Name a game that is
>legitimately good (8/10 or more)
>underrated/obscure as fuck
Name a game that is
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Door Kickers.
Shadow Tactics.
It doesn't look underrated, but barely anybody owns it.
Road Trip Adventure.
door kickers
Even better with friends.
witcher 3
Pick any from here. All are legitimately good and being old as fuck range from under rated to extremely obscure for most people nowadays.
Infamous First Light
Mole Mania
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
The original Unreal. Great Quake-era FPS with interesting level design and a large alien world to explore.
Is it better than Second Son? How long is it? What do you actually do?
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason.
It's more old than underrated/obscure, but Battlezone 2 is one of many late 90's early 2000's gems that everyone should play.
King of Dragon Pass. Legit 10/10
Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri
Nothing like it was ever made again
Best tactical squad based battlesuit game.
Abyss Odyssey
Marlow Briggs
Crosscode. Unreleased though.
An Untitled Story is a great indie metroidvania that is fun, challenging, and has a decent story as well.
What is this? Looks sorta familiar.
It's taking them forever to finish it. I want to play it, but fuck early access
Apotheon for both.
condemned criminal origins
Devil Daggers
The entire Etrian Odyssey series
invisible inc
Marvelous: Another Treasure Island, it's what Aonuma directed before he got onto the Zelda team
Sort of surprising that that alone doesn't get it more recognition, but even /vr/ hardly talks about it
Battle Engine Aquila.
Although I agree with the sentiment, EO hasn't been truly obscure since the 3DS era
But none of these are underrated though. In their own time they received their fair share of recognition.
Thanks for reminding about Blackthorne though, been looking for it quite some time.
le millenom girl
I personally think it's better than second son because SS went a little overboard with the changing powers thing, so the Mc has 4 different types of powers that he has the find sources of in the world to change in-between, not at will. And the most fun power is neon anyway, which FL is completely based around. Keep in mind It's much shorter though.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who played it.
Fair point, but I would argue it's still obscure, even if way less so than it was. I'll stand by the underrated part though, I'll never forget that awful IGN review of III
I didn't play either remake I'm sorry
Stephen's Sausage Roll. The best puzzle game I've ever played.
The remakes are fun but floor jumping and farming for grimoires are the most questionable parts of those games. I'm glad eov addresses those problems.
oh fuck yes, gotta replay that shit sometime
thanks for reminding me bro
Romancing Saga.
EOV western release when?
Wonder Project J 1 and 2
There's like 20 hours of content as it is, so the price is pretty fair.
After theyre done being delayed with localizing Persona 5 :^)
Thanks man, I'll look into it.
step in line, senpai
Trackmania Turbo is the most underrated game of last year to me. Only because i love it so much and no one heard of it. The gameplay and track design are actual 10/10s except for roller coaster lagoon which just pisses me off. And no, uplay doesn't bring the game's score down unless you're a snob.
I heard it did bad things compared to previous TM games and haven't gotten around to buying it because of that. Were they wrong?
Was about to post this
It just isn't as good as Canyon.
Theyre not wrong the things theyre talking about just dont actually affect playing the tracks. For example the track editor and menus were all consolized but that being the case doesn't really bring down the game unless you were a long time PC player I guess. I played Trackmania 2 and never touched the editor or car customizer so I dont really care.
I'll give it a shot then. I fucking love trackmania (although I haven't quite beaten all of them yet. the last few stages are killer)
The poor man's dorifto simulator.
it's megaman tier
I didn't see what all the fuss was on my first playthrough, then I turned the difficulty up.
I havent played Canyon but is it better than Turbo's canyon mode?
Well have fun if you do. It does a good job of easing you into the really hard ones. Ive played F Zero and still nothing compares to hitting 700mph in Trackmania
Remember playing gauntlet legends as a kid?
Now imagine that in addition to leveling your character, you also get equipment, and instead of 4 stats there are about 8. And there is a super secret item in each major area that is ultimately required to progress. And imagine that each floor remains completely populated with monsters until you finally find every last glowing tile that completes a level, or opens the path forward, usually requiring you to approach each level from multiple entry points. And imagine each major area has a kickass music theme, and a unique hazard type, and tiles that prevent certain actions, etc.
That is quest mode on Gauntlet 4, easily the best Gauntlet game overall. Make sure you choose QUEST MODE.
>tfw great games are either immersive or have great gameplay, never both
I just want to lose myself in a game but I can't ignore shallow shit game mechanics...
One of the original set of trackmania games, I forget which, had a black stage that was just 20 minutes of doing fairly precise fast driving on a circuit. despite all the flashy jumps and environments in later games, I don't think any stage has been as satisifying to gold metal (and then gawk at the platinum time) as that one. has this one got stages like that?
I can lose myself in a dragon quest game and find that those have great gameplay. Same with Doom if you get some high quality user maps with atmosphere like sunlust or btsx.
MGSV is well known and mediocre.
Are there any dragon quest you can play on pc? What are the best ones? I don't really see myself playing one from the 90's desu.
>Are there any dragon quest you can play on pc?
literally all of them
I'm emulating 7 for the ps1. It makes me feel like a kid in a great way.
Battlezone II
some guy on the team that made it is still making patches on his personal website.
Septerra Core
Exile II Crystal Souls
Personally, my preference in this situation would be for you to cease all vocalizations.
Hitman: Blood Money
Mark of the Ninja
Don't Starve
Definitely not obscure, but certainly underrated
dragon commander
Gex 2 and 3 were great platformers for their time.