did you set the cpu affinity to 0 in the ini file?
This game gives a lot of multi-core processors a headache.

This. Can you imagine a 2017 Bioware KotOR III?

calm down, sperg. lol



No, because not only do they no longer have the Star Wars RPG license, Wizards doesn't even have it.

KOTOR was great because it was essentially Baldur's Space.

I thought EA got it all?

Yes, yes, the "rubbish game software" user is talking about is actually made by Bioware and is actually used for Kotor I.

I know it seems incredible but Kotor II runs on the same engine as the first game.

>No, because not only do they no longer have the Star Wars RPG license
They do, because EA does.

Why is dark side consular so op? Ever since I learned tier 3 lightning and stasis field\kill, every encounter is just a minor delay for free exp. 30 wisdom and nobody can savethrow against your spells, and that force crush spell? Absolutely fucking overpowered. I nearly oneshotted Nihilus with it like what the fuck?

HAHAHAHA it butchered the story is what you mean m8

I bought both games on steam, what are the essential mods b0yz

I too love spouting Sup Forums memes without ever playing the game.

They don't have the Star Wars RPG license, which was a modified version of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition made by Wizards if the Coast.

They took the pen and paper ruleset and turned it into KOTOR.

KotOR didn't use Star Wars RPG license you retard. It was a generic D20 system.

I played the game and the JK storyline is actually shit.

Don't take me for a Sup Forums memester, I actually love TOR and the Agent storyline is one of my dearest memories in any MMO, but don't even compare JK with an acutal KotOR game.

The fact that they even reveal revans gender is stupid since you have a choice to be a woman or man in KOTOR.

Is Bastila a canon character?

Revan was canon male YEARS before KotOR even existed you retard.

>KOTOR 2 doesn't hype up a sequel at all,

it absolutely does. it hints at revan's true goal and you learn he used both sides of the force as he saw fit to hunt down the super big bad lurking in the far reaches of the galaxy. the exile leaves everyone behind to go join him.

at least until bioshit retconned the bejesus out of him for their shitty mmo

I forget, was d20 open game license in effect back when K1 was made? did it even extend to video games?

Sith warrior has pretty cool storyline.
When I played it, everybody suggested me playing bounty hunter because apparently that was one of the best stories, so after I finished with my sith, I went bh and it's fucking shit.

D20 was indeed open.

KotOR doesn't even play like Star Wars RPG, it plays like literally reskinned Neverwinter Nights because that's what it is.

I think most people here probably don't realize "Star Wars RPG" has a very specific meaning, you're not using it to talk about Star Wars roleplaying video games a general sense.

So, who was Kreia? Jedi or Sith? Arren Kae, or just a nutty old bat? is Arren Kae, mother of the handmaiden and Jedi master the same Master Kae that instructed Revan?


Is Neverwinter Nights fun if me and my friends enjoyed KOTOR 1 and 2?

I see it's tagged Multiplayer, is it?

Arren Kae
Darth Traya
Mother of Handmaiden
Teacher of Revan
Corrupter of Atris
She is them all and more, but she is not a Jedi or a Sith any longer, she hates the force.

>She is them all and more, but she is not a Jedi or a Sith any longer, she hates the force.
this part I never understood, how can you hate the force? its like hating everything in the universe - existence itself. how can you have strong emotion towards something as vague and incorporeal?

And why does she even hate the force? because she was betrayed by the Jedi? betrayed by the sith - hate them instead.

Read this and you might learn something

She basically hates fatalism

Can't blame her desu

>After having been exiled by both the Jedi and Sith, she held an abhorrence of how both Orders were used by the Force to its own ends

so in her mind, both the Jedi and Sith are pawns of the force? sound like a way for her to excuse the fact she was kicked out of both sides.

Seems you have a ways to go before your critical and analytical thinking skills are even partially developed

The force controls those that use it, pushes them to do things. People like Mandalore do not get controlled by the force as he's not sensitive.

Kreia loved the exile, he was proof you can defeat and overcome the force and live without it. She hated how dependent she herself was on the force.

Basically Kreia manipulates people and hates being manipulated herself

Bioware is a subsidiary of EA, EA has the Star Wars license, so we could actually see a kotor3, as horrible as it would be.

>hates fatalism

tfw kreia is kain

I believe she also hates jedi and sith ideology because there can never be true peace as long as those both sides exist

altough she does admit that conflict makes you strong

Why do these games run on such a garbage engine? I'm playing the first KOTOR now and getting it to run properly was a huge headache, and there's at least 1 crash per play session.

Just get it on mac it runs perfectly not even joking it's the only way I can do my annual playthrough anymore

Same, started it a week ago and getting a good version that would run was a huge headache, althought the GOG version I finallt got was mostly stable, just freezes me in place after battle sometimes and i need to quick save and quick load.

It's a great game. Is it worth it to play 2? i heard it was rushed.

yes, download Restored content mod

>Got it during Steam sales.
>Did 2 playthroughs of each games, KotOR II with the cut content mod, on my 2010 toaster.
>Runs like a gazelle.

How could one fuck up that much ?

Obsidian wanted to make KotOR III, but their pitch was rejected by LucasArts. Chris Avellone talked about it in various interviews

>KotOR III was gonna be a little bit different. So basically, I think I've said this before, but the player would be following Revan's path into the Unknown Regions, and he goes very, very deep into the Unknown Regions and finds the outskirts of the real Sith Empire.

