>$25 for 20 hours of gameplay
Oh am I laffin'
CES 2017
PS Now seems like a great deal in comparison
they really should have gone with a monthly subscription instead
>Can't afford a $3000 computer.
>Not an autist so I don't spend 14 hours a day on a machine made for video games.
>spend an hour or two AT MOST because I have a life and not a NEET-retard.
>Comes out to about $25 a month for playing games at max settings 60fps.
Seems reasonable to me, senpai.
>$3000 computer
The fuck you on about?
Building a decent rig isn't nearly that expensive if you're at least a little bit competent. Also you STILL HAVE TO PAY FOR THE GAMES even if you don't want the hassle of building one.
Given the direction from expansions to dlc to paid mods I'm not surprised they pulled this shit. It's only a matter of time before other platforms start """"""renting"""""" gametime
>CES 2017
We'll have competitive cards, just wait for another six months!
Wait what?
Why would you need a $3000 computer to play games at max settings 60fps?
>turn your home into an arcade
Sure, they can try.
But the entire AAA game industry is going to crash down, before they get to it.
(((Hollywood))) doesn't like them, so video games have to go.
That works out to 800 hours for $1000. Let's say the life time of a PC, before you need to upgrade, is 2 years. That's 400 hours per year. That's ~7.5 hours of gaming per week. If you play more than that, get your own PC. If you play less than that, nVidia's offer could save you money.
And the elephant in the room: your Internet connection and distance to the nearest data center.
Nvidia announced their next """"""'upgrade"""""'" to the Geforce Experience and it's this bullshit, as well as nomiebook integration
>Why would you want your games to consistently perform well while looking good?
Gee user, I don't know.
I paid 500$ for 700$ worth of AMD PC back in 2011
And I enjoy games of comparable quality to what people who spend anywhere from 900USD to fucking 2000USD do on their Intel/Nvidia PCs
In some cases it runs better, in most cases it runs well enough 40FPS+ for me.While Intel/Nvidia Users are raging at the top of their damned throats about how that's impossible because AMD is garbage.
Nvidia's botnet and lack of announcing anything to do with the 1080ti was more than disappointing. AMD had the golden opportunity to capitalize on it but they blundered so hard and lol-we're-too-good-for-a-live-stream bullshit. Not to mention the horrendous performance (sub 30 FPS) on their new card while running DOOM which was even catered to AMD to begin with.
>Rent our cloud super computer for a low fee of $25! *limit 20 hours*
Not to mention having a sub-par internet connection will mean a shitload of problems for the user. I can't wait to see this company die.
>lack of announcing anything to do with the 1080ti
Why should they?
There's no competition for anything higher than a 1060 and they can milk the TXP for that much longer.
>No 1080ti
No shit. The GCC is in May, there would be no reason to announce it here. If we go by history the new Titan will be announced at the same time. Reminder that the Titan was announced a week before it was released.
>Can't afford a $3000 computer
consoletards are this fucking clueless
It won't be long until Steam/Origin/Uplay do something similar. You heard it here first.
>streaming videogames
Literally the worst idea. Been tried again and it again and it just fails
Can someone explain to me? I get how you would stream a game, but in terms of performance how do you replicate hardware performace? Is it a virtual machine you connect to?
I gladly would pay anything to Nvidia because they are nice with me.
Tomorrow I will buy a 1080 and gift it to a friend because I am happy.
>not buying him a TXP
What are you poor or just a bad friend?
Here's your (You)
2yr lifetime for a PC... Maybe with a fisher price laptop. My last rig lasted me for a decade with minor upgrades which given your mindset you could get from friends every two years when they are wasting money.
This was still being able to play current games at modest settings.
AGAIN with this game streaming bullshit?
Dont they realize that most games arent make to be played with the slightest delay?
It's a brilliant marketing strategy for normies who thrive off of memebook and streaming sites. I hate the practice and the direction they're headed, but given the size of the market for business it's a choice that I don't think will end up costing them that much even if it doesn't perform well.
He was clearly joking.
I look forward to a future of normies bitching about being fucked up on CoD by "cheaters" who aren't streaming
Can someone explain this to a stupid person like me?
I have an Nvidia card and now they want a subscription? A paid one?
I don't do anything special like streaming or anything or play games at their max settings, will this affect me at all? Will I have to have/do this?
>building PC just to play ports of console games with console controllers and then beg for more console games
but why though?
People who buy into this shit are both retarded and don't deserve the money they spend.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
No, it doesn't affect anyone who has their own computer.
It's a program designed for poorfags that either can't/don't want to build a computer but want the performance of a "high end" desktop. The retarded part about it is you pay for hours of play as opposed to a month to month subscription. You also aren't given any games; you have to purchase those too.
