What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Vincent Valentine?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Vincent Valentine?
>that design
He's an interesting relic from when people were genuine/non-ironic with the crawling in my skin type shit. I never played Dirge though, so I don't know how he was in that.
Valentine is a whore's name.
Welp, guess I can't unsee that now
Doing that cursed password puzzle in the abandoned mansion back in the day and finally finding him was the hypest thing. Really had no idea what to expect so finding an entirely new character out of nowhere was very surprising.
He's cool. Wouldn't mind having him in Dissidia.
Dirge of Cerberus was dumb but flying around as Chaos Vincent with that hype as fuck Gackt song playing in the background was fun.
Nothing wrong with fictional whores
Pic related is superior in every way
Delet this.
Surprisingly unlikable. He's very lame in retrospect, he deserved to get cucked by Hojo, but in Dirge? Let me put it to you this way...
Vincent would be a hobo WITHOUT his father getting him the Turk Job. Vincent also is sooo good at his job he's constantly slacking off and taking a nap and doesn't get his ass fired because his father keeps him employed. Vincent's father is killed by Lucretia and Vincent's response to that is "I don't care if you killed my dad Lucretia, your pussy makes me hard!"
What a terrible piece of shit. Of course naturally there's his annoying obsession with Lucretia throughout the game. Made me wish he would have been killed off in FF7 permanently. Terrible character.
Wasn't her response some like "I killed your dad so I'll fuck Hojo instead! That will make things better!"?
>cucked by a scientist
He's a shitty written character but is visually appealing and that's enough for me to like him. Pretty much the same goes for most of the cast of Final Fantasy games.
She wanted to distance herself from Vincent because she felt too guilty to face him. Ergo, she ran straight onto Hojo's dick hoping it would scare Vincent off.
Talking about Vincent's response and why as a result he's unlikable. Putting it simply Vincent can be summed up as Thinking With His Cock the character, so its poetic justice that he neeeeever gets to tap Lucretia.
Seeing him not give a damn about his father, the guy who prevented him being in the streets going "Yo buddy, I'm homeless give me gil" just took Vincent to a whole new low. Vincent as he ultimately is? He'd be a perfect antagonist, not a hero. Or at least have the narrative make him a villain protagonist like Kratos from God of War, someone we are not meant to side with in terms of morality, but nah the story tries to pretend that douche is endearing, sympathetic, and likable. Fuck that junk.
On that note, Lucretia was never good, and in Dirge? Fuck this bitch got obnoxious it was like this forced attempt to not make her look like an idiot only to make her more annoying as a result.
Hojo got mad game tho. He could cuck anyone he wants.
I'm glad to see how well his transition and hormone therapy are going.
You got to wonder what was going on in the writer's heads when they wrote all this?
Didn't Dirge basically say Lucrecia experimented with her kid aka baby Sephiroth with Hojo with the JENOVA cells? Bitch was horrible.
I haven't played FF7 until 1 year ago and I thought he would impact the story at first but didn't really. So eh.
Literal cuckold
That was part of the original FF7. Dirge only added the bits about Lucrecia discovering Chaos and Omega and infusing Chaos into Vincent
Hojo got that mad scientist game. Goes to the beach in his lab coat and gives no fucks.
Lucretia ALWAYS agreed to the experiments with Hojo and Gast, but being a woman she actually had the nerve to say:
"Where is my baby! I want to raise him normally even thought I legally agreed to turn him into an experiment bought and paid for by Shinra!"
Fuck that cunt. The worst part of Lucretia is that she never dies. She outlives everyone including Red XIII. Bitch is supposedly "unkillable" yet Sephiroth and Jenava are killable. What a Mary Sue.
And of course no character thinks "Hmm this cunt deserves to die. She birthed a terrible monster." That would be politically incorrect to decree that a woman deserves to perish for her crimes.
And to think that he is pretty much the one who was the cause of everything that happened in the game.
I loved him when I was a little edgelord child because I completely overlooked his hilarious backstory and just thought
>BLACK and RED and a METAL CLAW and he has a GUN and he turns into MONSTERS so awesome
Then I grew up and realised he's truly pathetic, and Dirge just ruined the one shred of likeability he had
pretty entertaining game though, 6/10
Gun Wizard is a neato concept.
The sabatons and the weird clasps on his cloak irk me. The headband is messy and I think unnecessary, if he just had long hair it'd be fine. He's an okay design that's just a little too busy. Edgy memes aside he's okay, but he sticks out like a sore thumb next to the cast.
6.5/10 Better than Cait Sith
>political correctness
>in a Japanese game from 1997
It's not political correctness, but men IRL are unwilling to castigate women whenever they do wrong. I don't know how SE got away with Squall murdering Ultimecia back in the day because she was a psycho mass murderer monster.
Still, for the most part you could show a female character molest children, chop them up, feed them to wolves and most men would say "Please don't kill her, because MUH PUSSY!"
this fucking anatomy is hurting my perception of reality
Needs better limits. Having some crazy gun wizard limits would be nice.
He's a literal cuck.
who ever used him? Seriously.
You had to do a weird ass quest chain involving the submarine. All your other characters were powerhouses by the time he becomes available.
>Pic related is superior in every way
Until she was ruined in RE6.
What? You can get him as soon as you get to the mansion, the submarine shit is just for his ultimate weapon.
>Pretty much the same goes for most of the cast of Final Fantasy games.
More like the entire cast of every Final Fantasy game. Except maybe Tactics, which I haven't played.
He went to hell and back.
>drops spaghetti around a female scientist
>she went after another scientist's ravioli
>same scientist later offs him and puts linguine in him
>ends up being the father of Sephiroth and the main reason for a lot of shit going down
I think he takes his punishment too harshly. He couldn't have known what Sephiroth had become. If it was his kid in Lucrecia's womb, Hojo probably would have done the same anyway. The only thing he did wrong that I believe is arguable is that he accepted his punishment.
His game SUCKED and had nothing to do with him.
>turn into a wolf to fuck shit up(his only available form)
>get stun locked by a missile guy until I turn back into a fucboi
And then I see people giving it a pass because they had nothing else to play when it came out.