Friendly Warning - Thread

Games that actually might look good to YOU, but are actually quite terrible and/or try to scam you out of your money.

>Rainbow Six: Siege - still infested with Hackers; insane Grind to get comp characters; only 1 game mode

>Hearthstone: always the same mechanics; based on 99% RNG; need to pay insane amount of money to get past rank 20

>Shadowverse: Same problems as Hearthstone, but it only has 3 viable decks; art is very questionable.

Soulsborne games

Shitty slow as molasses combat bogged down with trial on error "gameplay" to artifically extend the life of the game. Also shitty hamfisted pvp loaded with tryhards.

At least try Shadowverse.

AAA games are all scam

Chivalry Medieval Warfare have the worst fucking community and devs ever.

>art is very questionable.
Get a load of this cock sucker.

>If you don't like bottom-tier generic anime artists, you are gay, because they draw big old boobies

Every game somebody else likes, that I don't.

You're wrong, they're terrible and money scams and the developer and community both suck and everything that could possibly be wrong with them, is wrong with them.

They're above average at worst. You clearly have no idea what bad anime art looks like, or maybe you do but you're just exaggerating to defend your faggotry.

Bottom tier as far as professional anime art goes

It's still alive? Incredible

>Elite: Dangerous - Unreal amount of grind, the community is allergic to convenience (lots of backlash over a feature that allowed you to pay to have your ships flown over from one station to another so you didn't have to go there to pick it up - even though you have to wait a certain amount of time for it to get to you), combat is shit, and it seems like they utterly fuck something or other up with bugs every week (such as when a weapon that should be firing at a rate of 0.3/s was allowed to fire at the same rate as the game's equivalent of a gatling gun, but only on AI ships). Exploration is boring and trading isn't anything special.

>Warframe - What do you get when you mix an incredible amount of grinding, the worst RNG this side of Phantasy Star Online, huge arbitrary waiting times (3 fucking days to build a frame once you've collected the parts), and an incredibly jewish dev team that thinks balance means nerfing anything that is even a little bit fun? Warframe.

>Killing Floor 2 - If you've played Killing Floor you don't really need to play KF2. It's just more of the same but with more GRAFIX. Sharpshooter is still hilariously overpowered and the updates are unbearably few and far between. Maybe pick this up in two years when it has enough content to deserve its $30 price.

Payday 2: return of the Jew - Remember how Overkill said they'd never do microtransactions? Yeah. They lied. Also the community is rather shit and DLC weapons/skillsets are almost required on the highest difficulties.

Nice backpedal homo.

>deadliest warrior is superior to base game in every way
>everyone would rather play vanilla spin 2 win faggotry

How on earth is it backpedaling when his original statement was that the artists were "bottom-tier generic ANIME artists"

Shadowverse is just hearthstone with terrible art. Why even play it?

Because it becomes a completely different argument once you change the argument to "professional" art. Even then it's technically wrong because all "professional" means is that you get paid for it, and there's a ton of garbage anime art that people pay for such as deviantart commissions and shitty weeb indie games.

That might have been true a year ago but it has a good amount of content now

You're interpreting "anime art" as in "styled from anime" when he meant "art of the anime world/business community". That's not backpedalling. It's just clarifying. No duh it is clearly above deviantart tier or drawthread tier.

>"art of the anime world/business community"
And there's a fair amount of absolute deviantart trash tier art in it, such as shitty weeb indie games like I mentioned. No matter how you spin it, shadowverse art is in no way bottom-tier, and you/user are clearly just looking for an excuse to hate anime art.

deviantart is western
anime is asian

Your post is the first mention of "asian" in this thread. So you're going to move goalposts again? This isn't worth handing out (You)s over.

When someone says ANIME WORLD/BUSINESS COMMUNITY you think America?

>Shadowverse: Same problems as Hearthstone, but it only has 3 viable decks; art is very questionable.
>tempo forest