Swiss indie devs threaten lawsuits to Greenlight commenters

Well these nignogs apparently are so sensitive that they can't take criticism or any form of negativity.

Screencaps of threats:

They've finally snapped and are now trying to sue people for insulting them after he's been deleting all forms of negativity and criticism of their game in both comments and discussions.
Why do developers think lawsuits will always help in a situation like this? It failed tremendously with Digital Homicide and such, but it's obvious that no one learns from those cases where fucking over your consumer base is the worst fucking thing to do, especially when your game has yet to even be released.

Other urls found in this thread:


LOL faggots.

>we have already taken legal action against a girl that insulted us

Oh shit, my sides.

didn't these cuckles learn that if you try and sue steam consumers you will get permabanned by gaben.

This actually looks like a lot of fun.

You know, for like an hour.

I don't know what the fuck goes through their minds that threatening legal action is going to help with anything. If anything, it just digs a deeper hole for them.



Not your personal army.


Literally no one cares.

Shillz detected.

>trying to get people to stop talking about a game

Game looks good.

lol @ devs tho

Fucking whiney bitches. People wonder why no one takes indie devs seriously.


Misspelling aside, I am positively certain you are not using that word correctly, my man.

>imgur link
Kill yourself faggot.

Provide an alternative then, faggot

>I don't know how to upload images on an imageboard

Sounds like a PR stunt. Ignore it

So is this you, op?

The fuck is wrong with Steam.

>I don't understand that OP can't upload the entire album in a single post and would rather use an imgur album that someone else made that can be updated over time instead of posting individual screencaps over a dozen posts like a faggot while having to wait for the post cooldown to let him post again

No, I found the game on the Greenlight "recent" page and saw the discussion posts where the imgur link was.

>we have already taken legal action against a girl that insulted us
Best thing I've read all day
In fact I'm going to use this later

>Openly arguing with a moderator is against the rules
Is this real or are they just making it up? This sounds like a horrible fucking rule where people will just ban you from their discussion for pointing out flaws in the game

Yeah, I'm guessing that is you.
Go back, moron.

>by law
Whose law says I can't call your product shit?

No press is worse than bad press

These are the kind of retards who browse Sup Forums these days.


>liberal trump hater gets upset when he gets criticized despite criticizing others
Fucking kek it's perfect

You must be new to the Steam forums, because the devs of any particular game pretty much have free sovereignty to do whatever they please with their game's own board, so it's common practice to completely delete and censor any kind of negative feedback they choose along with banning you from the board and (potentially) revoking your game.

>This is Digital Homicide being buttblasted about their shitty game all over again

I wonder what's wrong with Indie devs these days

>asks if op is that user
>op says no and explains where he found the game
>"yeah right thats you"

why bother asking if you're just going to make the jump to that, you nigger?

I've never bothered posting on them aside from this one web series "Jason" that some jew tried putting on steam. People were dogpiling that guy pretty hard and I joined in.

But yeah, didn't know devs could just ban you and try to get your game revoked for pointing out flaws in the game

This is average Sup Forums intelligence?

What game?

>>we have already taken legal action against a girl that insulted us

>makes Right Wing Death Squads: The Game
>implies it is anti-Trump
What does the dev mean by this? He knows how fun works, right?

judging by the comments, it looks like a bunch of these faggot comments are made by 9fag users and he's bribing them with keys to vote his game up

Fuck off back to Steam with your stupid fucking drama, you obnoxious fucking outsider.

Not even him but it's a meme you autist.

More like Sup Forums.

Yeah, and OP is one of those faggots looking to make a deal out of it by posting it on Sup Forums, because nothing screams Sup Forums like image links to external image hosting sites.

> 2017
> Europe having nations
Falling out of touch with your memes, gramps?

Good on them. It's time toxic internet trolls get put in their place.

>We have taken legal action
>against a girl that insulted us

Fucking EUROPE, lol.

if you don't care so much about the "big deal" of it all, then just fuck off to a different thread, faggot. why are you still here?

so the fuckers now claim that talking about piracy is "forbidden on steam by the way".

these swissniggers owe me some new sides

even more shit

>The entire fucking North American continent had lesbian as the most

How can this fucking place be so tasteless

>it's happening again

fucking Indie devs

At least the aren't like those faggots in Pakistan who all search for dicks.

Was just thinking the same because look how well that worked out for them.

Why does Jim put his toy collection on his podium stand? It looks really cluttered and it's weird.

