Why does getting drunk lower my level of radiation?
is this bait?
Radiation is soluble in alcohol and then you just pee it out
It doesn't
Just makes you care less about the inevitable cancer seeping through your body
Because the designers thought it was a suitable game mechanic. You can reduce the radiation if you don't have (or can't afford) the meds, but in return you'll get drunk, which is a penalty that balances things out.
>that label
Kicks your kidneys into high gear and most shit that's radioactive will be passed through your kidneys.
That shit's still in your system long enough to do enough damage and there's plenty of radioactive shit that sticks to your bones and isn't urinated out. I think the iodine isotope radiation from bombs is one of the ones that sticks to your bones. That's why you take iodine pills, so all that shit sticks to your bones and doesn't make space for dangerous isotopes.
I think anyway. Source: my ass.
"Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" by I. Repin
Why is it flipped
The iodine pills are to protect your thyroid.
no idea, my friend
Is there a STALKER drinking game?
I actually have one.
Since STALKER creeps me the fuck out, especially the bloodsuckers and shit.
Whenever I am getting nervous I go back to some camp and drink vodka until I feel fine with going on.
>During the Chernobyl incident: It was widely believed by the plant workers and clean-up crew that alcoholic drinks, mainly vodka and red wine, can cure radiation poisoning from the body. It could be noted that it has been proven that ginseng, which is contained in vodka, increases the body's metabolism allowing the body to more quickly dispose of and replace irradiated cells and tissue; even so one who has been exposed to deadly radiation should seek professional medical help instead of drinking vodka as it is not a medically recommended cure to purge radiation from the body.
The real answer is that soviet officials gave alcohol to the poor folks who had to clean up Chernobyl, malfunctioning nuclear submarines or other random radiation hazard. It didn't do anything to protect them, but getting drunk was good enough to erase the fear in people so they went into their deaths willingly.
That's where the alcohol helps against radiation lie comes from.
Of course in STALKER it's just a game mechanic.
This. It is pretty much just a game mechanic, but rather cool to see that it has a vague historical connection. Just like the whole STALKER universe itself
take a shot every time someone says cheeki breeki
You drink so much alcohol that you sweat the radiation out with it ;)
Nope. Slavs think and KNOW that's how it works.
It's actually a proven fact that alcohol can prevent liver cancer.
cancer is not what kills you when you get radiation poisoning or your intenstines turn to liquid.
And alcohol does not prevent that.
>Cancer kills you
>Not your cells imploding due to catastrophic damage to RNA that prevents them from performing even basic functions
Actually, it comes from a russian nuclear sub. They had some kind of malfunction in the reactor room. Nobody wanted to go in there, so they promised vodka to anyone willing to repair that shit.
The people who went in there and had vodka didn't get any signs of radiation poisoning so they concluded the vodka protected them.