If you could only save one from being erased from history, which would it be? Why?

If you could only save one from being erased from history, which would it be? Why?

Zero Mission because without it we wouldn't get AM2R and ZM+AM2R > Fusion

Fusion is the more unique game, so that.

Haven't played both but fusion was dope. Had a lot of fun playing it on my bus ride home.

Fusion without a doubt. No more Zero Suit, means no more bimbo samus, and (hopefully) no Other M

ZM. I loved Fusion, but it was more linear. That's not where the series should go. Besides, they wrote themselves into a corner with it and don't know where to go with the plot.

Zero Mission because it's the best 2-D Metroid.

Definitely Zero Mission it's the third best Metroid.

Fusion because it's not a fucking remake.


Sure it has the "boring" talking stuff however it has a good and functional story. Nice and varied setting. Amazing music. Fun bosses.

OP asked about SAVING one, not about which to delete.

Neither. They're both fantastic games. Replayed them a million times as a kid.

Zero Suit doesn't appear in Fusion, user. She can't even take off the suit.

fusion is a new game not a remake, so i would take that

He said save one "from being erased from history". That obviously means that the one you don't choose WILL be erased from history. I chose to save Fusion, because that means ZM gets deleted from history. They're both fantastic, but seriously, fuck Zero Suit, and fuck Other M.

Fusion would have to go, because that was the beginning of strict linearity being forced into future games (Prime 3 and OM).

Fusion because it was one of the best entries in the franchise, even if Other M tried to retroactively ruin it, and because it brought back the Alien inspirations that led to the original game's creation.

fusion because its the second best 2D metroid

Fusion, I just enjoyed Fusion more. The bosses were better, I enjoyed the level design more too, yes it's linear but there's more off-map exploration than most give it credit for. Also the stealth section in Zero mission was not fun imo.

>Complaining about the linearity in Fusion

Were you really expecting a man-made space station to be as free and open as fucking planets?

System Shock 1 managed it.

Zero Mission because the heavy super-mario-bros. with-guns shit is just terrible.

None of these games are to blame for anything that went wrong with Metroid though, them cockblocking sequence-breakers didn't become as overt as it did in Other M.

>Metroid game
>Main gameplay theme is freedom to explore the environment
>Take this away from the player every five minutes

fuck I meant Fusion

Even though it's also pretty fucking bad because it basicaly said ''the series ends here'' and introduced Adam and the monologue shit still in a harmless state, like a baby

>Missing the point of the story

That was the entire point of Fusion. Samus had her agency entirely ripped out of her and the level design matched that. It's why things start opening up once you start disobeying orders.

Honestly Fusion, since ZM is a remake of Metroid 1 and Super Metroid is already a remake of Metroid 1 + additional stuff.
Zebes was cool to see jump from 8 to 16 bits, but a third time with the only additions being a crappy stealth segment and a meh boss is a bit much.

>Main gameplay theme is freedom to explore the environment
Only 3 games in the series follow Metroid 1's open exploration formula exactly. This is a moot point.

Even though ZM is more in line with original and SM metroid game progression, I liked fusion more.

>is more in line with original and SM metroid game progression
I'd fucking hope so.