What is the Blurryface of video games?
What is the Blurryface of video games?
What did he mean by this?
No really explain
I swear, twenty one pilots faggots are the most cancerous thing to happen since green day and mcr fags. This is not vidya
>inb4 ban
stfu they're one of the only bands with meaningful lyrics on the radio right now
Fucking A
>Being this correct
Both really trigger their respective boards
they make music that makes you think, fucking go listen to justin bieber sheep
this thread is absolute twenty one pilots
this thread is shit what the fuck do you think idiot
Good bait
uncharted 3
Calling this user a sheep defending this band that's most likely being played on the radio 24/7
Meme run
Nothing. Blurryface's thing on Sup Forums is that has an ironic fanbase, and irony isn't a thing on Sup Forums. If we think a game is shit, we'll call it shit.
You see, the thing about music Is it still exists outside of the radio you fucking sheep. You only like top because they made it big with 3 (THREE) fucking songs that were mediocre at best. Now the damn songs play 10 times each every day and I'm almost disgusted when they do cone on.
There have been hundreds of bands before them with more meaningful lyrics or better instrumentals. Jimmy Eat World is leagues better than Top, and they've been doing it since the 90s.
At least they're good catchy and not generic catchy. Seriously, the formula for the other top 40 garbage hasn't changed in 10 years.
this convinced me that Sup Forums is an entry level board
There is no reason to go on Sup Forums. If you have an interest to follow reddit gets the job done. If you are simply a fan of chan culture infinity chan/ end chan/ libre chan are almost always the better place.
Sayonara suckers, I am out.
Honestly this
Something that does too many things to the point where it's just a heap of hot garbage?
Go back to le ddit, faggot.
Uncharted 4
stop bullying the Tranny
Their songs are literally
>I don't want to grow up and have responsibilities
>I say I care about some people when I don't actually
>I'm weird and my friends are too rawr lol :p