Which one of you austistic Sup Forumsirgins did this?
Which one of you austistic Sup Forumsirgins did this?
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literally what is the problem? overwatch is set in a future that eradicated islam.
middle eastern architecture is still and has always been very aesthetically pleasing.
I can only assume it's been colonised
obvious falseflag
try harder
How can one be so mad?
>It's a twitter screencap thread
>twitter screenshot thread
fuck this shit, check my 7
phoneposters are the reason Sup Forums is shit
prove me wrong
So what do you mean by this OP?
...? You didn't get a 7...
>Weeb profile picture
God you people are embarrassing
whoa, but you both got 9s
Yeah I had a bit of a fumble, here it is though.
it's just a map bro
Honestly I'm more bothered by the idiots that try to act high and mighty by pointing out EVERY SINGLE TIME somebody does sometthing "progressive" even when it's not, than by the obvious troll down there.
i'll redeem you, check this 5
You go girl!
Blizzard must be like my own company: A few guys that always try to do the absurdest shit and let the company stay in different lights while giggling like little girls, not caring about their own jobs. I don't give a fuck, as long as my company stays alive and enough customers are idiots (read: all) that buy our products anyways.
Oh my
You niggers can't get for shit.
Check this 8.
Oh come on, we already knew overwatch was set in a fantasy universe
>70 years in the future
>the german and the swede are white
That right there should have clued you in, they were never aiming for realism
You, because you are posting this thread again.
Kill yourself.
nice. check mine
>>the german and the swede are white
>That right there should have clued you in, they were never aiming for realism
thank you, user
I's it actually Iraq? Source?
Middle eastern cities don't look that different from US cities, provided that it isn't a warzone
the only thing stupider than degenerate 'progressive' content, is false flag whiners bitching about things that aren't a real problem
it may have been Iraq 25 years ago with heavy use of photoshop
Does she even know what Syria looked like before the war?
Syria actually looked like a nice place around 2008.
>anime avatar is a retarded sperg or false flagging to delegitimize future criticisms of blizzard
Color me flabergasted
I can't tell you who did this but I can give you this 3
Remember when the middle east used to be pioneers in science until the fucking Arabs raped Islam upon them and stunted all progress because a mujaddid claimed science was evil.
Oh look lonely autistic OP back at it again with the same thread he posted yesterday because getting replies from strangers is the only way to fill the void in his pathetic life
nice 5 but my 8 is better
Like India right?
The irony here is that autists like these are just as easily triggered as the sjws they detest.
I'm sensing falseflag, the account doesn't exist anymore.
>in b4 image of hipster with mask on
>in b4 image of hipster with mask on with merchant mask on
>OP made all those comments to post to his friends on Sup Forums
>OP then took screenshots of it
>OP then made a thread pretending it was not him
>tfw youll never be OP
feels good lads
It's pretty obvious it depicts a future where Islam no longer exists, why get triggered over it?
>Eradicated Islam
Thanks based 76!
Its been stated numerous times by Blizzard devs that this is an idealised version of Iraq where Islam has been purged.
>Its been stated numerous times by Blizzard devs that this is an idealised version of Iraq where Islam has been purged.
not a fucking chance
This is actually pretty based if true.
>what is dubai
Hmmm... Time to create a Muslim twitter account boycotting the map for misrepresenting my country and painting it in a racist, exclusive light.
Some of the lamest falseflagging I've ever seen, but people will fall for it because twitter is just that easy.
Obvious falseflagging and strawmanning outside, they couldn't have picked Iran at least? The only country in the middle east that's actually developing and growing stronger instead of going to total shit?
Or are they just choosing a random middle eastern country because Ameritards don't even know the difference between the two?
>idealised version of Iraq where Islam has been purged.
I'll need a source for that, I doubt it's real, considering the whole lore of the game is trying to get good boy points by making the biggest amount of token characters possible.
Please don't remind me of that degenerate city, going there was the biggest mistake of my life. Awful, awful place.
>middle east as a war zone
What's the problem exactly? It's an accurate depiction.
It was me. Sorry.
What's wrong with Dubai tell us user
Legitimately autistic
There is no way that Iraq or any middle eastern nation except for maybe Israel would never look like a utopia let alone a civilized nation.
After all, Islam has been around for over 1,500 years and the people are still insane as fuck.
What's the map like? Is it a payload, KOTH, or control point?
Also, capture the flag when? You've got the arcade mode so it doesn't have to be part of normal rotation. You can meme all you want about Tracer and Lucio, but they made Warsong Gulch decent enough even with speed boost classes. Just gotta have a big open field between the two probably.
ctf wouldn't be fun in Overwatch, depends too much on ults and abilities and not skill.
Where to start? You'll never experience being as lonely anywhere else in the world as you do in Dubai, despite being surrounded by thousands of people. Everyone is a cold asshole, you can't strike up a friendly conversation with anyone, everyone is looking out for themselves and if you're not part of the upper echelon you'll be treated like an outcast all while enduring the hellish weather.
Unless you're a billionaire capitalist or a hack artist there's no reason to ever go to that soulless city, it's purely business and no fun.
Only difference is India actually was pretty based up until Muslims, their caste system and Brits fucked them over
>carrying the flag disables abilities
Wow, so hard.
Would actually require the team to work as a real team and not 6 individuals doing their own thing.
>single video channel
My number between 1 and 9 will cancel yours out
>autistically enraged over LGBT stuff in his vidya gaem
>his avatar's character is a canonical lesbian
Pottery. Oh, the ironing.
You can say that about any game mode in Overwatch though. CTF doesn't require any more skill than anything else, it's just a fun game mode that is possible to balance well enough. Sure there might be some bullshit, but that's why it should be arcade exclusive.
user, so close.
Pretty much what I expected, sounds shitty.
Looks like dubai right now, except iraq has no resources worth shit.
It'd actually be nice to play in a former warzone that still has the scars of the Omnic Crisis and not the same Disney World exhibit we've had since launch. Every map is way too clean and pretty.
Einchenland is filled with Bastion remains.
It's still mostly intact and the color palette is too fanciful.
>anti-SJWs are still getting buttmad because Blizzard made a game that isn't a dick to minorities
>I want brown and bloom
What is this, bizarro 2008?
He deleted his Twitter.
Well, rip.
always funny and ironic to hear a murrican talk about other countries having a lot of shitskins
>People with different opinions than me should leave!
fucking nice
Who's this dna thief
Try asking Sup Forums.
And stay there this time.
I wanna cum in her hair
who's dat
I don't care because I voted for Trump, and seeing lesbian getting ravaged by Widowmaker's 40 inch futa cock is not a rare sight to me.
They have a point. They really do seem to be forcing this culture down our throats.
>I voted for Trump
Then why are you on a video game board?
I don't entirely agree with Trump, for example, the whole ''BUILD A WALL'' was bullshit because there's already a wall, or his pro-Israeli stance, but I still found him a much better choice than Hillary.
Based Hillary is badass as hell.
I want to facefuck her
omg YAASS totes luv 4 the queen.
Damn, a bit more and she can be a character in Battleborn.
but what about my 1?
All his books left me with a phantom pain.
wow, uncalled for bro
>implying Sup Forums plays progressivewatch
what the fug are you talking about op?
>literally delete this