Are you retarded? PC has an entire genre dedicated to it alone, never mind other games.
Nvidia is laffin to the bank
it will change multiple times until release in march
they have various settings too if you play on 1080p you get more hours instead of 4k/20 hours
pretty sure they will add games into rotation and indie games anyway
wtf is going on? I didn't watch ces.
>25$ a month
but that is wrong you mongo. 25$ for 20 hours
If you play 2 hours every day per year, you pay 900$ after one year.
>Let's say the life time of a PC, before you need to upgrade, is 2 years
lol. If you spend $1000 on a PC you had better get a video card that will last for about 4 years.
>building PC just to play ports of console games with console controllers and then beg for more console games
This is essentially what nVidia is doing:
>buy their overpriced game console
>plug it into your outdated PC desktop
>play console multiplats nVidia pays gamedevs for
For real PC games you need nothing more than pic related. It's the exact same technology you find in current consoles.
>Let's say the life time of a PC, before you need to upgrade, is 2 years.
The PC hardware cycle is 18 months.
You can gimp along a little longer just like with a last-gen console, but to get the best fps possible (otherwise PC loses its point entirely) you need to upgrade yearly.
Seriously, stop posting this, no one cares about your shitty AMD toaster.
>upgrading every year
>DVD drive
>no SSD
>no real GPU
>Those fags that said us 1080 owners would get BTFO with the 1080ti reveal
>dvd drive
are ew in fucking 2007?
So is this the same person in every thread or is there some kind of metaphorical torch being passed here?
>upgrading that often
for what purpose
Waitfags BTFO again. No 1080ti, and STILL no RX 490 either.
>shit cpu
>300 watt psu
>dvd drive
>paying for windows
>no gpu
I know this is b8 but I'm still triggered
lol retarded post. thanks for the laff
>upgrading that often
>for what purpose
Maxing out game settings.
You don't need an expensive PC to play at 900p with 30 fps.
PC only makes sense if you upgrade often enough to max out all new games on ultra.
>no one cares
You seem to care a lot.
>your shitty AMD toaster
Well, that shitty AMD toaster (picrel) gets ALL the games.
You are talking to just one other person on Sup Forums.
Feels stupid, doesn't it?
Wait a sec.
What about the games? Do you have to own the games or do you get to select from a library of games? How does that work exactly? if it's anything like the sega channel was (pay monthly, get a huge selection of games to play from, no need to own any), this could actually be cheaper than actually buying the games, regardless of your hardware.
>I know this is b8
It isn't. It's a cheap and decent performing entry-level gaming PC set primarily made for PC exclusive games.
A build which is complete, actually works and is not some used garbage from the stone age.
Its meant for people who want to occasionally game. Not spend all of their time gaming. Like going to an arcade. If you want to play the arcade game for 5 hours a day you buy the console. If you just want to blow $1.25 for a quick hour of free time you go to the arcade. Why are you retards missing this.
>PC only makes sense if you upgrade often enough to max out all new games on ultra.
or if you want a budget build that will let you play all non-exclusives on medium forever. some pc players may be graphicsfags but there are way more people who just want to play good games without spending much money.
It's nVidia desperately trying to monetize a more and more irrelevant platform.
Quick google says it's integrated with steam, origin, uplay, gog, bnet. You still have to buy the games.
I'd imagine that you log into said accounts through geforce experience and it shows what games you own to stream.
but that's almost at the "$1/hr. of gameplay" pipe dream that autists hold onto. How can that be bad?
>play all non-exclusives on medium forever
Doesn't work.
The 2013 build in picrel (ignore the joke bars) doesn't even run the Witcher 3 at 1080p30 on Low, despite costing about twice as much as a 2013 PS4, which runs it on High with a few Ultra settings thrown in.
weird, i ran witcher 3 fine on my 3rd-gen i5 and gtx660. haven't upgraded anything in years with no problems. guess i should buy a console
Ah yeah, their page says you bring your own games. This service seems pretty worthless then.
>PC is actually less costly than PS4 until you tacked on all that extra bullshit just so you can be right on the internet
How come my build with an FX-6300 and R9 280x does 45-70 in Witcher 3 with most of the settings on high then?
Playing games on low to get 144-200fps in most games has worked great for me. Only time it doesn't work is playing games with poor CPU optimization (Forgelight, for example).
>games at $60
You can get every single "$60" PC game for $48, tops, at launch if you don't buy directly from Steam. You don't have to pay extra money to subscribe to anything like Best Buy or Amazon for it. You don't have to go and try to find the game you want used.
>R9 280x
Did you retards even READ the picture?
What the fuck is an nvidia subscription?