Unless they're making death threats or trying to dox the developers, this is an open and shut case in favor of the commenters. Freedom of speech protects them from any attempts at lawsuits, and the courts can even argue that, if they don't want these negative comments, they can just delete them from the forums.

If a judge actually awarded these idiots anything, my palm would smash into my face so hard that I'd be feeling brain matter.

Lol, didn't know you could get banned on a greenlight page but I guess he was buttblasted by my comment.

the only threats being made are by the devs.

You can still make discussions indefinitely since only steam support can do that

how the fuck is that game not racist?

>politically motivated swiss indieshit

Can we label this as terrorism? Does it work that way?

>It's satire so I'm allowed to make it as offensive as I possibly can
>But others aren't allowed to do the same thing because they're not satirical
Jesus, when will people stop using satire as an out to make bad jokes

At least when you are offensive, make it even the slightest bit funny

"character" for his videos apparently, he's a fuckin manchild

He can do whatever he wants. It is called freedom, user.
All actions were freely done, which means there are no problems.

>they think the internet is sweden

How is this a personal army thread, exactly? I don't get it. OP didn't ask anybody to do anything, he just wondered how some devs can be THIS retarded.

You're more likely to label this as borderline racist. Kind of hilarious how hispanics are just one stereotypical character model.

As much as I love me some stereotypes, it's just funny how the devs constantly bring up "don't be mean to people on discussions, don't spam, etc." yet they go right ahead and be practically racist against hispanics in their game, in which racism is against the same rules he's constantly referring to

>here's the law in Sweden, a land literally ran by cuckolds, surely it applies to your country too!
Comedy fucking gold. I don't know what this game is, nor do I care, but jesus fuck these cunts are so delusional.

>Make a game essentially ridiculing Trump
>Be so thin skinned you can't take criticism

It looks/sounds hilarious too, oh well.

Well I jut check the greenlight page

The game is bland a fuck, at least the mexican could fight back but if the game is only a shitty cat and mouse chase and nowhere near fun.

And of coure the whole Trump thing iss jut another mass target on they backs

This man on the pic just made a real statement, why the fuck are they really making politicial crap games?

>America, Australia, Israel, UK, Canada, NZ, Ireland, Mexico, Venezuela, Iraq, Greece, and Norway putting aside their differences and all banding together to have good taste
Color me surprised. They're fighting the good fight.

>Russia, Sweden, Spain, France, Germany, Brazil, some Middle East countries, and most of South America all bending over to take the dick
Fucking pottery.

>Somolia craving fat women

The same reason why people bitching about any 3d models if gays, or nigers

Threatening with litigation in order to SHUT IT DOWN is actually an offence that falls under the law he is quoting.


American education

This is literally a Sup Forums rule, one that's been practised. You shit talk moot, evening your right, bannu mannu

>that single chunk of africa that's into bbw
>it's fucking somalia

This is literally a Sup Forums rule, one that's been practised. You shit talk moot, even your right, bannu mannu

>tfw I get banned regularly from shootan gaem servers by calling out admin abuse for the reason of abusing an admin

Is that you PS?

>white people acting entitled
wooow its like this never happens

Are you retarded perhaps user?

>its SJWs trying to rally on Sup Forums to take down "Racist" game where it depicts mexicans working

>its people trying to take down a developer who censors comments


modern swedes are mentally ill people

>Why do developers think lawsuits will always help in a situation like this?

Because they are rich snobby retards that think they are entitled to get whatever they want. Most of them are born with a golden spoon in their mouths. They are taught that they are always right and if anyone disagrees, they will sue. They're sjws that can't stand anyone with a different opinion than them.

Must maintain that echochamber by deleting all negative comments. Censor everything that disagrees with them. Ban everyone who thinks differently because they must be some muhsoggyknees white male.

You're either really young or live in front of a screen.


valve needs to tell them to fuck off and shut their shit down

what is this game anyway?

> We've sent them the sign-up for this free key

Are they giving away free keys for good reviews?

To everyone asking what game it is

Most probably. If you check out the page, you find out he's been shilling it on 9gag at the very least.

Nobody can load that link or the link OP posted.

It just says site cannot be reached. Seems it's either on ddos or too many people trying to access it at once.

Didn't think I would see my favorite Kindred Spirits couple here of all places, good taste, user.

>Like the 8th or 9th no-quality Trump meme game on Steam

Thank you, user. They're only my second favorite, though. Rock Dork and Disciplinarian are my favorite.

>Because they are rich
um... you know any idiot with a computer can make a game, right? the majority of devs that distribute on steam are middle class or poor.

They're cool too.