PCcucks BTFO

PCcucks BTFO

>their only exclusives are indieshit and muh unoptimized early access survival games that will never be finished

>Not owning both

Someday you'll get a job

Piratefags only have themselves to blame.


and i have a ps4 before you start chimping out

Imagine being so poor you have to spend this much time making a meme making fun of people who can afford both and enjoy all the games across all platforms.

Fucking sad.

>implying horizon or gravity daze are good games

>PCcucks BTFO
>posts a console that can't play Undertale
>or HuniePop
>or To the Moon
>or Speedrunners


pccucks know they are on the way out.

>xbox is dying
>nintendo will fail after the nx
>pc not far behind

sony has the games the power and the players and sony gives a shit about us and doesn't give into sjws and lefties.

can anything stop sony? here's a hint no.

What compels a man to make threads like these?
What compels a man to check this 4?

I know this is false flagging but I chuckled

PS4 is full of weeb shit, honestly the only reason I'd ever buy one would be to play BB and The Last of Us sequel, but even those two games aren't worth me buying a PS4.

Based sony brahs

>3/4 games aren't even out yet
Gets me everytime

> He bought into the PS4 meme

This. Also
>playing to use your own internet connection

If you can afford a gaming PC that is also capable of VR, buying a PS4 is pocket change.
I deemed a PS4 worth it for some exclusives.

*Sniff* Why would I buy a down grade *Sniff*

>implying exclusives are a good thing

Got my PS4 of my brother for £100. Now it's a YouTube machine for a 12 y/o

>doesn't give into sjws and lefties
You're talking about Sony Japan only right?

I'm a nintendo sir myself and even I'm feeling secondhand embarassment

Please stop putting Horizon on there.
It looks like garbage and this is coming from someome who pretty much only plays Sony consoles

What did he mean by this? Really makes you think. wtf i love consoles now

>Bragging about having only four exclusives
>Only two are good

Life of a sonypony

>he wasted $500+ on a thing that can only play games

Yea this, put EDF 5 on there. Horizon looks like treadmill garbage, something like Enslaved, the kind of thing you play, think "that was neat" and never touch again, it looks so fucking dull and uninteresting

>you can ONLY play low quality 30fps games
>you can ONLY do one thing at a time on it
>you can ONLY use gamepads
>you can ONLY do what the company that makes it tells you what you can do



I cant speak for everyone but I use mine to browse the internet in my living room and watch TV through it.

how the fuck do you browse the internet with a gamepad

>bloodborne and 3 unreleased games
did you just confirm that bloodborne is the only good exclusive? 3 years.. 1 game, and lets ignore its performance problems.
how are you people fine with this again?


>a grand total of 4 good games
>pc has LITERALLY hundreds
nice non-argument you have there

name one exclusive that isnt 50 years old or indie shit
oh wait you cant

Are you amazed that people can browse the internet on their phones too? Analog stick for the cursor user, bumpers for tabs and virtual keyboard to type, or just plug a keyboard into it. I also have NowTV for movies and TV series. I still play games on my PC more though.

>its another sony fag shilling his exclusives

Its like its the only good thing the playstation has.

Its like buying a shittiest car possible for the sole reason that it has cup holders

Name 5 PC exclusives that ARENT ancient and need a gaming rig to play, I have a shitty laptop and Ive played most of what is considered "must plays" just fine, PCs exclusives tend to run on toasters or are ARMA.

>own both
>only game I have for PS4 is BB
>still wish it was on PC because it runs really badly
>still waiting for Nioh and Crash to come out
greatness really does await and wait and wait and wait

>2000 + 17
>not being an idort

the game looks good user

Literally any strategy
Literally any serious simulator
Literally any PC version of a game that was made for PC and the port was shit is better than a game made for consoles and the PC port was shit

so you cant actually name a single one

elite dangerous
battlefield 3 4 1
>inb4 not exclusives
literally why would you play them on a console

>muh AAA
plenty of "indie" games are good

sure you can
it's probably the least pleasant thing I've ever tried though
>text is too small
>no adblock
I'd only use it if it was my last resort

these all run just fine on my T420
can't really think of anything else that runs well in my library

I only want a PS4 for bloodborne
Is this actually a stealth "built a pc what do I play" post?

PCucks who don't own consoles are just pathetic. it was fine back in the day when blizzard, bioware, valve, bullfrog, maxis, etc actually made (good) games, but those days are long gone.

>can't name one
PCfats, everyone

Why is he holding up Persona 4 when it's also on the PS3?

you cant emulate PS3, PCuck
you will never play it


>only has one game
>complains about having to wait for games

Bitch buy more games and stop complaining. There are plenty of games that everyone else enjoys.

