>touch mushroom
you get big
>touch other mushroom
you die
Literally cancer game design.
>touch mushroom
you get big
>touch other mushroom
you die
Literally cancer game design.
Other urls found in this thread:
It has bad guy's eyebrows, therefore it is a baddie
You can touch my mushroom, faggot.
also people like shiny glowy shit
shiny glowy shit is good
guess what comes from the shiny glowy shit
good shit
that's an american mushroom, don't you see how angry he is
you gotta wade through all the bad shit to get to the shiny glowy shit, aka the good shit
i never thought of goombas being mushrooms as a kid
>eat mushroom full
>eat mushroom high
>eat mushroom die
just like real life
obvious shit post, but it's quite simple and clever game design
All you can do is move forward and jump. Even if you die touching it the first time, you then know to jump over it instead. If you jump it too short you end up killing it and therefore knowing how to beat it.
You're learning as you progress instead of having a block of text or NPC telling you how to play the game.
>you get big
no, you get high
is that what the fucker is called?
what is he some kind of gangster?
Give an example of good game design, or (as you seem like a connoisseur) show us the game you've designed.
Mario 1 is excellent game design and for the time it was perfection.
>Not knowing how mushrooms work in real life.
Also the red mushroom appears AFTER the first goomba, so you'd think it is an enemy too and not vice versa, so this bait is fucking imsulting.
>chestnut translates into goomba
what the fuck
That's not a mushroom, that's a penis, you jump on it and it rapes you to death, that's weeb game design for you.
You mean "tall".
You're going to hate real life too. Some humans will help you and give you things, but some who don't have any obvious signs will hurt you and take your things!
Although generally it's a good idea to stay away from the black humans, they have a bug that makes them more likely to be enemies than allies.
Artificial difficulty.
clearly you're not a mycologist, otherwise you'd know that some mushrooms can kill you
I PLAYED IT TOO! The thing is, if it was a quick time event, it would have been good in a retro kind of way.
>All you do is run and jump
And it's not even fun like flappy bird.
How the hell were you supposed to know to jump on it anyway?
I used to think they were ants for some reason
Fucking casuals, wait untill you get to the invisible blocks...
Literally the first dark souls game.
Why do people have such a problem with dying in games? Its like they get pissed if they can't no-death the game on the first try. It wasn't like this before...
I think most of Sup Forums must be 20 or younger.
Are you autistic and/or a newfag? This thread is a joke. People are joking. I understand that fun is an alien concept to you, but please understand.
The lost levels is shit, that's the actual reason they didn't release it overseas when mario bros got super big.
Nothing new.
Mario is from Brooklyn. Goomba is probably some mafia term. Is this what we want our kids playing?
im finaly up to world 7-3 with 4 lives mabey ill beat it this time.
anyone else done a no warp pipe, no save state no free lives trick run?
Memes aside, games weren't made to be played through just once before, so people didn't just look at them from the perspective of a first playthrough. That's why you see people calling games shit just because they have unfair trail and error elements, no matter how engaging or deep the game is beyond that.
That's a walking bird head idiot, not a mushroom
You are aware that in real life some mushrooms are poisonous and some mushrooms taste good and are good for you
This is the Dark Souls of platformers
Is this a shill thread, cuz Nintendo (and, frankly, everyone else) expect Switch to flop?
>nintoddlers will defend this shit
>clever game design
You guys are retards. A manual usually cones with video games, and you're usually gonna read it before you start playing. You should know what everything is by the time you start. This "clever" game design doesn't exist.
No. 100% not related to anything NX related. Stop trying to find connections that aren't there MatPat.
10/10 cutie, especially with the spider.
they look very different you fucktarded retarded sack of retard shit if you cant tell the difference you are a massive and worthless
she wouldnt touch you with a ten foot poll
Never date crazy.
Mario is the darksouls level of bullshit
>Hit block
>No mushroom
>Hit block located in the middle of nowhere
>Exits are hidden off the screen something only guide faggots would know
>Jump on an enemy
>enemy dies
>Jump on Bowser
>You die
Literally nothing you can do.
what? where did you get any indication she was crazy?
>how are you supposed to know to jump on the enemies
RTFM faggot
>puzzle castles
Super Mario Bros is fucking trash, only retarded nintendrones will defend it.
>no text tutorials
>instantly die if you hit an enemy (artificial difficulty)
>no save options
>graphics look minecraft tier
>enemies are unpredictable as fuck
Reading is for casuals.
>eat mushroom
>you ok
>eat another mushroom
>you die
>eat another mushroom
>trip balls
in my language gomba literally means mushroom
mario is the dark souls of platformers noob, git gud
fuck I thought they were little chopped of dick heads. thats why they were always so mad
>touch chest
you get treasure
>touch other chest
you die
Literally cancer game design.
I know I know! the genuine one has a vertical scratch on it
t. casual who died one too many times to invisible block traps