>he doesn't get the joke
>autist spergs out
>What the fuck is an nvidia subscription?
The equivalent to PS+ to XBL with Gold for nVidia console card owners.
All new nVidia features will require a subscription, starting with ShadowPlay in March 2017.
nope, and don't intend to. make your point yourself
Lol my 2500k 8gb from 2011 and the 980 I got in 2014 to replace my 6950 still maxes everything at 1080p
Thats a 6 year old build with 1 gpu upgrade, I also threw in a 256gb ssd when I got the 980
I mean if you buy some cheap shit like a fx6300 you only have yourself to blame
>buy your own games then pay nvidia $25/month plus tip for the sake of it
Why. This is literally more useless than PS Now, which is fucking awful.
Show me source on that Shadowplay thing, faggot.
>The equivalent to PS+ to XBL with Gold
But those are required to play multiplayer games, a major facet of video games. This Nvidia shit is all for completely optional shit that most people don't even use
>these kind of people are nvdias target audience
Why does only AMD and Nvidia make GPUs. Why doesn't Intel try their hand at it or another tech company jump into the GPU market.
>still maxes everything at 1080p
1080p is toaster-tier.
There is no point in having a PC in 2017 if you can't max out 2160p.
Then shut up.
laugh now but in the future this will become the norm. If you wanna play games you gotta pay for subscription fees. This is shit and should die.
Remote video gaming is trash and should be left in the heap.
Dog shit nVidia. For all you fan boys this is what that dictator ship is planning for gaming. Assholes the lot of them.
intel tried but nvidia said no and they stopped
>Why doesn't Intel try their hand at it or another tech company jump into the GPU market.
Because Intel isn't stupid. nVidia isn't going to survive into the next decade, they are a goner like 3Dfx.
true that. Indie is where its at. Looking at you shovel knight :D
I'm happy with 1080/120hz until reasonably priced cards can actually run 4k.
I don't even think titan p can run 4k comfortably, what's the point. Maybe 2020 il do a full rebuild with a 4k ips 144hz monitor, for now 4k is a meme
DOOM is awesome. I love the engine and wish that more developers used vulkan. It runs like fukkin butter 120 fps at 1080p. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
An HD 7870 is about on par with a 660 you idiot. If all you care about is playing on PS4 settings an HD 7870 2GB still holds up. The only thing an HD 7870 can't play is DX12 games, of which there are only a few DX12-exclusives right now. The only mistake was picking AMD instead instead of Intel although in 2013 few people realized how shit AMD's new line-up of CPUs would be.
>starting with ShadowPlay
There are too many other free options available for that to work. Fuck, if you're on Windows 10 they have a free game capture built into the OS itself. The only reason XBLG and PS+ work is because consoles are a locked down system and players don't have a choice.
welcome to the renting age, where you don't own anything
corporate feudalism soon
Did they explain if the $25 means 20 hours from the moment you pay, or 20 hours only count when actually playing?
Because the former is an awful deal. If it's the later I could maybe see some appeal for someone who doesn't play much and doesn't have a PC or a console. Maybe someone who travels a lot. Still expensive, though.
Everyone knew how shit the newer amd cpus were since 2011 sandybridge
Intel tried making better integrated GPU's, it was called Iris Pro, but there's no demand so they stopped this gen.
Its in the works. It will draw all the casuals in while hard core gamers will still pay top dollar for content and parts. This will split gaming further into 4 groups.
Casuals playing on streaming services.
Pro esports gamers playing on mid ranged machines with installed content.
Hobbyists who build their machines with top components and play games catured to their tastes / Witcher 3 style games / ARMA / SUPREME COMMANDER ect.
And the guys on the low builds playing old games and emulating.
Basically this is already happening. I am a hobbyist and will stick with indie stuff and my mind challenging games like find the right drivers for my AMD cards while casual peasants pay $25 for 20 hours of service plus other dlc fees. Pure bullshit if you ask me but this is already present with movies and series. I literally do not own cable TV. I buy movies or rip them and then watch them on my home cinema system I built from scratch so why would gaming be different.
Why are you even here? Mfw study break, have a fuckton of free time before college starts again, plays like 8 hours a day
Its a lot of work, I'm guessing it's not worth the investment this late to the party.
Would be great if some big rich company like Samsung partnered with amd though, amd is working on a tiny budget compared to Intel/nvidia
It's $25 for 20 hours to be using the current highest end hardware. I wouldn't say useless under the scenario that your computer is fucked or you're away from your computer that you feel the need to play games now. Other than that, it's expensive that is just not justifiable.
It's only when playing a game, downloading or installing doesn't count. I'm guessing they use Steam/Origin/Uplay's playtime counter to measure it.