>Ultimately there was just a lot more game area in KotOR 3, just because the Sith Empire was just so fucking big. But yeah, so, on some level it was a similar structure, but it was intended to... so one of our designers, Matt MacLean, had this idea for Alpha Protocol mission structure, where what would happen is, you'd sort of go to a hub, but it wasn't really a hub. It was like a big mission you had to do as an espionage agent, but then there were like six surrounding missions, that central mission, and you didn't have to do any of them, but by doing some of those, you would cause a reaction in the main target mission that could even make your job worse or easier.

>Part of the fun with designing [Kotor III's] Sith Lords was if you have these incredibly powerful Force users and they have their whole hidden domain out in the distant reaches of the galaxy, what would that Sith empire really look like at the hands of these things? If they could shape entire planets or galaxies or nebulas, and they had all these slave races at their disposal, how cool would that be, to go into the heart of darkness and you're the lone Jedi and/or new version of the Sith confronting these guys? What would that be like? I thought that would be pretty epic.

>just freezes me in place after battle sometimes and i need to quick save and quick load.
Enable vsync, disable frame buffer effects, possibly also increase graphics options as high as they can go. I also set refresh rate to 144hz to match my monitor and used Nvidia control panel to enable adaptive vsync. Game just seems to get fucked when running at high FPS past the refresh rate, I was getting that freeze after combat too. Right now I only get occasional crashes on cutscenes, and everyonce in a while the whole game will freeze and not respond until terminated, but this is not so common.

Never played the original, does it even run on modern systems?

If you're patient enough to set it up with fixes.

Both sides are just as dogmatic, arrogant and closed minded as each other.

Beings are flawed, and they wield the force. Any ideology that revolves around using the force then is also flawed.

Fuck EA, fuck bioware and fuck TOR. This could have been the epitome of Star Wars games, but we had to get a shitty MMO.

I don't know if it has anything to do with Obsidian's pitch but there is a tiny amount of surviving concept art for a cancelled KotOR 3. Very little info about is available other than that the planned locations included Coruscant, Mandalore, Rodia and Taloraan (Not!Bespin from Rogue Squadron), which admittedly doesn't sound like a journey into the Unknown Regions.

Did anyone even bother unlocking the party members jedi/sith shit? I don't think I ever once did it in KOTOR1/2

This. Kotor crashed only twice during my playthrough and both times it was related to cut scenes. Kotor 2 never crashed.
Using Windows 10 btw.

How the fuck do you kill the Assault Droid Mark IV in the Sith embassy in Manaan? It seems that all my attacks just miss miss miss and they rape my HP with flamethrowers.

It fucking hurts

>TOR ended up being a really expensive CRPG anyway.
Feels awful.

Yes. And yes it is multiplayer. NWN2 is also good. Main campaign is trash but it has high character customization and MotB is goat.

>Main campaign is trash

everyone says that but I like it... feels like an actual adventure

>Main campaign is trash
I think this is one of those things that people say because they heard other people say. I played NWN2 about 4 or 5 times (Replayed it recently again) and I still enjoy the campaign a lot. It's certainly a lot more entertaining than games that came after it, especially some crpgs.

How come? I bet it would've been great had it appeared within a few years after II's launch.

How much WIS needed so Kreia's magic swords won't resist every spell and cut you like grass? It's always fascinated how overly OP my character is after a couple of hours but the final boss requires some major manouvering to win.

I wish they made a KOTOR in space

You can only do it in the second game, and I tend to do it to most characters because why the fuck not, there's no disadvantages. I've never been able to get the Irodian go jedi but it's apparently possible.

It's a shame the game is too short to max out the relationship with every character without a guide

enlighten me, why would a new KOTOR game be so awful?

See the few last Bioware games, the answer will come to you by itself.

The chances of Obsidian making it are really weak.

EA tends to shit on companies it's bought, especially if the companies had a succesfull and praised IP.

>KOTOR series
>can only be human

looks like their last few games got good scores

>wanting to be anything but human or pure blood yuan ti

>Winter wolf
>Nymph (Female Only)

>Read that as Gay orc.
I need to get off Sup Forums

Sounds awful. I hated the way Alpha Protocol did the fake hub shit.

What game?

I guess I'm lucky I keep forgetting the actual end of the game, cause I still fuckin' love KotOR II, more than kotOR I.

Also never had any problems running it, I'm pretty sure compatability mode worked, even on the original disc-version of the game.

Neverwinter Nights 2, modded appearently.

>not playing as a semen demon

I will tell you once I finish, just arrived at Malachor V. Anyway if shit gets tough you can also pop some stims.

kreia was ez compared to fighting your entire party
Apathy is death

Apathy is death

I played last time with a double bladed lightsaber and went lightside I think. What should my play through be this time?

Why is purple the best saber color?

Is there a mod like this for NWN1? I got diamond for free on GoG. Is 2 worth it?

KOTOR had a shitty setting.

Bastila has some big ol' titties

Your life is a shitty setting

History is far greater than anything Bioware and Obsidian could ever hope to produce.

The lore in KotOR is heavily based on the EU comics like Tales of the Jedi tho

I hate SWOTR and everything it stands for.

Single player games should not 'evolve' into MMOs. Ever.

Okay? Why does that make it not shit?

>at this point

Because Tales of the Jedi is great, you mumbo jumbo.
Either you didn't read it, or you're just baiting me hard.

>kotor works fine though
No, it doesn't. It crashes occasionally and has at least one game breaking bug that still exists.

If you don't like Star Wars, just leave this thread and spend your time more wisely than just shitposting.

>Dude, everything is exactly the same 10,000 years ago
>The Republic even look like the rebels
>The Jedi exist in the same way during their peak as they did when they were a decaying order
>Empire vs Republic
Would have benefited if it was set during the Mandalorian wars instead, but even the idea of Mandos is retarded pandering to fanboys. "An entire race of Bobba Fetts, xDDD". Sad, really.