>go through library
>lots of good games
>realize a lot of them have console ports
none of those that have console ports are decently playable on a console

is the ps3 version even being releases in the west?

>Can't emulate PS3

It's almost like progress is still being made on emulation or something.

this is literally the most convoluted list of excuses about not wanting a pc

you will never be able to emulate PS3

>weaboo trash
>literally who the game
only bloodborne is worthy game and i dont give a fuck about it

This desuyo

>over 10 year old hardware
>still haven't made a good emulator for it
>still has only been successful in getting low quality games to run in their emulator

You can keep waiting but i don't see it happening sorry mate.

Why Sony fans do these type of threads?

is it illegal for pc players to buy a ps4 or something?

I'd attribute that to a working PS3 being about $50 and the CPU it uses being kraut space magic tiers of complexity

>mfw I'm perfectly happy with my mid range PC and the ps4 games just don't really interest me
My wiiu on the other hand...

i miss the threads from the last decade, literally, where it was claimed PS3 emulation would be out shortly

just a little longer :-)

>these shitposting threads still get hundreds if not thousands of replies a day

Why would I want both? There are like 3 good PS4 exclusives. Also, I have to pay for PS4 games.

the whole point of this arguing is consolefags not wanting to acknowledge that they could just go an get whatever they wanted
it's almost like they're children and have no choice in what they get

how is it any different from any of the recent open world ubisoft games

Is he ok?

>want to play Bloodborn
>too stingy to buy a memestazion for one game
Being Jewish is suffering

No games.

xcom 2 lol


Don't think so senpai

is this the "only exclusives are games" thread?

>literally 4 games
>acting like that's better than the 30+ years of constant refinement pc games have


i hate Sup Forums so much
they actually literally tricked me into spending 2,000 on building a computer to play games on

all i do is watch pornography and play league of legends

fuck you
I wish i had a ps4 but the computer put me in debt, i really wish i could play battlebourne, ive seen full walkthrough videos of it on youtube and it honestely looks like the best souls game.

but it's all correct though, I know people who have done this, and they make all of these claims while playing shit like Undertale and League of Legends. hell, some of them also own consoles, and have games for both PC and console regardless of the fact that they must pay twice as much in order to have both

why did you ruin the image with Horizon

why do people take pride in brand loyalty? its retarded by definition

mouse + keyboard

There, argument BTFO.


>making a meme making fun of people who can afford both and enjoy all the games across all platforms.
>who can afford both

Port begging is a real thing.

>buy a ps4
>play 5 games
>finish all of them in rougly 20-50h each, at most
>have nothing else to play besides replaying said games and circlejerking about how good they are

The PS4 is gods light motherfuckers. 60million sold through by May.


>tfw 1200 hours in M&B now and just downloaded a new mod
I have all these fucking games in my steam library but I cant stop playing this

>buy a PC
>play undertale
>finish under 2 hours
>fap to furry porn
>post on Sup Forums about how exclusives are anti consumer cancer

Because mountainblade is fun and with mods, the possibilities are endless.

>Yfw you play games on what you have and glance at these boards and remember PCers used to be like 'PC MASTER RACE' And played 'the best' games and minded their own buisness

>Yfw today they all just complain about everything else instead these days

>post on Sup Forums about how exclusives are anti consumer cancer
>defending exclusives

>muh graphics
only children really argue graphics above all else
quite hyperbolic
>old/low graphics games
everyone plays these and everyone has fun with them along with the fancy stuff
>upgrade planning
I think about it sometimes but it's not a all consuming thing you think about every second of the day
>pc gaming is console gaming but with better graphics
pc games have more variety
pc games have more backwards compatability
pc games have more and better input methods
pc games can come from any developer that wants to make them, instead of at the console manufacturer's will

you could open 5 movie theaters with all the projections

tfw nerds celebrate a weeb company's success like they had shares in said company

I got baited as well.

I already had a PS4 but Sup Forums convinced me to drop 1.5k on a fucking gayman PC. Literally all I use this piece of shit for is to download roms for other consoles and play stardew valley.

My PC is literally a glorified bittorrent machine.

most people who own PS4s also own PCs
most people who own PCs dont own PS4s

> being a pcuck any year

Literally not an argument


why the fuck did you spend $1500 on a pc
you don't need to spend over 800 unless you want everything on ultra all the time

>mfw I've been playing a game, watching a movie, and shitposting in this thread the entire time
>console cucks could never do this