PS4 has sold through more than 6.2 million units during the 2016 holiday season

>PS4 has sold through more than 6.2 million units during the 2016 holiday season.
>PS4 has now cumulatively sold through more than 53.4 million units globally as of January 1, 2017.
>PS4 software sales also remained strong during the 2016 holiday season with more than 50.4 million copies sold in retail stores worldwide and through digital downloads on PlayStation®Store as of January 1, 2017.
>UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End reached a cumulative sell through of more than 8.7 million copies globally*4 as of December 21, 2016.
We did it bros!


where is xbox one? lol...

MS haven't shared xbox one numbers since 10 million in 2014.

>We did it bros!

No, nintendo and microsoft failed it.

>I'm so happy the corporate giant ruining my hobby is doing well financially!!!!

You are such a cuck.

where its xbone on this chart?

this, sony won being mediocre and not shooting themselves on the foot like ms and nintendo.

I remember around 2006 onwards Sup Forums use to have constant Sony is dead threads, with a big list of "X will save the PS3" which they would cross out and write new ones over the entirety of last-gen.

All those shitposters from yesteryear, how do they feel now.

But the PS3 WAS shit on release and took quite a while to gain credibility, posts saying it sucked were to be expected.

They didn't care how good it was or wasn't, they were dedicated consolewars posters. Nobody actually thought Motorstorm would save the PS3.

I've bought a PS3, a Vita and a PS4.

hasn't stopped me from thinking Sony fans like you who focus on sale numbers more than games are a bunch of niggers and cunts.

we did it bros-you didn't do shit you goblin.

>They didn't care how good it was or wasn't
PS3 had fuck all of a library to offer at the start and an absolutely exorbitant release price, it deserved all the flak it got early on.

I said it went on for the entirety of last-gen though. Just let me gloat over an internet fight I didn't participate in.

lol is it really that dead?

Sup Forums has always had a hateboner for Sony, especially because there are so many bitter Nintendokids and MS shills here. I don't care. So long as it doesn't leak into the Nier, Gravity Rush, Yakuza threads, these fucktards can sperg out as much as they want.

>with a big list of "X will save the PS3" which they would cross out and write new ones over the entirety of last-gen.
it's funny because PS3 did better than the xbox 360, albeit very marginally, in the end lmao

Was that really true though?

>majority of those sales are people trading in their pieceofshits for slightly less pieceofshit PROs


The meme came from MS marketing department. Hell remember Wii60? MS drones kept at it for years and even tried the same shit with PS4 until it became painfully obvious that Xbone had way less games.

>53 million consoles and 50 million games
What the fuck

Why would you buy a PS4 and then never buy a single game for it?

For comparison it looks like the Wii U has sold 13 million consoles and 92 million games

Just having that greatness in your living room is enough.

>is fully aware that "no games" means "no games i give a fuck about"
>ignores it so he can take it at face value and proceed to shitpost
Sup Forums never changes

reading comprehension bro.
>during the 2016 holiday season
being the key part of the sentence.

That's 53million system sales life time, 50 million games sold this holiday season.

Riiiiidge racerrrrr

>The meme came from MS marketing department.

They're still here, every day, shilling Halo for some reason

Netflix and bluray box

>has fps
>has colorful platformers
>has tps
>has arcade and sci fi racers
>has JRPGs
>has horror
>has hack n slash
>all critically acclaimed

Just because (You) have a limited taste doesn't mean we all do.

>this, sony won being mediocre and not shooting themselves on the foot like ms and nintendo.

With a huge YET at the end.
They are clearly trying very very hard with the Pro, and the sub-fee raising.

Reminder Sony made a billion in profit from digital sales and still raised the price of PSN, which is free on PS3 and Vita.

You're actually dumber than a box of rocks if you the "hurr no games" is anything but bait to get retards like you riled up. What, do you think the whole "-GAME- is objectively the best" threads are supposed to lead to a serious discussion?

Its always the game of how far the jewery can stretch before the milked cows starts caring...

Its pretty cheap, functions as a blu-ray player, has access to hulu, netflix, etc...

I've known peope who bought a PS2 as a DVD player but never bought any game. Simple because it was the highest featureset player on the market for a really low cost. Gives you all the functionality you need, plus "If I ever feel like trying videogames, it can do that too"

Then you also take into account retards that got console banned and bought a new ones, or those that failed in some way outside of their warranty, in most cases buying a new console is cheaper than getting one serviced by Sony out of warranty.

Why did so many people go tsundere for sony last gen and helped microsofts marketing campaign?

It's sad that Microsoft let go of almost all their exclusives since then. Now the 360 is essentially a Lost Odyssey/Tales of Vesperia box.

Sup Forums always was tsundere for sony
Im pretty sure most here own a ps4
You can even spot ultra contrarians who call the ps1 and 2 shit

>Higher cost of playstation 3 console meant that it was out of reach for much of the younger Sup Forums posters.
>Bad launch line up that focused on "western games" (this is normal now but back then western games were like 20% of the market and disliked by Sup Forums)
>The xbox360 basically pioneered online multiplayer in the way we know it right now. Meaning that most people interested in multiplayer would prefer the xbox360. This achieved its peak in 2007 call of duty 4. After that year Sony started to focus more on multiplayer servers. But it was already too late for that. The multiplayer community was established on xbox360.
>The playstation store was non-existent in the early days, while the xbox marketplace was pretty ahead of its time. Combined with things like Achievements (which were marketed as giving "extra gameplay" to games on xbox360) it became more attractive for developers to develop DLC and have downloadable patches.

It's easy to forget how different the market was back then and that it's easy to see in hindsight but PS3 was in a really bad position at launch.

Gears of war 2 and 3 never got to pc for some reason

Lets not forget that the 360 is STRONG AMERIKUN CONSOLE DONT NEED NO CHINK STATION mentality, where every murrican would rather buy the 4th 360 after the first three redringed on them.

Really the "consolewars" are a race of incompetence.

The market is like it is today because of MS
And that is why I get mad at faggots calling MS/Phil the good guys when all the shitty practices and the state of AAA productions nowadays are all on them

Does that include pro tradeups?

To be fair we don't seperate say, New 3DS tradeups, but it might paint a slightly different picture.

Nice to see that PC and console combined is about even with phone gaming.

And now Sony flourishes because of what Microsoft did.

Reminder that there was a point in time when Sony was also going to deny access to used games on the PS4 along with Microsoft but dropped the idea to make MS look bad. How quickly did Sony have those videos mocking Microsoft about no used games.

>Siren BC
only interesting titles from the list

It was, those games are all over the place and most people aren't diverse enough in taste to like all of them.

I bought my PS3 at the end of its lifecycle, CFWd it, and still only played 7 games off your list, and only finished 4 of them - and for me it was a cheap console with free games, for the early adopting retards it was a very expensive console with very few expensive games.

>A varied taste is now a bad thing

How do you think I implied that?
Its fucking ridiculous you people have been shitposting here for so long you think you read an explanation and you somehow read it like I attacked people with varied tastes.

You people are fucking losing it