This is Kaede Akamatsu! Her game is coming out soon in Japan!

This is Kaede Akamatsu! Her game is coming out soon in Japan!
Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying jap games


I really like those cow tits of hers

She's not the fattest (but it's pretty close)

I won't buy your game because it's not coming out in my country, #fuckujapan


Is danganronpa worth getting into?

The white straps are nice.

It's not like vitas and PS4s are region locked

You might as well.

Most of them have great tits so yeah

I don't know how to read Ching Choing

Oh I thought you were saying it'd never come out in your country in English or something.
It'll come out probably Summer 2017

Pluse the import would be a arm and a leg

I can't stare at the tits when the artstyle makes my eyes bleed.

Do you like detective/mystery games? I like the games but the overarching plot outside of "students killing students" is absolutely pants on head retarded and impossible to take seriously. So I guess a tolerance for anime and the stupid plots that tend to accompany them is required.

Something about her looks out of place. It feels as if her head doesn't belong on her body? Is this a motherfucking JoJo reference??

Name 1 (one) thing wrong with the artstyle

No proper sense of anatomy.

And everyone has a sameface that the artist drew once and copypastad on almost every character.

ill say something nice when the game comes out on PC

As long as there's no giant scythe wielding loli who likes to "play with her victims" in the series then I can stomach the other anime shit.


Tits or gtfo


If you're data-mining and trying to reverse the compression on the demo, this is the best and most in depth guide of someone who did pretty much EXACTLY what we need to do

>her game

You mean MY game

>Her game

>just beat 1 after playing it over the last few days
>already balls deep into 2
>genuinely considering falling for the Vita meme to avoid waiting for V3

>buying an entire system for 1 game
just filter everything related to DR3 to avoid spoilers

I mean I've been on the fence for a while, this is just what could push me over.

>Say something nice about her.
she's cute
but I have one thing to say about all your Sup Forumsirgins.
Fuck you if you spoil games that haven't come out in english. You deserve to be burned alive.

>Her game