ITT: Shameful vidya faps

ITT: Shameful vidya faps

Other urls found in this thread:

what is that thing

She is MAD


Lea Delaria






I don't believe you

You didn't fap to that, you just wanted to start the thread with something shocking for replies.


Still not as bad as OP.



I've jerked it to more ryona than I care to mention

Hunter Gammas

my friend's pic

When was the last time that a vidya character triggered Sup Forums this much?

Why is right paddle so lewd?

These threads are meant to be fun.
Why post something that's legitimately shameful?

Left paddle best girl.

One of my first faps
I was a degenerate 11 year old

Punished Jim Sterling?

pure paddle is best paddle. not for lewd.


When I was younger I would play minigames in Mario Party where characters could be flattened and purposely fail as peach and jerk off to it.

I can't even think of a worst example. Leap from Kirby, the slutty cactus from Wario Hop, Fernandez's command grab from Waku Waku 7, all kinds of random stuff from the Parodius series, I went straight through the bottom of the barrel one teenage summer without internet.

Forgot pic




Holy fuck I had forgotten about her
My brother from another mother

The sequel is better than the first one
But the game seriously needed to tone down the "le internet vocab and culture"


why would they model ball physics on a dog?

nothing shameful about that my dude

Triggered has become an interesting word as of late.

You can use it to curb any and all criticism. It's the new "fedora" and "autism" of the day.

If you don't want something criticized, you can completely deflect and accuse the person criticizing it of being triggered and you've instantly won.

at least you're not a skeleton fucker


why did you feel the need to reinforce that guys point by showing how triggered you are?

Fuck you

I'm not the same person.

I just like big hairy guys desu



oh she looks really nice outside of the show

>right-wingers reappropriate the terms "triggered" and "safe space" to trivialize leftist sensitivity culture
>leftists re-reappropriate them hoping to fight fire with fire against right-wingers
>that just speeds up their descent to the ash heap of our lexicon because no one takes it seriously anymore just like "check your privilege" and "shitlord," which is what right-wingers wanted in the first place
Do your civic duty and help beat that shit into the ground, it had no place in intelligent discourse at any stage of its life.

I fapped in a female character I made in one the wwf/ e games

come on man thats not shameful, this is shameful

I was confused in vanilla game when this woman showed up and you rescue her with her massive mega milkers, then she just disappears.

they made her the transmogrification npc now right?

You're daringly optimistic. It's triggering my pessimism.

>woman shaped
fucking normalfag

no matter how much you or your therapist tells yourself, you should still be ashamed for jerking off to animals. i'd kill myself if i were you, honestly.

Nope. She was supposed to be the Mystic in vanilla but they "didn't have time" to implement it right or some bullshit excuse like that.
The actual Mystic they added in Reaper of Souls is someone else.

To be fair, Warriv even had a gossip line about her beauty because she's just a humongous sexy woman with monstrous doodads stuck on her.

Scratch that, it was Gheed, should've figured.


Shit taste.
Right score counter best girl, but only on a multiple of 2.




What game



lmao okay

well goddamn that's pretty idiotic of them.

thanks user

We all know you didn't FAP to this

nigger what the fuck kind of women do you hang out with that have tendrils/claws protruding from their back, gravity defying hair and claws for feet


>I don't even like the games
>or clowns
>or robots

send help


she's hot

it's cause she's smiling. softens the features

Stupid sexy skirt

I fapped to Borderlands 2 once because I saw an MLP reference and then I ended up thinking about ponut and then had a fap.
It's pretty shameful desu.

I'll go to hell just so I can fuck these weird-ass satyr demons

Why would you be ashamed of fapping to this?

what the fuck it looks like someone mirrored one side of her face but set the center too far so it isnt a perfect mirroring



I whacked off to this hard as fuck first time I seen it.
No shame here.

What kind of loser feels shame over masturbating to something?

don't ask

How I found out I liked macro

What's shameful about that?


Although I'm more ashamed for buying this shitty game.

Only shame here is how fucking vanilla this thread is.


no one can fap to this, no matter how hard they tried

you fucking degenerate

The crippled sister in A New Life, Hitman Bloodmoney

Still haven't bothered playing the game though.

I...don't remember any crippled sister?

I remember the target's wife being referred to once as "walking like a cripple", but I'm pretty sure that's just because she was drunk and in heels.

I was very young.

what gaem

Who didn't crush on Saria, though?

Anyone else jack it to these DEMONIC HIPS?

There more of this?

Asking for a friend.

yup, keep telling yourself that pal.

The game is ashen rift you swines. Unfortunately it's a survival game with crafting elements