Did EDF 4.1 sell well enough on PC to warrant a port for EDF 5?
I sunk a good amount of time into it and loved it, so here's hoping we get one
Did EDF 4.1 sell well enough on PC to warrant a port for EDF 5?
I sure hope so user.
>EDF 4 is a sequel to 3, which was a reboot of 2
>EDF 5 shares similar character and enemy designs with 2
I don't know what the fuck is going on
It's supposed to be a reboot, I read that in a thread a while back so take that with a grain of salt
It'd make sense since op's pic is a pale Diver and not a wing Diver. They look much better anyway
I bought it and it was expensive.
Tried to make other people buy it, but it was too expensive, which is a shame.
I just fucking want helicopter controls overhauled and more motorcycles. Maybe some more mission objectives
Fencer with vulcan hammer was too fun. Armor farming was complete and utter ass though.
This looks like a $15 game, why the fuck is it so expensive?
I think the old ravager flying drone designs that they're bringing back for 5 suck and that they're a boring shape to shoot at.
The new giant pepes look cool though. I hope they will be even more flexible and have more varied weaponry than the hectors.
Seriously that might be one of the worst things. Fucking armor farming for hours
>on PC
Lack of mission objectives besides staying alive and killing shit is what makes EDF good. It lets level designers focus their efforts toward enemy composition, placement and spawn timings. It's kinda like Doom or Quake in that way actually.
Go on steamspy and see for yourself
It did better than Insect Armageddon though
Fair enough point
Shit costs too much. I doubt pc sales matter enough to make an impact, you'd have to base the possibility of the next one on consolefag purchases.
If the shit doesn't last 700 trillion hours and costs 50 cents, pcfags just don't care, seriously.
Disagree. Many pc builders like myself are older with good jobs. I have no problem spending full price for a game offering something unique and enjoyable as edf does
I just wish they gave word beforehand if it will be released on PC or not so I don't have to double-dip.
Sold more than the PS4 versions in 1/3rd of the time. +60k within no time irrc.
Based on that I think its safe to say that its a given that 5 will come out. It was D's first PC release ever as well, and it was regarded overwhelmingly positive by the community.
I said pcfags.
I didn't say pc gamers.
pcfags are the neckbeard shut ins who don't want to spend their chicken tendie allowance on a new game unless its incredibly cheap.
Sadly the majority of steam is pcfags.
>If the shit doesn't last 700 trillion hours and costs 50 cents, pcfags just don't care, seriously.
ye thats why it outsold the console versions right?
I just wish that they would rebalance the weapons, as now all of those zany special weapons are almost useless all of the time. Wouldn't even mind if classes got a extra slot for support equipment, so you have a reason to pick them instead of just another normal weapon.
Some of those worthless "unique" wing diver weapons come to mind
It's fucking expensive, I'll get around to it but I've got enough of a backlog as-is.
Endless grind for weapons I'll never use
The game
Give me the option to pick previous soldier outfits when customising my boys please.
Favourite enemy design and weapon?
Also are you guys ready to mow down these alien threats in EDF 5?