Usually wear corporate attire on the way to work(have a good paying job)

>Usually wear corporate attire on the way to work(have a good paying job)
>own a 3ds
>take a train cause parking's hell on earth there
>don't dare to play the 3ds on the train
Anyone else feels this?

>work shit jobs
>play 3ds during downtime
> no fucks given
Might as well, I didn't get it for nothing

I'm always scared that someone I know is on the train, then somehow that gets to the boss. Won't get me fired but gonna be weird.

>Always wear corporate attire on the way to work (have a good paying job [better than yours])
>own a 3ds
>take a train cause parking's hell on earth there
>Unironically play Shitstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the train instead
Gotta keep up appearances

No one cares unless you play some weeaboo game, user.

>Better than mine
Fortune 500?

What new type of autism makes you afraid that it would be """"""weird"""""" if your boss knew you played handheld games?

Nobody on my commute works at my work place because of where I live so I don't need to worry about any of the randoms on the bus / train bothering me.

I'm also tall and confident so I just own it. I'm the nerdy guy but the chicks in my office think it's cute. I'm fine with that, I would never ever dip my pen in the company ink.

dude no one is paying attention to you. why the fuck would you care what some random fucks on the train think?

>Boss knows you still play bing bing wahooo!
>Probably start taking me to be a manchild.

Do people really brag about working at a Fortune 500 company?


Nope, as an adult, I don't care what strangers think of me.

>Not knowing how it works
>Working with the leading pioneers in the industry
>Pays well
>If shit don't go well, someone else would be willing to pay more for you

Fortune 100

No I know how it works. So many of my uni cohort ended up working in Fortune 500 companies that I didn't think it would be worth mentioning. The guys who ended up working in shit tier firms are the outliers

Fortune 50 my man

just drive a car like an adult

I work for a Fortune 5 company. Well it would be if the company was American. Doesn't mean shit really

As long as you're not invading other passengers "space" (ie.: blasting full volume Mario music / shouting and swearing every time you get killed / etc) you should be okay.

So use a fucking headphones, control your anger and don't give a fuck about anyone else.

t. someone who spends 16-20 hours a week on a train

>Not owning a Fortune 500 company and spending your free time talking about vidya to strangers and the FBI on a chinaman word processing message board.'re not poor are you?

Bill Gates, that you?

uhh you're worried a little too much about nothing, if anything

So much worse than your boss probably going home every night, cracking open a bear, and watching the game.